India - China Relations

Qing dynasty?
Umm, actually, no.
India was a member of the United Nations when China was not.
That was when the UN was founded.
You are referring to the Dominion of India.
At that time, in 1944, there was no People's Republic of China. Your claims are based on Sun Yat Sen's democratic revolution of 1911. That was ripped out in 1950.
China was a founding member of UN, never expected you can be this stupid.

Now as homework, find out who the Qing were, and why they differed from the Han.
Find out how they changed China's ethnicity policy, that was part of the statecraft of Han, T'ang, Song and Ming dynasties.
Find out how China sought to claim Xinjiang and Tibet.
Find out who inhabited Xinjiang and how they vanished.

Don't talk about Chinese history before you have done this.

Also don't talk about recent Chinese history in the 20th century till you have found out about the transition from the KMT to the CPC.
China was a founding member of UN, never expected you can be this stupid.
That was KMT China. It remained a member until India among other nations persuaded the ROC to step down and replaced it with the PRC.

Oh, ROC is mysterious to you, isn't it? You keep asking questions about it!
Now as homework, find out who the Qing were, and why they differed from the Han.
Find out how they changed China's ethnicity policy, that was part of the statecraft of Han, T'ang, Song and Ming dynasties.
Find out how China sought to claim Xinjiang and Tibet.
Find out who inhabited Xinjiang and how they vanished.

Don't talk about Chinese history before you have done this.

Also don't talk about recent Chinese history in the 20th century till you have found out about the transition from the KMT to the CPC.
Ha, do you need to find how US became a country too?
Now as homework, find out who the Qing were, and why they differed from the Han.
Find out how they changed China's ethnicity policy, that was part of the statecraft of Han, T'ang, Song and Ming dynasties.
Find out how China sought to claim Xinjiang and Tibet.
Find out who inhabited Xinjiang and how they vanished.

Don't talk about Chinese history before you have done this.

Also don't talk about recent Chinese history in the 20th century till you have found out about the transition from the KMT to the CPC.
You shouldn't be harsh on the chinese. They don't have access to a free internet, and hence the quality of material from which they learn their history is sub par.
In fact this could be a good business for you. You can teach chinese history to disadvantaged kids like him and make some real money on the side.
Yes, the famous Communist leader on the extreme left.
Where is Soong Mei Ling? She was there at Cairo. But you don't know all that, do you?
Back then they were the ruling government in China, what's wrong?
It's China known to the world, you mean before PRC there was no China? who have you been smoking?
That's exactly the point. Both the ROC and then the PRC were successors of others, and their claims are based on those predecessors. Those predecessors COLONISED China.
You shouldn't be harsh on the chinese. They don't have access to a free internet, and hence the quality of material from which they learn their history is sub par.
In fact this could be a good business for you. You can teach chinese history to disadvantaged kids like him and make some real money on the side.
You Indians are notorious for being brainwashed by your media, so it's not surprisng you resorted to trolling this fast.
You shouldn't be harsh on the chinese. They don't have access to a free internet, and hence the quality of material from which they learn their history is sub par.
In fact this could be a good business for you. You can teach chinese history to disadvantaged kids like him and make some real money on the side.
Not to dullards.
I need basic intelligence, curiousity, and a willingness to learn.
Let me tell you, @Nilgiri is the soundest knowledgeable person on China on this forum.
After dealing with him, dealing with propaganda hacks is irksome.
That's exactly the point. Both the ROC and then the PRC were successors of others, and their claims are based on those predecessors. Those predecessors COLONISED China.
Which pedecessor colonized China?
You Indians are notorious for being brainwashed by your media, so it's not surprisng you resorted to trolling this fast.
Notorious how? In another of your chinese surveys?
Yes of course, Indians who have free media and free internet are more brainwashed than chinese, who have neither. Poor kids LOL

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