Indian Americans - USA and Western politics

Ultimately it will collapse as there is NOTHING in common between indians and white europeans. As long as there is Islamaphobia and anti-Chinese sentiment they will be disparate bedfellows but long term, their alliance is not feasible, natural, organic or sustainable.

The Indians are being courted here, and I don't think the are falling for it, which has to be acknowledged hence you have this cringe fest.

Indians at their core will always have suspicion and historical worry about Western alliance because the British were so particularly pernicious and sneaky that it makes them more suspicious

The Indians genuinely seem to love Russia more sincerely and are open about it, despite Ukraine

India is in a geo political sweet spot and this is being manifested in all sorts of ways
That's the implied direction of travel, or inference that's never that explicitly said, but there are Christians in the group, and they project their identity through Jesus

Ofcourse they do, it's everywhere

But in this patch work group you have those that dislike Jesus

They may dislike Jesus Christ but that can be overridden provided you are sufficiently Islamaphobic and anti-Chinese.
If anything the Arabs wanted in

Which the GCC are scum,the saw the Zionist lobby and it's control in the west

The Zionists saw the writing on the wall in the middle east and understood Israel risked isolation in a region that was starting to change, so reached out to the Arabs and they tried to work out a deal

The deal being, the Arabs have money, but they are not wholly trusted in the west

They will give Israel recognition, make a alliance
The Zionists lobby will then give access to the power structure in the west and both th Zionists and Arabs will make hay at the expense of the general goyim in the west

It's a deal the Arabs liked, but it came at the expense of the Palestinians who fought back

As I said, we need to put the dumb fcuk Afghans to rest one way or the other so we can concentrate on these enemies

Different topic, but the non Arab world have been duped by the GCC and suddenly feel betrayed

In fact they allowed themselves to be deluded and suddenly upset delusion shattered

The truth was in front of you, they have all their wealth in dollars, that's all you need to know
They may dislike Jesus Christ but that can be overridden provided you are sufficiently Islamaphobic and anti-Chinese.

Actually look more at the ground level dynamics.

As a barometer this split, look at Candace Owens, Kanye West... I am serious, they both say Christ is king

Who are their enemies, who are their admirer's

The whole world seems to be functioning on a strategy of tension basis
MThe Indians are being courted here, and I don't think the are falling for it, which has to be acknowledged hence you have this cringe fest.

Indians at their core will always have suspicion and historical worry about Western alliance because the British were so particularly pernicious and sneaky that it makes them more suspicious

The Indians genuinely seem to love Russia more sincerely and are open about it, despite Ukraine

India is in a geo political sweet spot and this is being manifested in all sorts of ways

True or not, one thing is for certain. The indians are NOT going to fight the Chinese or Muslims in order to further western interests. They certainly don't want a british/anglo-saxon Raj part 2. That is one of the reasons why the alliance between the indians and white european nationalists will ultimately fail.
True or not, one thing is for certain. The indians are NOT going to fight the Chinese or Muslims in order to further western interests. They certainly don't want a british/anglo-saxon Raj part 2. That is one of the reasons why the alliance between the indians and white european nationalists will ultimately fail.

That's why India has been called the most important geo strategic relationship of the century for a number of years

Note, century.... It's about long term view, so maybe not this generation, or the next, maybe the one after is the target

Meanwhile you have the whites of UK and USA directed to hate Muslims, bash one group, cover another, strategy of tension.

India is also important in terms of just staying in the western system, the sco will attempt to create it's own system and just keeping India on the west not in Asia as much as it can is important

Finally, remember, Pakistan had a preferable run with the West for a good 50 years, got a nuke .... Just by existing, being an important cog in the western system at that time

But Pakistan did indeed go phull support tbh against the Soviets, they never tried to balance, funnily the Soviets left the Karachi steel mill, the us left the Taliban.
That's why India has been called the most important geo strategic relationship of the century for a number of years

Note, century.... It's about long term view, so maybe not this generation, or the next, maybe the one after is the target

Meanwhile you have the whites of UK and USA directed to hate Muslims, bash one group, cover another, strategy of tension.

India is also important in terms of just staying in the western system, the sco will attempt to create it's own system and just keeping India on the west not in Asia as much as it can is important

Finally, remember, Pakistan had a preferable run with the West for a good 50 years, got a nuke .... Just by existing, being an important cog in the western system at that time

But Pakistan did indeed go phull support tbh against the Soviets, they never tried to balance, funnily the Soviets left the Karachi steel mill, the us left the Taliban.

Global power dynamics is certainly moving away from the Middle East towards the indo-Pacific and central Asia.
There is some weird dynamic going on here that I don't understand. For whatever reason, indians want to be the preservers and facilitators of the white european races and indian women who are successful in the west want to breed/procreate with white european men. Have no idea why this is. Do the indians want to merge with the white european races? Is this a "marriage of convenience" in order to express/implement their Islamaphobia?

