India - China Relations

Then why your government recognized them being part of China? you should run to replace Modi, lol
Of course! We are doing our best, but he hangs on, because of the support of people in India who are almost as ignorant about their own history as you are about yours.
They can't, because

  1. You don't know when China claimed Xinjiang and Tibet, and how.
  2. You don't know the history of the 1911 to 1950 period, even in its elementary form
  3. You don't know the history behind the Chinese maritime claims.
I know every bit of the Chinese history, do you have a history before 1947? Man, you keep making wild claims about others, it's not a good habit.
I know every bit of the Chinese history, do you have a history before 1947? Man, you keep making wild claims about others, it's not a good habit.
Then you should have demonstrated it when questioned.
You still haven't answered a single one of the questions I asked.
I know every bit of the Chinese history, do you have a history before 1947? Man, you keep making wild claims about others, it's not a good habit.
Yes, we have a history that goes back some 3,500 years as a second civilisation. There was an older one that was another few thousand years older.
Not to mention the Tibetan majority Gansu and Qing Hai..
This just shows you are totally ignorant on Chinese matters. Those two provinces are overwhelming Han majorities.
Yes, we have a history that goes back some 3,500 years as a second civilisation. There was an older one that was another few thousand years older.
I never claim I know more Indian history than you do, I m not that crazy.
They can't, because

  1. You don't know when China claimed Xinjiang and Tibet, and how.
  2. You don't know the history of the 1911 to 1950 period, even in its elementary form
  3. You don't know the history behind the Chinese maritime claims.

Programming not available. :D
Then you should have demonstrated it when questioned.
You still haven't answered a single one of the questions I asked.
You only make wild crazy claims, not questions.
US state department documentary, Battle of China. 1944
You only make wild crazy claims, not questions.
Again, my questions are on record.
Your fear of engaging with them is visible.
Your mistakes - accidental? - in quoting me are also visible.

This is worrying.

Do you actually understand the difference between Chinese HISTORY and CHINESE, as in language?
View attachment 7781
US state department documentary, Battle of China. 1944
So you know Chinese history back to 1944.
VERY impressive.

Tell us.

When you were in the US, what did you do there? You keep talking about your stay there, but what emerges is abysmal ignorance about your own, so it is a matter of curiousity what you know about the US, and how you know.
Again, my questions are on record.
Your fear of engaging with them is visible.
Your mistakes - accidental? - in quoting me are also visible.

This is worrying.

Do you actually understand the difference between Chinese HISTORY and CHINESE, as in language?
What question? I know our history way better than you, is it the answer you expected?
So you know Chinese history back to 1944.
VERY impressive.

Tell us.

When you were in the US, what did you do there? You keep talking about your stay there, but what emerges is abysmal ignorance about your own, so it is a matter of curiousity what you know about the US, and how you know.
It's already 3 years before you India became a country.
Qing dynasty?
It's already 3 years before you India became a country.
Umm, actually, no.
India was a member of the United Nations when China was not.
That was when the UN was founded.
You are referring to the Dominion of India.
At that time, in 1944, there was no People's Republic of China. Your claims are based on Sun Yat Sen's democratic revolution of 1911. That was ripped out in 1950.

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