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One Saad ibn e Abi Waqas (RZ) made these guys human equivalent of dinosaurs

Now that's what I call domination
And he was ailing at that time, in his last time. Respect++
All I can see is one after another Europe going extreme right and cracking down on Muslims.

I dont know the basus of your delusions.

You control nothing. You will keep birthing and living like refugess.

The guns and money will continue to be held by the whites.

And they will use it.

Many far rights have converted to Islam too

You can keep pinning your hopes to finish Islam on sanghis and far rights

but that won't change the end result. Islam is meant to win and that is what would happen
Well atleast we know the latest topic on Indian WhatsApp😂

You are the archetypal instigator in the playground, eventually someone slaps them too

Naah. I'm an outsider there.

They are incompetent in meeting the threat you pose to our way of life.

Hence they shall be driven out.
Ab hindu ki count barhanai k liye yeh drama karna hai to karo

Hum to nahi mantai is ko
aap maano, ya naa maano

you are part of our akhand plans

from us you came and to us you shall return
And it's pathetic, and surprising is, the gen Z hindus, they are even worse and cringe.

Old men, but actually giggling girls, with complete indifference.

You can be a young person, but know enough to know something has gone rotten along the way
Naah. I'm an outsider there.

They are incompetent in meeting the threat you pose to our way of life.

Hence they shall be driven out.
They also care nothing for your people's propogation.
This is about end of times p@jeet

Once Islam would have total domination of the world

This matter will certainly reach every place touched by the night and day. Allah will not leave a house of mud or even fur except that He will cause this religion to enter it, by which the honorable will be honored, and the disgraceful will be disgraced. Allah will honor the honorable with Islam and He will disgrace the disgraceful with unbelief.

Ibn Ḥanbal, Musnad Aḥmad, 28:154, no. 16957

After complete domination Islam would be abandoned by the people on which the dooms day would come. Obviously dooms day is meant for kuffar only and that is what is said in hadeeth you quoted

This is about end of times p@jeet

Once Islam would have total domination of the world

This matter will certainly reach every place touched by the night and day. Allah will not leave a house of mud or even fur except that He will cause this religion to enter it, by which the honorable will be honored, and the disgraceful will be disgraced. Allah will honor the honorable with Islam and He will disgrace the disgraceful with unbelief.

Ibn Ḥanbal, Musnad Aḥmad, 28:154, no. 16957

After complete domination Islam would be abandoned by the people on which the dooms day would come. Obviously dooms day is meant for kuffar only and that is what is said in hadeeth you quoted
First, do not attack personal.

Second, this hadith I present it , talking about Islam only. There is nothing called a word "end of time" in this hadith. Do not put words in Prophet's mouth. It is unforgivable sin in islam. This Hadith is clearly talking about Islam, not "end of the time". There no end of time.

Third, there are many Hadiths, and verses in Quran which has ambiguity.
Watching the scenario all over the world right now, Islam is getting weak, not going towards domination.
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Didn't know the 8 year old youngling was fighting alone by himself, as you are portraying.

Bhai please read.

Your Arab daddies caught us at the nadir of our political and military strength as an empire.
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