Its ingrained in hindusiam itself
Hinduism is a top down religion where brahmins are at the top. Everyone below is suppose treat brahmins with uttermost care and respect. Guess who created this system?
The brahmins themselves!

Who are the brahmins? Descendants if Aryan invaders coming feom the Pontic steppe, who drove out aboriginal people in the subcontinent (dravidians) to the southern most part of the peninsula.

Thats why indians worship everything white. because whiteness in hiduism is a sign of cast superiority. Sounds familiar ?
Well now it's very in the open, your average maga guy will be having to compute and digest allyship with Indians... Madhav is offering a billion lol

And that's the point of the thread, how will this work or play out?

At the end of the day, maga is about giving more opportunity to the average American and having less wars

National conservatism, so called, is about wars with Iran, money to you know who and more visas for Indians

The same split exists in UK right wing

Nick griffin Vs Nigel farage

Candace Owens Vs Ben Shapiro

Who are the ones speaking in favour of Gaza.

What you see is the classical zionist trick to hijack a movement.

The gullible white national conservatives will be fooled. They will be forced to share bed with Israel-lover and Indian nationalist

Bring the popcorn…
Its ingrained in hindusiam itself
Hinduism is a top down religion where brahmins are at the top. Everyone below is suppose treat brahmins with uttermost care and respect. Guess who created this system?
The brahmins themselves!

Who are the brahmins? Descendants if Aryan invaders coming feom the Pontic steppe, who drove out aboriginal people in the subcontinent (dravidians) to the southern most part of the peninsula.

Thats why indians worship everything white. because whiteness in hiduism is a sign of cast superiority. Sounds familiar ?

But some so called, "brahmins" are completely dravidian themselves. There is 0 aryan anything about them. So this "white aryan" worship doesn't make sense. Also, what is it with successful indian women in the west desperate to breed with white european men? Why don't they prefer their own kind?
Its ingrained in hindusiam itself
Hinduism is a top down religion where brahmins are at the top. Everyone below is suppose treat brahmins with uttermost care and respect. Guess who created this system?
The brahmins themselves!

Who are the brahmins? Descendants if Aryan invaders coming feom the Pontic steppe, who drove out aboriginal people in the subcontinent (dravidians) to the southern most part of the peninsula.

Thats why indians worship everything white. because whiteness in hiduism is a sign of cast superiority. Sounds familiar ?

I don't think Hinduism is even superficially understood in the USA, in terms of is structure, history and differences to any Abrahamic faith.

Desi's talking on essentially a desi forum is one thing, we will all have an explanation about one another, so this is a desi echo chamber

but how many Americans know what a Dalit is and how many exist?

Familiarity can breed contempt
What you see is the classical zionist trick to hijack a movement.

The gullible white national conservatives will be fooled. They will be forced to share bed with Israel-lover and Indian nationalist

Bring the popcorn…

Its a strategy of tension, look up the history of this term

The players and how they are defined and manipulated is one thing, the top level concept is strategy of tension

So Mr vance mocks the UK for being Islamist, with a Hindu Indian wife projected as a model minority, all American

Days later riots in Leeds, blame Muslims, the less educated ghettoised ones in the North

All I am really trying to tell you, using this thread, is understand what might effect you and your family, we have a lot of people in the West here, it's really not about Indians per se, they are not controlling this, they qualify well for a certain role.... but the west and z's control the paradigm, they change it because they can, we are all price takers, not price setters

Having the same tired observations and mocking really won't help you here.
Days later riots in Leeds, blame Muslims, the less educated ghettoised ones in the North

It was Romanians, due to social services removing one of their kids
Its a strategy of tension, look up the history of this term

The players and how they are defined and manipulated is one thing, the top level concept is strategy of tension

So Mr vance mocks the UK for being Islamist, with a Hindu Indian wife projected as a model minority, all American

Days later riots in Leeds, blame Muslims, the less educated ghettoised ones in the North

All I am really trying to tell you, using this thread, is understand what might effect you and your family, we have a lot of people in the West here, it's really not about Indians per se, they are not controlling this, they qualify well for a certain role.... but the west and z's control the paradigm, they change it because they can, we are all price takers, not price setters

Having the same tired observations and mocking really won't help you here.

The riots in Leeds were by Romanians and Czech Romas. NOTHING to do with Muslims. Completely FALSE. FAKE news.
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It was Romanians, due to social services removing one of their kids

Right wing press went with Muslims, perception becomes the reality

No one denies how linked UK and USA are, if the republicans win expect Tommy Robinson to be boosted here, Mr vance has already started

A bad scenario would be more riots and street fights, led by Tommy, Muslims targeted as the hate group, the Tories completely playing the culture war card, braverman, Patel etc... capture the far right, then maybe in 4 or 8 years time you have a really far right government in power, with a population resenting the perceived problems caused by Muslims, but now they feel empowered.

A lot to digest

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