I am a dog killer...

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Did this for three months until his disability check came in.

All that time, locals would come up to me when Ray was gone, and warn me to stop or things will get ugly for me.
The right thing to do was to help a homeless disabled man.

I fear more what the Lord thinks of me than any man.

I am not perfect, or a saint, but I try my best
I do not regret helping Ray.

Just having difficulty after six months of harassment.

Would love to meet Muslims who can help me get through this, but don't know any. And I have yet to get a response from any local Islamic center within 100 miles.

Fine. I will study and figure it out on my own.
Yes, that video is embarrassing. I blacked out.

Don't even remember meeting the police, yet they let me go back to my house. I wasn't dangerous, just fed up not being left alone.
Photo taken from inside my back door.

Neighbor set up surveillance cameras to spy on me. Not just outside, but at any angle he could get to spy on me inside my house. Front, northside, and front porch. And listening devices. He has been listening to my phone calls even when I am inside my house.

This is all insane. After midnight, he is on his porch yelling at me. I am inside trying to have a little peace.
Oklahoma is generally a gun friendly state in US. My advice, arm yourself for self protection.

A semi auto pistol would be perfect. It wouldn't cost you more than 1000 $, I guess. Make sure you have enough num of catridges and magazines.

That swine apparently is of no threat in daylight. As we say that's a barking dog. But it can turn into a threat at midnight or in the middle of a road. Be safe and always prepared
Photo of dead dog when I found out it was dead. I asked Animal Control to come over and do an autopsy.

They didn't. Neighbor left the dog lay there all day.
I watched those dogs suffer in both extreme heat and cold the past two years. Gave up on reporting this to Animal Control at least a year ago.

Small pen, three medium and large dogs. Left outside.
Well i must say reading these posts - My next vacation trip wont be Oklahoma. Is this place twined with Afghanistan?
Well i must say reading these posts - My next vacation trip wont be Oklahoma. Is this place twined with Afghanistan?
I was warned years ago to not go to Oklahoma. Should have listened.

This state will suck the joy out of you.

Look it up. Oklahoma wins any contest for most miserable state.
There are good people. But there are too many power hungry zealots in power positions.
I noticed people who join the police around here change after a few years.

Three years ago, officer Walton was everyone's favorite local cop. Now he is just another dirty cop no one likes anymore.

Saw him in the courthouse yesterday morning wearing a scowl on his face.

I used to have his personal cell phone number. Tossed it months ago when I knew he was no longer a good cop.
I used to have conversations with officer Walton about the local police department and how he was trying to change things for the better.

He gave up. Go along to get along. It's just a paycheck. But I can tell being a police officer in Nowata is killing him inside.
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