India - China Relations

Sorry, we should both withdraw. I lost my temper, and voluntarily withdraw.
It’s okay sir, you are my senior and I hold you in high regard. I just want us all to find some common ground at least here on the internet and I know you wish exactly the same.
It’s okay sir, you are my senior and I hold you in high regard. I just want us all to find some common ground at least here on the internet and I know you wish exactly the same.
Thank you, but in fairness to Beijing Walker, I feel both of us need to give it space. Let me attend to other things.
When do we hold hands and sing to each other
most of the time actully , even in lots of international issues india and china are on same side ( for reason whatsoever) . on people to people level , its much better , be it old time cultural bond or movies in recent times or $ 110 B worth of business, its not happning without people to people goodwill.
most of the time actully , even in lots of international issues india and china are on same side ( for reason whatsoever) . on people to people level , its much better , be it old time cultural bond or movies in recent times or $ 110 B worth of business, its not happning without people to people goodwill.

Off topic here but perhaps somewhere else can you please explain why India can’t do the same approach with Pakistan.
Off topic here but perhaps somewhere else can you please explain why India can’t do the same approach with Pakistan.
Religion ... legacy and current.

On China and India, the two populations have no residual connect nor hatred.

There are mild racist overtones on our side. A distaste bordering on disgust for some of their dietary preferences. But that is it.

It does not spill into our daily lives. Nor has been a part of our history. Distant or more recent.

Cheers, Doc
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Some guys do the same bombarding on China too, didn't you notice?

There are number of ways I can answer your objection, I will try but I hope you won't take offence as that is not my purpose.

I can't go around posting objections everywhere, largely because I never read a thread in detail unless it grabs my attention, and to be perfectly honest I usually just read your first post, which I also assume is your main purpose. I have read various comments about you, I see those as jealousy, your country is doing well, and you have reasons to be proud so share all you want, good for you guys.

My reasons for objecting here were two; from what I've observed nilgiri seems like a decent sort, the type who engages in proper discussions, and you have 67,000 posts, I just expect a degree of maturity, anyone else, and I wouldn't have bothered. If you want to bombard or do a tit for tat, please feel free, it makes no difference to me, but I'm sure there are plenty of idiots on this forum who deserve that treatment.

The scope of this thread has already widened from what I believe to be the original intent, for instance Chinese identity, it's somewhat comparative I suppose, and leaves a lot of room for you to post rebuttals.

You can post comparisons between Chinese identity and Indian identity.
Sinisation is a historical process, no such process has existed in India, you have plenty of room in which to play your cards.
Identity is either a top down process, or a bottom up process. In China it was mostly a top down process, the example of bottom up process is England, where for hundreds of years the ruling classes were non English, yet the English language, and Englishness remained, largely due to the pressure from the masses.
In China, the development of Han culture largely followed a top down process, that's fine because historical processes were different in different societies. No grouping in the world, such as Bengali, Tamil, Punjabi, Japanese, French or any other, no grouping woke up one day and decided OK today we will be Tamil, Japanese or whatever, they followed a process of evolution, that evolution always had various drivers, those drivers and that process is what created their identity, their ethnicity.

That process did exist in China and resulted in over 90% of China being Han Chinese ethnicity, the same process never existed in India, so there is no such thing as Indian ethnicity, Indian is a nationality, not an ethnicity.

So you have a lot of space to bombardment, but on the right topics, post maps on what India the region/South Asia looked like before the colonial period, and post maps of what China looked like before the colonial period.
Post stuff about your trade relations, post about your border issues, post about your maritime concerns, you are two large countries, surely there are any number of relevant topics on which you can bombard.

I just thought two people, about which I generally had positive image would be open to construct feedback. Personally I don't have much of a desire to contribute on this topic, but I do have a desire to read, because it seems interesting.
There are number of ways I can answer your objection, I will try but I hope you won't take offence as that is not my purpose.

I can't go around posting objections everywhere, largely because I never read a thread in detail unless it grabs my attention, and to be perfectly honest I usually just read your first post, which I also assume is your main purpose. I have read various comments about you, I see those as jealousy, your country is doing well, and you have reasons to be proud so share all you want, good for you guys.

My reasons for objecting here were two; from what I've observed nilgiri seems like a decent sort, the type who engages in proper discussions, and you have 67,000 posts, I just expect a degree of maturity, anyone else, and I wouldn't have bothered. If you want to bombard or do a tit for tat, please feel free, it makes no difference to me, but I'm sure there are plenty of idiots on this forum who deserve that treatment.

The scope of this thread has already widened from what I believe to be the original intent, for instance Chinese identity, it's somewhat comparative I suppose, and leaves a lot of room for you to post rebuttals.

You can post comparisons between Chinese identity and Indian identity.
Sinisation is a historical process, no such process has existed in India, you have plenty of room in which to play your cards.
Identity is either a top down process, or a bottom up process. In China it was mostly a top down process, the example of bottom up process is England, where for hundreds of years the ruling classes were non English, yet the English language, and Englishness remained, largely due to the pressure from the masses.
In China, the development of Han culture largely followed a top down process, that's fine because historical processes were different in different societies. No grouping in the world, such as Bengali, Tamil, Punjabi, Japanese, French or any other, no grouping woke up one day and decided OK today we will be Tamil, Japanese or whatever, they followed a process of evolution, that evolution always had various drivers, those drivers and that process is what created their identity, their ethnicity.

That process did exist in China and resulted in over 90% of China being Han Chinese ethnicity, the same process never existed in India, so there is no such thing as Indian ethnicity, Indian is a nationality, not an ethnicity.

So you have a lot of space to bombardment, but on the right topics, post maps on what India the region/South Asia looked like before the colonial period, and post maps of what China looked like before the colonial period.
Post stuff about your trade relations, post about your border issues, post about your maritime concerns, you are two large countries, surely there are any number of relevant topics on which you can bombard.

I just thought two people, about which I generally had positive image would be open to construct feedback. Personally I don't have much of a desire to contribute on this topic, but I do have a desire to read, because it seems interesting.
I didn't do the "bombardment " first, I perfer to have a decent dissussion with facts and figures, I don't mean to troll any threads. If they like to have normal discussion with me, I would be very obliged.
All states in India should be allowed to walk away from India union indeed.
And Xinjiang from the PRC, and Tibet too. Not to mention the Tibetan majority Gansu and Qing Hai. Let's leave out marginally majority Tibetan states for now.
And Xinjiang from the PRC, and Tibet too. Not to mention the Tibetan majority Gansu and Qing Hai. Let's leave out marginally majority Tibetan states for now.
Then why your government recognized them being part of China? you should run to replace Modi, lol
I didn't do the "bombardment " first, I perfer to have a decent dissussion with facts and figures, I don't mean to troll any threads. If they like to have normal discussion with me, I would be very obliged.
They can't, because

  1. You don't know when China claimed Xinjiang and Tibet, and how.
  2. You don't know the history of the 1911 to 1950 period, even in its elementary form
  3. You don't know the history behind the Chinese maritime claims.

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