India supplying drones and artillery to Israel

Exactly... not to mention how Ukraine was disappointed by using faulty Pakistani artillery shells but when Slovenia under NATO pressure supplied our Nalanda factory manufactured shells to Ukraine without India's knowledge those shells devastated Russian military to the level later Russians too started importing those shells from us....
Man, our game just leveled up big time! With Adani Defence kicking off one of the biggest ammo and missile complex in Kanpur, and 70% of that pumping out for exports, we're rolling. Solar Industries Ltd was the first private company in India to open a BMCS facility for our forces. They also export these products abroad. Premier Explosives Ltd and Bharat Forge are also doing great work in this field and gaining recognition. With these private players big shots and OFB in the house, India’s now flexing as the world’s 2nd or 3rd largest ammo powerhouse, covering almost all the global demand. You can see the shift – the Indian military is now sourcing 90% of its ammo from local players and aiming for the full 100% next fiscal year. We're killing it.
Not a single Indian against sending ammunition.

LOL! If history had any value, UK and US would have been dead by now. You should quit UK, you know. Compared to UK, India is a saint.

lol @ comparing India with the US/UK.

They will get away with things India never can.
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Not a single Indian against sending ammunition in a
Why would Indians oppose it when India is expanding its presence in the global defense market? Not only can we export large-caliber ammunition but companies like Kalyani are also producing high-quality artillery guns in India. Every component, from the barrel, breech, muzzle, stabilizers, and recoil mitigation system to the ballistic computer and firing solution, is locally designed and manufactured with highly automated processes.

Why would Indians oppose it when India is expanding its presence in the global defense market? Not only can we export large-caliber ammunition but companies like Kalyani are also producing high-quality artillery guns in India. Every component, from the barrel, breech, muzzle, stabilizers, and recoil mitigation system to the ballistic computer and firing solution, is locally designed and manufactured with highly automated processes.

So India will supply ammunition/ bombs to anyone no matter whether they are using them to massacre civilians?
Not a single Indian against sending ammunition.

lol @ comparing India with the US/UK.

They will get away with things India never can.

You sound scary..

Man, how many comments this revelation requires? I thought this thread would have been locked by now. Sounds like venting...
Stay on topic guys
Exactly... not to mention how Ukraine was disappointed by using faulty Pakistani artillery shells but when Slovenia under NATO pressure supplied our Nalanda factory manufactured shells to Ukraine without India's knowledge those shells devastated Russian military to the level later Russians too started importing those shells from us....
Dude you made the whole country I.e Armenia lost the war bcz of the shit defence system you supplied to them 🤣
With supply from other countries at worst you lose a battle ,indian weapons change the outcome of the war really quick 🤭
Not a single Indian against sending ammunition.
India is 1.4 billion strong, you will find few who are against sending ammunition.

BTW, Israel supported India when no one else did. So I guess, why will India not support Israel?
Why not? India is a very powerful nation.

Not credible as you need to import 80% of your weapons systems by value - fighter jets, ships, tanks etc.

The % of Indian componenents by value is either non-existent or very low and always the low-tech stuff.

You cannot even alienate the GCC lot as they can kick your migrant workers out at any time.
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India is 1.4 billion strong, you will find few who are against sending ammunition.

BTW, Israel supported India when no one else did. So I guess, why will India not support Israel?

Was India committing genocide in 1999 during the Kargil war?

I don't think even India's arch enemies ever called India a genocidal state.

Think of it this way, if somone gave you a gun to defend yourself against your neighbour are you going to in return supply him with a machine gun to massacre innocent people in a shopping centre, just because he had an issue with someone who worked there?
Not credible as you need to import 80% of your weapons systems - fighter jets, ships, tanks etc.
So does UK. UK no longer makes any fighter jets. And India does not make ships? LOL! India made its own aircraft carrier. Most of european countries can not even make a destroyer.

The % of Indian componenents is either non-existent or very low and always the low-tech stuff.
False. Its pretty high.

Can UK make AESA radar? Nope! Can UK make its own ABM? Nope! Can UK launch its own satellites? Nope!

You cannot even alienate the GCC lot as they can kick your migrant workers out at any time.
Actually, it is the other way round. GCC can not afford to alienate India. If they kick out Indian migrant workers, that will be the end of GCC. Why do you think Saudi Arabia treats India much better than say Bangladesh? Or Pakistan? India is not even Islamic. Why do you think UAE invests in Kashmir but not in Banladesh?

India is a massive world power.
Was India committing genocide in 1999 during the Kargil war?

I don't think even India's arch enemies ever called India a genocidal state.

Think of it this way, if somone gave you a gun to defend yourself against your neighbour are you going to in return supply him with a machine gun to massacre innocent people in a shopping centre, just because he had an issue with someone who worked there?
None of India's concern.

Israel called its favour and India answers. Simple. When India needs help Israel has provided it.

BTW, if US can live while being a genocidal country, India can too.
None of India's concern.

Israel called its favour and India answers. Simple. When India needs help Israel has provided it.

BTW, if US can live while being a genocidal country, India can too.

Hang on.

Is India not signed up to the "Genocide Convention" as it is a member of the UN?

ICJ says it is "plausible" the entity is committing genocide in Gaza and if they are found guilty, then India will also be complicit.
Dude you made the whole country I.e Armenia lost the war bcz of the shit defence system you supplied to them 🤣
With supply from other countries at worst you lose a battle ,indian weapons change the outcome of the war really quick 🤭
Its 2024, if you still believe in the Swati radar story which many created as a lame attempt at trolling, I have meds to sell you.
So India will supply ammunition/ bombs to anyone no matter whether they are using them to massacre civilians?
Civilians are killed in every war in one form or the other. I'm pretty sure the Israelis would be trying their best to limit civilian casualties because every dead Gazan is a negative PR for them that increases each passing day. Other than that, no forumer has shown any evidence of Indian arty shells being used other than "claims".
Is India not signed up to the "Genocide Convention" as it is a member of the UN?
Has USA signed the same convention?

ICJ says it is "plausible" the entity is committing genocide in Gaza and if they are found guilty, then India will also be complicit.
Ooooh. India is scared. They will have to find USA complicit first. And then what will they do?

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