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India Is Chasing China’s Economy. But Something Is Holding It Back.​

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India Is Chasing China’s Economy. But Something Is Holding It Back.​

Long-term investment in India by businesses is stagnant, and foreign money is falling, even as the government is driving growth with infrastructure spending.
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Alex Travelli
By Alex Travelli
Reporting from New Delhi
  • Jan. 2, 2024
India’s economy is booming. Stock prices are through the roof, among the best performing in the world. The government’s investment in airports, bridges and roads, and clean-energy infrastructure is visible almost everywhere. India’s total output, or gross domestic product, is expected to increase 6 percent this year — faster than the United States or China.
But there’s a hitch: Investment by Indian companies is not keeping pace. The money that companies put into the future of their businesses, for things like new machines and factories, is stagnant. As a fraction of India’s economy, it is shrinking. And while money is flying into India’s stock markets, long-term investment from overseas has been declining.
Green and red lights are flashing at the same time. At some point soon, the government will need to reduce its extraordinary spending, which could weigh on the economy if private sector money doesn’t pick up.

No one expects India to stop growing, but a rise of 6 percent is not enough to meet India’s ambitions. Its population, now the world’s biggest, is growing. Its government has set a national goal of catching up to China and becoming a developed nation by 2047. That kind of leap will require sustained growth closer to 8 or 9 percent a year, most economists say.
Foreign direct investment in India
Note: Rolling 12-month total
Source: Reserve Bank of India
By The New York Times
The missing investment could also present a challenge for Narendra Modi, the prime minister since 2014, who has concentrated on making India an easier place for foreign and Indian companies to do business.
Mr. Modi is in campaign mode, facing elections in the spring and rallying the nation to cheer his successes. The sluggish investment is not something executives, bankers or foreign diplomats like to discuss, for fear of looking like naysayers. But investors are playing it safe while the economy is signaling both strengths and weaknesses.
One point of widespread agreement is that India should benefit from China’s slowdown, which has been fueled by an unfolding property crisis. China’s geopolitical tensions with the West present another opening for India, by motivating foreign companies to move production in China to other countries.

A market at night amid concrete pylons above for a road under construction.

The site of a new metro station and flyover in the Indian capital, New Delhi. The government’s investment in airports, bridges and roads, and clean-energy infrastructure is visible almost everywhere.Credit...Rebecca Conway for The New York Times


But while money is flying into India’s stock markets, long-term investment from overseas has been declining.Credit...Rebecca Conway for The New York Times
Sriram Viswanathan, an Indian-born managing partner at Celesta, a Silicon Valley venture capital fund, describes investors “wanting to fill the vacuum that has been created in the supply chain.”
“That, I think, is the opportunity for India,” he said.
The World Bank has applauded India’s commitment to infrastructure spending, which ramped up during the pandemic when the private sector needed rescuing. Since then, the government has doubled down, paying for bricks-and-mortar improvement to the rickety roads, ports and power supply that once discouraged business investment.
But the World Bank, whose mission is to nudge developing economies higher, says it is critical that those billions’ worth of government spending ignite a burst of corporate spending. Its economists speak of a “crowd-in effect,” which happens when, for instance, a new port next to a shiny new industrial park lures companies into building plants and hiring workers. Last year, the bank said it anticipated an imminent crowding-in, as it has forecast for almost three years running.
“To accelerate the growth of confidence, public investment is not enough,” Auguste Tano Kouamé, the World Bank’s country director for India, said at a news conference in April. “You need deeper reforms to make the private sector invest.”

A lack of confidence helps explain why the stock markets are setting records, even while foreign investors are backing away from buying into the Indian economy through start-ups and acquisitions.


