How Many Fighter Jets Does China Produce Annually? More than US

Do people realize 60 percent of ship building looks like even jiangnan shipyard alone can build 15 destroyers we are talking talking about one out of a few hundred shipyard that can be used to built in wartime. One drydock can build 5 destroyers while also build type 076 and the 4thtype 075 just got done and ready for sea trial. Do they think china can't produce 50-60 destroyers all in one go don't wake the 🐉
America shipyards combined don't equal to one and they want to fight a war give me a break they have to go through china ships later of defenses and then land based Sam before even thinking about touching them shipyards and they are scattered all over plus Japa mainland is more than 1k km away u need a lot of medium and long range missiles for that and there's no production of such for the US
China doesn't lack the money either look at total banks assets of Chinese banks which is around 50 trillion dollars 1/3 of china revenue comes from state owned enterprises and china has 3 trillion in foreign reserve without even touching the printing press. China military expense is only at 1.5 percent gdp 3 percent is no problem 500 bil should do wonders especially if u can build everything domestically instead of buying foreign stuff which cost 4-5x more
China invested one trillion in infrastructure per year alone u think china will run out of money or in desperate of one cpc is the richest government in the world handing loans all over the world come on now. 90 percent of banks are state owned including the big 4 largest in the world.
Once countries need infrastructure projects they come to China remember 500b build back better where is it all empty talk. US can't even build high speed train since 2008 china has built 45k km of high speed rail while at the same time America can't even finish half of California high speed rail which in total is less than 700 km and expected to cost over 100 bil lmao even byd is building electric buses in the US. Even Egypt and Indonesia new capitals will be built by China. China has already built hanoi and Jakarta metro and they are both operational. Speed and efficient.
The kingdom wants to build Neom no problem just give china 1trillion and it will be done lol a straight line prison 🤣
Currently the US has a total F-35 fleet of 719.

F-35As- 458
F-35Bs- 162
F-35Cs- 99

Current F-22 fleet is 184.

Total US 5th gen fleet is currently 903. The US should cross 1,000 5th gen fighters within the next year.
the GAO said the F-35A's mission capable rate peaked in 2020 at 71.4 percent, then declining to 68.8 percent in 2021, 56 percent in 2022, and 51.9 percent in 2023, as the Air Force brought on more jets at the rate of about 40 per year.
F-22 will not see any action mark my words. How long will they be operational for who knows maybe maybe will be decommissioned in 10-15 years
Currently only china and the US can mass produce fighters . Russia is sitting at 3rd around 30. Then there's india with 0 lol
Engine is the most important part of the plane no engine u can't fly shit. It will take india a long time to produce one even it takes china a long time to go domestic. And mass production is a whole different story. And india is half ass with every project no wonder why tejas and amca will be delayed forever until they decide fo it let's go buy Rafael's and f-16 lol
Even 200 fighters a year will leave india in the dust as for navy china can just equip Pakistan Navy with type 039c and maybe more frigates in the future or even giving some away china doesn't lack ships it's expanding at a rapid pace maybe not fast enough to my liking I want to see at least 20 destroyers in em drydocks
US is still ahead of china in airpower at least 5 years. That's because china production was still low until recent years so there's more time to catch up. But there are ways to balance that with missile production. China is still ahead in hypersonic and china has a huge stockpile of em. What china needs is time nothing else.
Id rather china produce 200 uavs and 200 fighters all at once and at least 20 h-6 bombers a year and lots of awacs. Bombers don't have to be stealthy as long as u secure air dominance bombing bases in Japan and South Korea even Philippines don't require much distance. Japan and South Korea still have quite a formidable Air Force that's why china needs time fighting now is playing into enemies hands.

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