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The point is to make you feel like them, civilizational inadequacy and impotence
And that wouldn't happen, nigs like these dont intimidate me.
Save yourself time and energy
I am on bed cause of Jaundice, @Sharma Ji is providing me free entertainment by being a clown
Even doc, admires Muslim birth rates, secretly.
Muslims got the better of them, they know it but agreeing to it, that would take balls.
You guys are universally called p@jeet

How is that being personel? It is universal

Secondly I am not putting any words. It is a universal interpretation of this hadeeth. There are whole chapters in hadeeth books about "end of times". Go read about them. There are many hadeeths who tell us that dooms day would come when there won't be even a single muslim in the world. Dooms day is meant for kuffar and that is what this hadeeth that you quoted tells us


You can wish that like any other kafir. But we all know that Islam is the future

I really like this Hadith.

Here for weeks I have been talking about rats going back onto their holes.

Even my DP is inspired by that.

And here you actually have an ancient 1000+ year old Hadith if sending a serpent back into its hole.

Brilliant. Its what makes time spent on PDF worthwhile.

These rare flashes of brilliance. Epiphanies.
And to comment on the topic, hate against any religion or race in my opinion shows ones on insecurities. Islam teaches all men are as equals, no one is superior to another. We should follow this message and tolerate other people and religions. 19 pages, some of you are very faarigh
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