India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, in Ahmedabad in November. One reason businesses are watching and waiting to make investments is Mr. Modi’s powerful national government.Credit...Atul Loke for The New York Times
The stock markets in Mumbai, India’s business capital, are worth nearly $4 trillion, up from $3 trillion a year ago, making them more valuable than Hong Kong’s. India’s small investors have been a big part of that, but trading stocks is quick and easy, compared with buying and selling companies. A recent annual average of $40 billion in foreign direct investment has shrunk to $13 billion in the past year.
One reason that businesses are watching and waiting to make investments is Mr. Modi’s powerful national government.
On the one hand, business craves stability in political leadership, and India has rarely, if ever, had such a well-entrenched leader. He demolished the main opposition party in three big elections across the Hindi-speaking heartland in December and looks like a shoo-in for re-election this year. And Mr. Modi is vocally pro-business.

His government plays a markedly interventionist role in managing the economy, in a way that can make it dangerous for firms to place their stakes.
In August, the government announced sudden restrictions on the import of laptop computers, to spur production at home. That sent businesses that depend on them into a tailspin, and the measure was almost as suddenly withdrawn. Likewise in July, the government slapped online betting companies with a retroactive 28 percent tax, gutting a $1.5 billion industry overnight.


Workers in Dholera, an industrial park in the state of Gujarat, in August. The World Bank has applauded India’s commitment to infrastructure spending, which ramped up during the pandemic.Credit...Atul Loke for The New York Times


“To accelerate the growth of confidence, public investment is not enough,” Auguste Tano Kouamé, the World Bank’s country director for India, said at a news conference in April. “You need deeper reforms to make the private sector invest.”Credit...Atul Loke for The New York Times
Businesses close to Mr. Modi and his political circle have done especially well. The most prominent examples are Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Industries and the Adani Group, conglomerates that reach into numerous areas of Indian life. Their combined market power has grown gigantic in recent years: The flagship stocks of each company are worth about six times more than they were when Mr. Modi became prime minister.

Some smaller companies have been the target of high-profile raids by tax-enforcement agencies.
“If you’re not the two A’s” — Adani or Ambani — it can be treacherous to navigate India’s regulatory byways, said Arvind Subramanian, an economist at Brown University who served under Mr. Modi’s government as chief economic adviser from 2014 to 2018. “Domestic investors feel a little bit vulnerable,” he added.
The past nine years of Modi government have improved many things in the business environment for all. Crucial systems work better, many types of corruption have been reined in and digitization of commerce has opened up new arenas for growth.
“What is really complex and interesting about this Modi phenomenon is that there’s a lot of hype and bluster and manipulation,” Mr. Subramanian said. “But it’s built on a core of achievement.”
Still, foreign officials charged with bringing billions of investment capital to India complain that much of the traditional pain of doing business in India lingers. The one most frequently cited is red tape. Too many officials get involved at every level of approval, and it remains painfully slow to obtain legal judgments, let alone to enforce them.


A consumer market in New Delhi. Foreign officials charged with bringing billions of investment capital to India complain that much of the traditional pain of doing business in India lingers.Credit...Rebecca Conway for The New York Times


The biggest wild card is whether India can grab a significant share of global business from China. Credit...Rebecca Conway for The New York Times
Another factor holding back longer-term investment is an underlying weakness in “the India growth story.” The most powerful source of demand, the kind that foreign investors and domestic businesses covet, is among the wealthiest consumers. In a population of 1.4 billion, about 20 million Indians are doing well enough to buy European consumer products, build luxury homes and beef up the top tier of the automotive sector.
Most of the rest of the population is struggling with inflation in food and fuel prices. Banks are extending credit to consumers of both kinds, but less so to businesses, which fear that the great majority of their customers will be tightening their belts for years to come.
“For the moment, there is no evidence that investors are feeling reassured about India,” Mr. Subramanian said.
But he remains hopeful. The annual growth, even if less than 6 percent, is nothing to sniff at. The new and improved infrastructure should attract more private investment eventually. And the benefits of consumer wealth, unevenly distributed as they are, could over time raise up more incomes.

The biggest wild card is whether India can grab a significant share of global business from China. The highest-profile example is Apple, the $3 trillion megacompany, which is slowly moving some of its supply chain away from China. Its pricey iPhone has barely 5 percent of the Indian market. But currently about 7 percent of the world’s iPhones are made in India — and JPMorgan Chase has estimated that Apple intends to get that to 25 percent by 2025. At that point, all kinds of things become possible for India.
“We should keep our minds open,” Mr. Subramanian said.


