India Turns the Page with Russia


Dec 11, 2023
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India Turns the Page on Ties with Russia After Ukraine War

When India’s External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar went to Moscow last week, he appeared to turn the page in India-Russia ties after two years of tightrope walking.

For the better part of the last two years, even as it had maintained neutrality on Ukraine and rapidly expanded trade with Russia, India had been wary of any perceptions of alignment with an isolated Moscow. There had been a pause in the annual bilateral meetings between India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. India had chosen to hold the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit virtually last year rather than hosting Putin in New Delhi. It had also conveniently escaped hosting Putin at the G-20 Leaders’ Summit.

Throughout that period, India had continued to import oil and coal from Russia in unprecedented quantities, but New Delhi did so under the perception — deliberate or otherwise — that it had few strategic alternatives to trade with Moscow. There were seldom glowing references to Russia as an Indian ally, and Modi had even publicly lectured Putin about avoiding war.

But the world has since changed. As Israel has waged an appalling war in Gaza, the tables have turned, and U.S. support for the Israeli government in that war has diluted Washington’s moral high ground. Last month, the U.N. General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” in Gaza. Only 10 countries, including Israel and the United States, voted against it. In the U.N. Security Council, the U.S. had to resort to a veto to kill a near-unanimous resolution.

Washington’s isolation over Gaza coincided with more bombastic rhetoric from New Delhi. After copping criticism from Western observers for meeting with Putin last week, Jaishankar said, “Please look in the mirror and tell me how you were behaving as a democracy.”

The agenda for bilateral talks between India and Russia has also expanded. When Jaishankar went to Moscow in 2022, there was heavy focus on oil trade, as India rushed to take advantage of discounted Russian crude.

This time, there was much more. In talks with Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Jaishankar discussed “the state of multilateralism and the building of a multipolar world order.” Ahead of the meeting, Lavrov said the two countries are interested in “building an international political and economic system that would be open and fair for everyone.”

Progress was also made on other important fronts. The Ukraine war appeared to have derailed military ties between the two countries; in 2022, Russia was buying back arms from India amid losses in Ukraine and crippling sanctions. That had added to larger concerns in New Delhi about Russia’s reliability as a supplier. But Moscow is now making an effort to revive military ties. Last week, Lavrov announced that he had made significant progress with Jaishankar on plans to jointly produce military equipment.

For New Delhi, this could be a major fillip. In the quest to indigenize its defense supplies, India has long hoped for joint development partnerships — in particular with the United States. But progress has been hampered over the years for sundry reasons, including regulatory barriers and industry concerns in the U.S. If India and Russia now begin to jointly develop military technology, that may only make the U.S. more wary; Washington may fear potentially losing trade secrets and technical know-how to Russia via India.

Under the circumstances, India may be tempted to choose Russia over the United States. Ties with Washington have soured in recent months after the U.S. alleged that an Indian government official had directed a murder plot in New York. U.S. President Joe Biden subsequently turned down an invitation to travel to New Delhi for India’s Republic Day parade later this month.

With Russia, on the other hand, there are few causes for irritation. As Jaishankar put it this week, “[Russia] is a relationship that [has] served India well.”

That statement of resounding endorsement would have been more uncomfortable only a year ago, with global public opinion squarely focused on casualties in Ukraine and the moral case against Russia’s unilateral invasion. But with Washington now implicated in a gruesome conflict of its own in the Middle East, India and Russia have recovered more strategic space.
Bold and consistent, is it a bargaining ploy or serious suggestion to align to Russia?
Bold and consistent, is it a bargaining ploy or serious suggestion to align to Russia?

It is not a bargaining ploy. India sincerely values its privileged strategic partnership with Russia.

OTOH relations with the US are a little bit soured because of the Pannun case and Biden's refusal to attend India's Republic Day.
India has never been closer to the US and its sphere of influence than in the past 10 years under the Sangh ideology and worldview.

