Indian Air Force News & Discussions

yeah, I mean often a mix of bad planning and geo politics bites you on the ass, longer term India will inevitably recover from this, but how long is long? 10 years, 15 years, 20 years?

PAF went through this exact thing with the F-16 saga in the early 90s. Bad economy and US screwing us meant that between 1992 and 2002, basically 20 years, we were a third rate Air Force in terms if equipment.

Thankfully IAF has the Rafale, tat will give it breathing space, but 10 years from now there will be a very heavy 5th gen Chinese presence and a small PAF 5th gen presence.

China is near USA super power so trying to build a detterance against them is useless and impossible imo

For Pakistan 30/40 j31 will.not tilt the balance too much

India will.have
Rafale in air force and navy by then may beyond 100/125 fighters
Upgraded su30mki to super mki
And better second tier fighters in Tejas mark1a and And mark two
Overv400/500 modern fighters

The rest of the Pakistani air force is obselete bar 24 j10... Unless your suggesting massive induction of j10 alongside j31 too over next five to ten years.. which find unlikely in your current state
China is near USA super power so trying to build a detterance against them is useless and impossible imo

For Pakistan 30/40 j31 will.not tilt the balance too much

India will.have
Rafale in are force and navy by then
Upgraded su30mki to super mki
And better second tier fighters in Tejas mark1a and And mark two

The rest of the Pakistani air force is obselete bar 24 j10... Unless your suggesting massive induction of j10 alongside j31 too over next five to ten years

No one knows how many J-31s PAF will get.

If you think 2 sqds of 5th Gen will not tilt the balance, you know nothing about 5th Gen.

Right now the F-16 and J-10 pretty much take care of anything in IAF bar the Rafales, so your statements bear no resemblence to reality.
No one knows how many J-31s PAF will get.

If you think 2 sqds of 5th Gen will not tilt the balance, you know nothing about 5th Gen.

Right now the F-16 and J-10 pretty much take care of anything in IAF bar the Rafales, so your statements bear no resemblence to reality.
No as per usual you are biased

Your F16s are ancient bar 18 block 52s

The Indian air force of 2030 will eat your F16S with ease .. Aesa equipped mki Tejas Rafales navy and air force will see first and carry better bvrs

You made no effort to seriously do upgrade them at all ..

Just banking on 24j10 abd 30, j31 will not tilt balance full stop.

And no way are you able to acquire 100 plus fifth generation for fighters again 100 million each

If the budget fifth generation then they are not more than mid fourth generation from fighters from Europe or USA
Elsewhere you were claiming that PAF JF-17 are nearing their service life....keeping in mind that IAF is still holding onto even older MiG-21s , Jaguars and MK2S.
@ topic
Dude if the IAF was so successful in evading the AMRAAMs then one wonders what was the purpose of holding a press conference and crying and complaining to US for supplying PAF with AMRAAMS.
BTW, the MKi pilot screaming mayday as the second turbine exploded is quite convincing.

Maths and logic is not the strong point of most of the folks on this forum, I get it. Most just are here to assuage their own egos, I get that too. Ignore the realities and push an agenda that is feel good.

-JF-17 Block 1s were claimed to have 3000 hours to 4000 hours of airframe life (different sources give different numbers).
-JF-17 Block 1s started to be inducted 17 years ago, even if they're being used 200 hours per year, that's 3500 hours of flight time, finished.
-There are folks on this forum whose maths is so poor, they claim that every PAF pilot gets 240 hours flight time per year and then there are 2 pilots per fighter. That means 480 flight hours per year per fighter!
If that number was remotely accurate, JF-17 Block 1s even with rotation of airframes and engines, would've run out of airframe life in 10 years itself! LOL.

The problem with you guys is you are so heavily into propaganda, it's ludicruous.

It is why your country is such a terrible mess and your economy is in tatters. Because you don't apply sound logic but just love to soak in feel good propaganda.
No as per usual you are biased

Your F16s are ancient bar 18 block 52s

The Indian air force of 2030 will eat your F16S with ease .. Aesa equipped mki Tejas Rafales navy and air force will see first and carry better bvrs

You made no effort to seriously do upgrade them at all ..

Just banking on 24j10 abd 30, j31 will not tilt balance full stop.

And no way are you able to acquire 100 plus fifth generation for fighters again 100 million each

If the budget fifth generation then they are not more than mid fourth generation from fighters from Europe or USA

F-16 MLU and Blokc 52 are almost identical in capability, but you do not seem to realise that tells me all I need to know.