Businesses close to Mr. Modi and his political circle have done especially well. Some smaller companies have been the target of high-profile raids by tax-enforcement agencies.Credit...Kenny Holston/The New York Times

India’s Imports of Russian Crude Oil Fall amid Tighter U.S. Sanctions

The tougher enforcement of the G7 sanctions and related payment issues have been holding up Indian purchases of some cargoes of Russian crude oil, with tankers previously headed to India now turning back eastwards, tanker-tracking data monitored by Bloomberg showed on Tuesday.

At the end of last year, the United States took a tougher stance on the sanctions against Russia and sanctioned several vessels for violating the G7 price cap of $60 per barrel, above which cargoes cannot use Western insurance and financing. Some of those tankers were already en route to India loaded with Russia’s Sokol grade and departed from the Far Eastern ports in Russia.

According to the ship-tracking data Bloomberg has compiled, five tankers carrying Sokol were headed to India last month. But now all five – the NS Commander, Sakhalin Island, Krymsk, Nellis, and Liteyny Prospect – are headed away from India and on to the Malacca Strait, suggesting that India wouldn’t be taking those purchases after all.
A sixth tanker, the NS Century, which has been idling off Sri Lanka for months caught up by the sanctions, is still in that area, according to the data.

As of the end of November, India was still considering whether to allow the now-sanctioned tanker carrying Russian oil to approach and dock at one of its ports—a sign that the U.S. clampdown on Russian crude trade could limit India’s ability to buy and import cheaper oil.

The NS Century, owned by Russia’s state-owned fleet owner Sovcomflot and lying the flag of Liberia, has been floating off Sri Lanka since November 17, a day after the U.S. sanctioned several maritime companies and three vessels for transporting Russian oil above the G7-set price cap. The U.S. said on November 16 that the vessels Kazan, Ligovsky Prospect, and NS Century engaged in the export of Russian crude oil priced above $60 per barrel after the crude oil price cap took effect.

Due to the sanctions and payment issues, India’s imports of Russian crude oil are estimated to have dropped in December to an 11-month low, per tanker-tracking data cited by Reuters.
By Tsvetana Paraskova for
Come Friday evening, the Indian government is likely to project a higher economic growth estimate for the ongoing financial year in comparison with its previous forecast owing to robust growth reflected in high-frequency indicators in recent months.

The government's National Statistical Office will release its first advance GDP estimates on Friday evening. Analysts are expecting an increased estimate in the annual gross domestic product reading following a revision by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in its forecast to 7 per cent from 6.5 per cent earlier.

The advance estimates of GDP undergo six revisions over time. News agency Bloomberg said its poll expects a reading of 7.3 per cent for FY24.

The RBI's revised growth forecast of 7 per cent factors in robust growth reflected in high-frequency indicators data for October and November, Michael Patra, RBI's deputy governor said last month.

The central government has amped up spending on infrastructure projects amid lower consumer spending. Analysts say this is likely to help the Narendra Modi government to win a third term in the general elections which is scheduled to take place around April-May 2024.

Pipping analysts' expectations, the Indian economy grew at 7.6 per cent on an annual basis in the second quarter of the ongoing financial year after growing 7.8 per cent in the previous quarter. Following this, multiple rating agencies including S&P Global Ratings, Nomura, Citigroup, and Barclays revised their yearly estimates for growth upwards.

Growth is also being aided by falling commodity prices. In December, the average price of India's crude oil basket was $77.42 per barrel, the lowest since July. “Falling energy and other commodity prices will give room for corporates to improve their margins, which should positively influence GDP growth ahead,” news agency Bloomberg quoted Barclays economist Rahul Bajoria as saying.

S&P Global Ratings now expects India to remain the fastest-growing major economy for the next three years, setting to become the world's third-largest economy by 2030. S&P expects India, currently the world's fifth-largest economy, to growth at 6.4% this fiscal and estimates growth will pick up to 7% by fiscal 2027.
Come Friday evening, the Indian government is likely to project a higher economic growth estimate for the ongoing financial year in comparison with its previous forecast owing to robust growth reflected in high-frequency indicators in recent months.