It may be argued that governments come and go but the deep state of any nation remains undisturbed.

However, under the Sangh, every democratic institution and constitutional edifice and safeguard watchdog of checks and balances has been infiltrated by personnel and ideology.

Including and especially the armed forces.

The ties with the US, both at strategic and military levels, hace been at the direct cost of long existing ties with Russia since Soviet times.

The elephant in the room is defence deals and kickbacks. With an increasingly recalcitrant Russia. Not willing to fork out any party tricks to what it saw as an ongoing legacy deal.

And a hungry American military industrial complex dying to get a proper chunk out of the most populous nation in the world with the largest military exports.

This piece is puff. Follow the money.

Cheers, Doc
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It is not a bargaining ploy. India sincerely values its privileged strategic partnership with Russia

It does, but it also in reality underneath the statements have to balance it's relations with both and you could use the opportunity to express gratitude and signal to the us that recent controversies are not sitting well.
India has never been closer to the US and its sphere of influence than in the past 10 years under the Sangh ideology and worldview.

It may be argued that governments come and go but the deep state of any nation remains undisturbed.

However, under the Sangh, every democratic institution and constitutional edifice and safeguard watchdog of checks and balances has been infiltrated by personnel and ideology.

Including and especially the armed forces.

The ties with the US, both at strategic and military levels, hace been at the direct cost of long existing ties with Russia since Soviet times.

The elephant in the room is defence deals and kickbacks. With an increasingly recalcitrant Russia. Not willing to fork out any party tricks to what it saw as an ongoing legacy deal.

And a hungry American military industrial complex dying to get a proper chunk out of the most populous nation in the world with the largest military exports.

This piece is puff. Follow the money.

Cheers, Doc
Good afternoon doc

India and Russia are natural allies and Russia is time tested and russia trusts india but niether trusts USA but India needs USA while vice versa as all three have a common enemy ... so logic says india shouuld mantain normal friendly and mutually benefitial relations with both Russia and USA and keep its trade realtions with China and that i guess is current govts policy ..minor hiccus do come time to time but they are managable as niether US camo nor the russian bamp will worsen its relations with india for each other ...cheers doc
Good afternoon doc

India and Russia are natural allies and Russia is time tested and russia trusts india but niether trusts USA but India needs USA while vice versa as all three have a common enemy ... so logic says india shouuld mantain normal friendly and mutually benefitial relations with both Russia and USA and keep its trade realtions with China and that i guess is current govts policy ..minor hiccus do come time to time but they are managable as niether US camo nor the russian bamp will worsen its relations with india for each other ...cheers doc

Good afternoon Guru.

Which "three" have a common enemy?

India, America and?

This disgruntlement with Russia in Sangh high command is something that was shared with someone who's family is high up in the sangh (generations ) and is also in a key area of our armed forces.

Cheers, Doc
Good afternoon Guru.

Which "three" have a common enemy?

India, America and?

This disgruntlement with Russia in Sangh high command is something that was shared with someone who's family is high up in the sangh (generations ) and is also in a key area of our armed forces.

Cheers, Doc
You are a very well educated person Doc dont try to talk like ecosystem botts ...... i have been attending BJP & RSS meetings since last 35 years and never seen anyone talk about indo us or indo russian relatiions ..... please RSS dose not controls the foriegn policy its made by MEA & PMO and never changes

and look over all India USA & Russia have a common enemy and thats China deu to its so called WOLF WARRIOR DIPLOMACY

and since we are all on PDF which thinks China as its big brother they dont find this diplomacy of India Russia and USA valid and try to scuttle it off under various fictitious counter nerratives ... wait till elections are over they this time again will be feeling same like they felt after supporting Biden in last elections ....cheers doc
You are a very well educated person Doc dont try to talk like ecosystem botts ...... i have been attending BJP & RSS meetings since last 35 years and never seen anyone talk about indo us or indo russian relatiions ..... please RSS dose not controls the foriegn policy its made by MEA & PMO and never changes

and look over all India USA & Russia have a common enemy and thats China deu to its so called WOLF WARRIOR DIPLOMACY

and since we are all on PDF which thinks China as its big brother they dont find this diplomacy of India Russia and USA valid and try to scuttle it off under various fictitious counter nerratives ... wait till elections are over they this time again will be feeling same like they felt after supporting Biden in last elections ....cheers doc

Rest I will share on the phone.

