I am a dog killer...

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Bro what exactly do you expect us to do about all this?
Bro what exactly do you expect us to do about all this?

This is all insane. After midnight, he is on his porch yelling at me. I am inside trying to have a little peace.

This is all insane. After midnight, he is on his porch yelling at me. I am inside trying to have a little peace.

There is a war coming to the US.


That will be more shattering than an invasion .
There is a war coming to the US.


That will be more shattering than an invasion .

Again, my neighbor is former intelligence, ex-piggy, lifetime of sucking at ZOG's tits. He knows the empire is crashing.

And he knows I know it will come crashing down. And knows I wouldn't give two shits if his government checks stop coming in.

Again, my neighbor is former intelligence, ex-piggy, lifetime of sucking at ZOG's tits. He knows the empire is crashing.

And he knows I know it will come crashing down. And knows I wouldn't give two shits if his government checks stop coming in.

Living in this part of the world we are used to regular bloodletting in the form of communal riots.

We live and band accordingly. Essentially India lives in communities, mohallas, ghettos.

There is safety in nymbers.

I dont think your individual firearms will save you when the war starts.

You have to ghettoize. Quickly. Now.
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@Davey Crockett

what's his deal, but.. is he a crazy deranged racist/islamophobe ?

on drugs ?

having a tough time of it for whatever reason ?

have you been singled out in the neighborhood for bullying ?

have you spoken to others in the community, maybe a friendly neighbor ?
@Davey Crockett

what's his deal, but.. is he a crazy deranged racist/islamophobe ?

on drugs ?

having a tough time of it for whatever reason ?

have you been singled out in the neighborhood for bullying ?

have you spoken to others in the community, maybe a friendly neighbor ?

Davy is Muslim. He needs to move to a Muslim dense area.

Why are you laughing. I'm dead serious.

That is a mentally sick society with guns.
Davy is Muslim. He needs to move to a Muslim dense area.

Why are you laughing. I'm dead serious.

That is a mentally sick society with guns.
he's also American

he should stand his ground and fight the good fight (not talking about violence here)

land of litigation hai, he got audio-visual evidence.. get a lawyer, Saul Goodman (di laaltaen) type banda
he's also American

he should stand his ground and fight the good fight (not talking about violence here)

land of litigation hai, he got audio-visual evidence.. get a lawyer, Saul Goodman (di laaltaen) type banda

I was in Seattle once. Driving around with a Belgian friend. He wanted to show me some land in the woods he had bought. Pretty place, hilly. And he was doing everything on his own. Really admire that about Americans. How good they are at building stuff. Regular people. No training. Doing concrete and woodwork. Insulation. Plumbing. Septic tank. Gas. Electrical. All by himself. And he's in my space professionally. Proper highly educated geek.

So we're driving around and we get talking about America and guns. And he calmly opens the glove compartment and takes out a gun. He says anyone messes with you, I carry this and (he makes a sign of cocking aiming and firing) kapow! Then he opens the cubbyhole in between the two seats (where we keep loose change, toll receipts etc.) and shows me live bullets scattered there, like loose change, and mints.

Blessed to live in India bro.

Cheers, Doc
He's some high ranking Mason at the local lodge behind my house.

What is your point?

Many Muslims are masons. Infact the first Freemason in India was a Muslim.

In Middle eastern countries, dogs are killed. There is a hadith which says dogs need to be killed.

What has this do with Zionism?
What is your point?

Many Muslims are masons. Infact the first Freemason in India was a Muslim.

In Middle eastern countries, dogs are killed. There is a hadith which says dogs need to be killed.

What has this do with Zionism?

A muslim khala once opened her door and threw a bucket of water on her steps because my friend and I were chatting outside her house. On the road. With his rottweiler on a leash. Psycho, man.
I was in Seattle once. Driving around with a Belgian friend. He wanted to show me some land in the woods he had bought. Pretty place, hilly. And he was doing everything on his own. Really admire that about Americans. How good they are at building stuff. Regular people. No training. Doing concrete and woodwork. Insulation. Plumbing. Septic tank. Gas. Electrical. All by himself. And he's in my space professionally. Proper highly educated geek.

So we're driving around and we get talking about America and guns. And he calmly opens the glove compartment and takes out a gun. He says anyone messes with you, I carry this and (he makes a sign of cocking aiming and firing) kapow! Then he opens the cubbyhole in between the two seats (where we keep loose change, toll receipts etc.) and shows me live bullets scattered there, like loose change, and mints.

Blessed to live in India bro.

Cheers, Doc
Nice, I happen to think that's very cool about them, the gun thing.. its in their constitution even, the right to keep and bear arms.

They have this old saying there "an armed society is a polite society"

Open carry is the way, nobody gonna mess with you if they see that holster.. mast scene.
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