2030 IAF, yes, that is how these chats always end. in 2045 IAF will shoot down PAG F-7PGs that we operate now.

Sorry to burst your bubble about Chinese stealth technology
Simply building an air Frame that looks relatively modern does not get you sensor fusion network enabled or the stand off weapons engagement of a F35 lightening or Rafale F5 with unmanned drones that is entering into service

China is not at this level yet
Sorry to burst your bubble about Chinese stealth technology
Simply building an air Frame that looks relatively modern does not get you sensor fusion network enabled or the stand off weapons engagement of a F35 lightening or Rafale F5 with unmanned drones that is entering into service

China is not at this level yet

Do you know the insides of Chinese J-31?
More footage from Exercise Tarang Shakti Phase 1 in Sulur.

Tejas Mk1, Su-30MKIs with Eurofighters and Rafales from Germany, Spain and France.

Do you know the insides of Chinese J-31?

I know Chinese weapons fail
I know the Chinese struggle to sell their arms to top tier military powers
I know that USA and french weapons work the best
I also know that India will induct both Tejas in large no's and Rafales for air force and Navy and that the su30mki will get a very expensive serious upgrade to make it very relevant in south Asia in next three decades
India will induct between 200*/300 Tejas and Rafales next ten years with ease
In contrast what is Pakistan likely to achieve in its current conditions

Maybe handful of j10 and handful of j31 post 2030

Too little too few in numbers
I know Chinese weapons fail
I know the Chinese struggle to sell their arms to top tier military powers
I know that USA and french weapons work the best
I also know that India will induct both Tejas in large no's and Rafales for air force and Navy and that the su30mki will get a very expensive serious upgrade to make it very relevant in south Asia in next three decades
India will induct between 200*/300 Tejas and Rafales next ten years with ease
In contrast what is Pakistan likely to achieve in its current conditions

Maybe handful of j10 and handful of j31 post 2030

Too little too few in numbers

Will, maybe , post 2030, in the future.

Yes, you proved my point
Maths and logic is not the strong point of most of the folks on this forum, I get it. Most just are here to assuage their own egos, I get that too. Ignore the realities and push an agenda that is feel good.

-JF-17 Block 1s were claimed to have 3000 hours to 4000 hours of airframe life (different sources give different numbers).
-JF-17 Block 1s started to be inducted 17 years ago, even if they're being used 200 hours per year, that's 3500 hours of flight time, finished.
-There are folks on this forum whose maths is so poor, they claim that every PAF pilot gets 240 hours flight time per year and then there are 2 pilots per fighter. That means 480 flight hours per year per fighter!
If that number was remotely accurate, JF-17 Block 1s even with rotation of airframes and engines, would've run out of airframe life in 10 years itself! LOL.

The problem with you guys is you are so heavily into propaganda, it's ludicruous.

It is why your country is such a terrible mess and your economy is in tatters. Because you don't apply sound logic but just love to soak in feel good propaganda.
Then again if someone had a brain they would be dangerous. Maybe instead of habitually taking pot shots at Pakistan to make yourself look gifted, you should remind yourself that people from esteemed India crawl on Pakistani forums for certain reasons. Let me ask you, what was the airframe life of Mirage 3s of 50s and 60s era....somehow PAF is still flying them after more than 50 years operational service, closer to your home, Jaguars airframes reportedly have same lifespan as the JF-17s, some 45 years on they are still airworthy with the IAF. Are you so dense to conclude that after say JF-17s airframe life is exhausted they must be turning into scrap...yea a big Lol.
IAF has placed another follow on order for 200 Astra Mk1 missiles. That is in addition to the 200 Astra Mk1 for the IAF and 48 for the IN placed in 2022. Looks like BDL would've completed deliveries from the earlier order for 248 and will now start production of the next batch of 200 missiles.

IAF approves additional Astra Mk1 production

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has approved the production of 200 additional Astra Mk 1 air-to-air missiles, an IAF source confirmed to Janes on 8 August.

According to the source, IAF Deputy Chief of the Air Staff Air Marshal Ashutosh Dixit granted the service's approval for the production during a visit to the manufacturer, Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL), in Hyderabad, South India, earlier in August. The missile first entered IAF service in 2017.

Janes understands that the approval for production will support deliveries of the missile to IAF units operating the Tejas Mk 1 and Sukhoi Su-30s. The IAF source could not specify the timeline of deliveries of the additional batch, stating that this was dependent on BDL's production schedule.

“However, we require the missiles as soon as possible,” the IAF source said.

The approval for the additional production comes nearly two years after the Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) awarded BDL a contract in 2022 to supply the 200 missiles and associated equipment to the IAF, as well as 48 for the Indian Navy, according to an MoD announcement in May 2022. The contract had a value of INR29.7 billion (USD350 million).

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