Without names or details, since they are obviously privileged.

But the Sangh has serious misgivings about Russia and China.

And it started with Russia going slow on parts and spares and twisting our arm on prices during the Admiral Gorshkov refitting.

Cheers, Doc
Rest I will share on the phone.

And it started with Russia going slow on parts and spares and twisting our arm on prices during the Admiral Gorshkov refitting.

Cheers, Doc
Doc as far as i know admiral groshkov deal was done before UPA came to power for 1.2 billion US Dollars but then UPA came and they needed there share and not just they jacked up the price of the done deal by more than three times over remeber NDA had done deal with dassault for complete manufactring line setup transfer of Mirage2000 to india and then UPA came and rejected it and same UPA gave 40 million per fighter for upgrade minus the engine .... so please doc i know many things .... please please mera mu mat khulwao in congressies & inke UPA wallon ne kya kya kiya hai indian defnce and intelligence ke saath 2004 se 2014 tak sunnogge to congress ka saara bukhaar uttar jayegga
You are a very well educated person Doc dont try to talk like ecosystem botts ...... i have been attending BJP & RSS meetings since last 35 years and never seen anyone talk about indo us or indo russian relatiions ..... please RSS dose not controls the foriegn policy its made by MEA & PMO and never changes

and look over all India USA & Russia have a common enemy and thats China deu to its so called WOLF WARRIOR DIPLOMACY

and since we are all on PDF which thinks China as its big brother they dont find this diplomacy of India Russia and USA valid and try to scuttle it off under various fictitious counter nerratives ... wait till elections are over they this time again will be feeling same like they felt after supporting Biden in last elections ....cheers doc
in which world, Russia has Enemy in China ?? Russia's most reliable ally in past 10 years is China
India has never been closer to the US and its sphere of influence than in the past 10 years under the Sangh ideology and worldview.

It may be argued that governments come and go but the deep state of any nation remains undisturbed.

However, under the Sangh, every democratic institution and constitutional edifice and safeguard watchdog of checks and balances has been infiltrated by personnel and ideology.

Including and especially the armed forces.

The ties with the US, both at strategic and military levels, hace been at the direct cost of long existing ties with Russia since Soviet times.

The elephant in the room is defence deals and kickbacks. With an increasingly recalcitrant Russia. Not willing to fork out any party tricks to what it saw as an ongoing legacy deal.

And a hungry American military industrial complex dying to get a proper chunk out of the most populous nation in the world with the largest military exports.

This piece is puff. Follow the money.

Cheers, Doc
It's called geo-political expediency, doc sb, this apparent tilt toward the murricans. It is driven in large (if not wholly) by the dragon to our east.

Still quite measured an approach.

Some make it sound like we threw Ms Borisova under the bus, stabbed her in the back, and have been cheating with arch enemy Ms America as a sadistic cherry to top it all off.

Player log hain current lot, as the old saying goes.. 'dekha mauka, maara chawka'

Also, just to be clear, I'm not a smarthak of some of these shenanigans, and deeply distrust the US.. but then we're compelled to also, to a degree. I don't think we've thrown our lot in with either of those giants.

I like that about our country.. be it Israel - Palestine, US - Russia, or any other X vs Y ... not our circus, not our stage but we can do the odd special guest appearance.. why not, the monies are good.
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in which world, Russia has Enemy in China ?? Russia's most reliable ally in past 10 years is China
China wants russian land and claims as it owns and they have very very serious problems there

also @vsdoc


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