The government's National Statistical Office will release its first advance GDP estimates on Friday evening. Analysts are expecting an increased estimate in the annual gross domestic product reading following a revision by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in its forecast to 7 per cent from 6.5 per cent earlier.

The advance estimates of GDP undergo six revisions over time. News agency Bloomberg said its poll expects a reading of 7.3 per cent for FY24.

The RBI's revised growth forecast of 7 per cent factors in robust growth reflected in high-frequency indicators data for October and November, Michael Patra, RBI's deputy governor said last month.

The central government has amped up spending on infrastructure projects amid lower consumer spending. Analysts say this is likely to help the Narendra Modi government to win a third term in the general elections which is scheduled to take place around April-May 2024.

Pipping analysts' expectations, the Indian economy grew at 7.6 per cent on an annual basis in the second quarter of the ongoing financial year after growing 7.8 per cent in the previous quarter. Following this, multiple rating agencies including S&P Global Ratings, Nomura, Citigroup, and Barclays revised their yearly estimates for growth upwards.

Growth is also being aided by falling commodity prices. In December, the average price of India's crude oil basket was $77.42 per barrel, the lowest since July. “Falling energy and other commodity prices will give room for corporates to improve their margins, which should positively influence GDP growth ahead,” news agency Bloomberg quoted Barclays economist Rahul Bajoria as saying.

S&P Global Ratings now expects India to remain the fastest-growing major economy for the next three years, setting to become the world's third-largest economy by 2030. S&P expects India, currently the world's fifth-largest economy, to growth at 6.4% this fiscal and estimates growth will pick up to 7% by fiscal 2027.
7.3 is incredible. If sutained for long term it can make India the next CHina.

7.3% compounded annual growth means that economy doubles in less than 10 years.
7.3 is incredible. If sutained for long term it can make India the next CHina.

7.3% compounded annual growth means that economy doubles in less than 10 years.
NSO just published its first advanced estimate at 7.3%, more than last year's 7.2% GDP growth.

India's yearly passsenger aircraft induction soars to recor highs.

Local airlines expanded their networks by a significant 51% in the year gone by, India's aviation regulator said on January 4.

During 2023, a total of 133 planes were inducted in India, a 51% jump YoY (over 2022) as airline companies scrambled to meet rising demand, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said.

Out of the total number cited above, 21 were taken on wet lease.
The DGCA said that in line with the anticipated increase in aircraft inductions in 2024, it is "suitably enhancing its regulatory capacity to further speed up the regulatory approvals related to the induction of aircraft".

Specific information regarding the measures taken to enhance regulatory capacity was unavailable at the time of writing this.

"In 2023, scheduled operators added a total of 112 aircraft to total of 112 aircraft to their fleets, marking a 38% increase from the 81 aircraft added in 2022. When considering 21 wet/damp lease aircraft, the overall aircraft induction reaches 133, a substantial 51% rise from the previous year's figure of 88. This significant increase contributes to expanding capacity in a growing aviation market," DGCA's release said.

It said the heightened aircraft induction has led to two positive outcomes: improved network coverage, enhancing connectivity, and relatively lower fares during festive seasons, ultimately benefiting Indian passengers.

India is witnessing rapid growth in its civil aviation sector, with major airlines like Air India and IndiGo placing orders for a total of 970 planes last year.

As of December 31, 2023, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) reported 16 Air Operator Certificate (AOC) holders with a collective endorsement for 771 aircraft.

Additionally, the DGCA disclosed that it conducted 5,745 surveillance activities related to airlines, airports, and approved organizations in 2023. These included 4,039 planned surveillance efforts, along with 1,706 spot checks and night surveillance. The outcomes of these activities resulted in 542 enforcement actions, the regulator said.
NSO just published its first advanced estimate at 7.3%, more than last year's 7.2% GDP growth.
Yes yes this is what we need. Create wealth while the rest of the world is busy destroying wealth!
Hmm, good news if true.

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