I am a dog killer...

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I didn't even bother saying good morning to officer Walton yesterday, just walked by.

The good ones eventually just quit.

Officer Walton is a local, no other job for him.

I used to watch him from my front porch pull over people just to say hello, how the folks, etc.

He doesn't do that anymore.

Iron eagle on my back.

The real SS tattoo on my right arm. Exact copy from a man who began in the Hitler Youth and went on to be SS. He fought on the Eastern Front against the communists. Retired in South Africa. Personally knew Adolf Hitler.

Yup. What I was referring to was the iron eagle. Found on the Iron Cross.
Poverty and hardship is very real here.

A few months ago a young father shot himself dead in front of his wife and kids next to the place I work at.
Another set his house on fire, then shot himself in the head as the flames rose.

He too, was being destroyed by the local court system.
A good friend committed suicide a few blocks away. Court system gave him a felony years ago. At the age of 58, got tired of it all. Shocked me. He built a successful landscaping business and helped others in his situation. Mowed the lawns of poor senior citizens, free if he had to.
Another, who trims trees, sell firewood, seen last week. Rob has a wife and eight kids he is trying to support.

He came over for a visit after his latest court hearing. We talked about how the local court system is grinding down the poor.
Yup. What I was referring to was the iron eagle. Found on the Iron Cross.

Every black person in town has already seen or know about my two tattoos.

They still wave at me when driving by, and say hello when our paths cross by.

The only ones who have a problem are the cops who thinks I am a dangerous person because of my tattoos.

Mostly from the training against "hate" most cops get, which is nothing more than a seminar or two.
Oklahoma is generally a gun friendly state in US. My advice, arm yourself for self protection.

A semi auto pistol would be perfect. It wouldn't cost you more than 1000 $, I guess. Make sure you have enough num of catridges and magazines.

That swine apparently is of no threat in daylight. As we say that's a barking dog. But it can turn into a threat at midnight or in the middle of a road. Be safe and always prepared
The best protection is a tight community and a good reputation.

I go to sleep with my doors wide open with meth heads walking by. No one will bother me. I am poor. And I try to show kindness to those suffering from drug addiction.

Every black person in town has already seen or know about my two tattoos.

They still wave at me when driving by, and say hello when our paths cross by.

The only ones who have a problem are the cops who thinks I am a dangerous person because of my tattoos.

Mostly from the training against "hate" most cops get, which is nothing more than a seminar or two.

Well, skinheads ARE violent people. That violent streak might subside as you get older, but it does not go away. As we can see from many gang videos. Of guys as old as you. It is good that you are out of it. But the ingrained response of a law enforcement officer towards someone sporting gang tattoos will remain. Just as you are "retired" so is he. But that only means both of you are not actively employed in your previous professions. It does not change the people you are.
The best protection is a tight community and a good reputation.

I go to sleep with my doors wide open with meth heads walking by. No one will bother me. I am poor. And I try to show kindness to those suffering from drug addiction.
Don't sound now like a poor black guy that tries to prove his honesty and rightful intentions by enabling his blood flow in the streets like that stupid Martin Lutherking.

A Muslim man, a true one, never annoys other people. Never bullies anyone, always helps the poor, always shows respect to every existing creature. But a Muslim, a true one, never allows himself to remain a poor man, never. Being poor is not bad at all but remaining poor is bad in our religion. If someone puts a hand on you, you should break that hand.
That's a great find @Raider 21 .. Hilarious too. Mystery solved.
Do you understand out of over six months of 24/7 surveillance of my home this is the one time I really got pissed off?

The actual lot line is only six feet from the neighbor's house. I have to be very close to his house to be trespassing.

I am nearly deaf. Without hearing aids, I lean forward to try to hear better. This is why it was so easy for Robert to sucker punch me.

Robert has me under surveillance and knows the one day I sit back to have a few beers is Wednesday or Thursday.

He knows when I am at my weakest.

Not going to fucking happen again. That video of me was a month ago. Since then, Robert has really upped his harassment of me, trying to get me to make another mistake.
Do you understand out of over six months of 24/7 surveillance of my home this is the one time I really got pissed off?

The actual lot line is only six feet from the neighbor's house. I have to be very close to his house to be trespassing.

I am nearly deaf. Without hearing aids, I lean forward to try to hear better. This is why it was so easy for Robert to sucker punch me.

Robert has me under surveillance and knows the one day I sit back to have a few beers is Wednesday or Thursday.

He knows when I am at my weakest.

Not going to fucking happen again. That video of me was a month ago. Since then, Robert has really upped his harassment of me, trying to get me to make another mistake.
wtf are you doing on this forum but ?
Don't sound now like a poor black guy that tries to prove his honesty and rightful intentions by enabling his blood flow in the streets like that stupid Martin Lutherking.

A Muslim man, a true one, never annoys other people. Never bullies anyone, always helps the poor, always shows respect to every existing creature. But a Muslim, a true one, never allows himself to remain a poor man, never. Being poor is not bad at all but remaining poor is bad in our religion. If someone puts a hand on you, you should break that hand.
I agree.

Wasn't always poor. In spite of my deafness, I always excelled.

As I get older, my hearing gets worse, limiting my options. My eyesight is poor from all the years doing accounting. There are very few good paying jobs in this area. Most here are working poor.
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