Imran Khan Wife Revelations, extreme manhandling

premier shill of the status quo.

LOL. That would be almost cute if it weren't such a malicious lie simply because I don't drink any cult's KoolAid. :D

I was, and have been, describing the status quo exactly like it is from a time when the likes of you were still learning to walk.

Now, do you have anything coherent to say about the topic itself and not the posters? And stop lying.
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The "mafia" is made up of "we". "We" ALL make Pakistan what it is, by our choices and our actions, notwithstanding our noble-sounding words, which mean nothing.

What we do, and not what we say, show the world who we really are. And the world can see what we really are.
If “we” can burn down entire neighborhoods and wreak havoc because some hillbilly pastor decides to burn a Quran - “we” could have brought change decades ago.

Heck, you and @Fatman17 could probably testify to this but I heard that when the siege of Mecca happened - by Muslims - there were still riots and property damage done by protests in Pakistan.

Even the they were hacking off their foot to protest something their “ideal muslims” were doing in Mecca.
The "mafia" is made up of "we". "We" ALL make Pakistan what it is, by our choices and our actions, notwithstanding our noble-sounding words, which mean nothing.
We all didn't make Pakistan what it is, have you seen the demographics? Most of us are youth, huge numbers below 18, no, we didn't make Pakistan what it is Mr VCheng, it's the mobsters/establishment thriving on creating disunity, discord and sucking the country die and then doing a runner to West.
If “we” can burn down entire neighborhoods and wreak havoc because some hillbilly pastor decides to burn a Quran - “we” could have brought change decades ago.

Heck, you and @Fatman17 could probably testify to this but I heard that when the siege of Mecca happened - by Muslims - there were still riots and property damage done by protests in Pakistan.

Even the they were hacking off their foot to protest something their “ideal muslims” were doing in Mecca.

I was there when they tried to burn down the American Center on Fatima Jinnah Road in Lahore, and they did burn down the American embassy in Islamabad after what happened in Mecca:

It is us, clearly, that is the problem. US. No one else. But, please read on, the Denial is stronger in us than the Force is in Luke Skywalker:

We all didn't make Pakistan what it is, have you seen the demographics? Most of us are youth, huge numbers below 18, no, we didn't make Pakistan what it is Mr VCheng, it's the mobsters/establishment thriving on creating disunity, discord and sucking the country die and then doing a runner to West.

Of course, it is always someone else's fault, never your own. Deny it all you want if it helps your kind to sleep at night. I have no problem with that at all.

The youth that you claim are not at fault are the same ones trying to get the right sifarish to get into cushy jobs and marry into the right families and then come here and boast on PDF just how well connected they are to the system. And then deny they have no role to play in keeping the whole country and society exactly where they themselves want it to be.
Of course, it is always someone else's fault, never your own. Deny it all you want if it helps your kind to sleep at night. I have no problem with that at all.
Yes sometimes it is.
The youth that you claim are not at fault are the same ones trying to get the right sifarish to get into cushy jobs and marry into the right families and then come here and boast on PDF just how well connected they are to the system. And then deny they have no role to play in keeping the whole country and society exactly where they themselves want it to be.
Nope, most are trynna run out of the country now, the one's who are staying yeah they might or might not fit the description you are telling, you are a Pakistani too, by your logic, you are a culprit too.

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