Indian Politics and Internal News

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what about posting videos in Hindi if only relevant to India ?
what about posting videos in Hindi if only relevant to India ?

Just post them in this thread if politics/social affairs related stuff. If travel related, continue in your travel thread etc, latitude will be given with common sense if its not kicking up a fuss on more defence topic threads etc.

This is more or less regarding long sustained convo in threads where clearly its serious topic and new thread started with english article etc, so all forum participants understand the convo if they are reading etc.

Is Bengal turning into Taliban ?​

closed captions in English and other languages available for those who do not speak/understand Hindi.
raj hindustani, uncle ji, its just discussion space, i tend to notice those that take things too seriously and get stuck on them and what they get stuck on.

to begin with i saw you get abused over and over again in old PDF (and India getting abused in worst ways possible) and keep returning for more anyway, trying to act nice and chummy with the degenerates doing that stuff....

whether or not you were play-acting around (and for all intent and purpose maybe you are a lot better in reality, i.e toughness stuff.... I only have your online presence to judge), its somewhat a typical north indian characteristic, and its reflective of its crappy political scene and much else up there.

I made my notes a long time on who in old PDF kept doing this over and over again (seemingly enjoying/addicted to it) instead of other things with far better PDF quality posters or non PDF stuff in real life to begin with.

You got to take a tough precise stand and have core principles and dignity....basic red lines to develop credibility (to then be taken seriously on who is best to run India and why).

Northies are affected by this wimpy mental (extreme chip on shoulder) problem for the longest time and its current form in real world and then its weirder transmission to the ultra cringe virtual world . The issue of same language (or close enough languages) spoken but different religion (and partition) doing its thing to your minds up there from peshawar to chittagong.

I utterly despise masochists, sadists and self-hater complex that expresses itself and then gets preyed upon, just so you know.

Why you think so many northies outsource way past its due to Modi/BJP for chesty stronk crap?....this infantile crap. Why this peter pan complex meeting with reality, then forming a void and backfilling it with whatever is at hand to cope/outsource things to whichever political thugs?...rather than judging things in proper mature way?

Trust me, southies have their versions of it all around too on various things, it just expresses itself in other domains more than the raw northie need for it.

Northies (deep down) should not be mirror image version of what is making Pakistan into growing failure at its alarming rate....but they absolutely are drawn to the same thing in large numbers....its crazy to us outside looking in.

Understand this is the entire reason UP and Bihar are like what they are utter weak minded crap at the levels that should know better by now on it.

It is going to take a monumental effort to coax this whole population in North to a better frame of mind....its going to be very slow process in end given whats baked in.


As for % game, large population means opportunity grows the same way burdens do to harness/entrench, same thing with solutions vs problems

i.e Everything that ultimately grows out of the good vs bad in basic human realm to begin with.

TN is not doing worse on malnutrition (among just about every development indicator) than jharkand....though TN has twice the population.

Or take any north indian state and chop it up into however many pieces till its lower population than TN (or stitch together whole of south india if you prefer to compare with some northie state as is...however you want to get some population size disparity)

There's plenty of large population countries doing far better than much smaller population countries in the world to begin with.

The question is always how do you develop the population (esp in teach how to fish rather than rely on giving the first thing can be scaled easily/virtuously)...

i.e the percentages...its ALWAYS the percentages (these are what scale, no matter the population).

rather than treat population as some intrinsic large burden needing some malthusian correction or cope.

You see how your complex bled into this issue as well?


Administrative experience "overrated", what did kejriwal have on it before he piggy backed on anna hazare?...he is somehow better for the role now? Akhilesh or whomever else always had X years of UP experience?... there has been huge change when he started compared to now?

We are comparing this all to what? BJP-sanghis that do their worse crap on social realm of India with all their "experience"?

Experience "of politicians" can be both good and bad thing for the people.

Case in point best CM we ever had in TN was total admin novice (Kamaraj)

Worst CMs we ever had have almost always been the ones that grew long in tooth regd "experience" well after Kamaraj era.

this is in state thats 50% urbanised and more industrialised today than anything you will see in the hindi belt for next cpl decades at least.

i.e what chance would north have on going with "experience always at any cost" to judging these things fairly to begin with?

northies need a deep mental cleanse and reboot on lot of things, that much is clear to me....what are the basic principles and how to judge results so far to prescribe proper solutions.

i.e the realising that its best to judge on principles always. Then we see if someone did good or did bad. Not some overarching "oh ive done something for X years, trust me I know/do better just by that alone"

We can chat about it here more if you want @vsdoc over time. You probably sensed and attuned to the problem from this complex a longer time than I have.
We can chat about it here more if you want @vsdoc over time. You probably sensed and attuned to the problem from this complex a longer time than I have.

Sure bro.

I have had a few advantages.

In that I was born and live here. And am a Bihari. 🤣

Effectively, as a young man, when I went south, I WAS "that northie" 😖

But wisdom and maturity comes with age.

At least, for most of us. Some exceptions notwithstanding.
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Sure bro.

I have had a few advantages.

In that I was born and live here. And am a Bihari. 🤣

Effectively, as a young man, when I went south, I WAS "that northie" 😖

But wisdom and maturity comes with age.

At least, for most of us. Some exceptions notwithstanding.

The bhakt blob in online spaces, and its iteration of it in PDF (given the P in PDF, what that evokes/harnesses) is somewhat an exercise in futility....this is a metaphysical pairing....and virtually.

Hence my visceral reaction against this form of the complex, as I have natural distaste for overwrought deja-vu to begin with....and inferiority complex being filled in with political laundering and thugs to hire makes it worse.

I got enough of the seeming bhakt blob to work with close at hand, where I can actually bring physicals and contexts....get some meaning out of it far quicker and so on, people aren't so anonymous....things they might learn from you, when they pause to think and reflect.... can be likely passed on to others and so up a better resistance where things ought to be resisted....and action where action ought to be.

So its nothing personal against any of the bhakt blob I see on PDF....I can't be bothered to get into 100 replies for 100s of theirs etc....I make one compiler like raj-hindustani gave me opening for....and later I refer others to it if required. More efficient for way I feel like operating in general here.

But I always know and am grateful for the good North Indians in my real life.... actually it was one (from uni days and well after) ironically hailing from Gorakhpur that gave me great insight into the nervous system of UP, and how BJP exploits it specifically. " They come here and specifically say these communal things" etc...

This was around 2012 ish (when BJP-Modi wave started building up)... before I knew much about it at all. So I dont extend any reductive collective condemnation towards some other I know the exceptions to begin with in what I know and among my own to begin with anyway.

It's funny looking back, it was 3 of us close knit in that group, gorakhpur bhai, a BD brother from Dhaka and myself from south. 3 musketeers...friends for life. D'artagnan was a non-desi to get an insight how he remembers it all too.

But building trust and value out there is lot easier compared to online stuff etc. So its why I see no issue with being mod here and also contributing/interjecting in precise convos only.....I got little interest for the old PDF stuff.....whatever devils advocate and play-act I myself put on to see where things went and get some kicks out of. Rather be authentic to how I see things.....and people can take it or leave it. This reduces need for me to get into deja vu stuff I see with various people's complex (there are quite a few in this fora)....ultimately they dont mean anything to me and little I can do to change it (I don't have the real world stuff with them etc)....most I can do is air out complexes (if its something as big/relevant as say the bhakt blob) and why they are a problem.
This is in Hindi, but turn on closed captions for subtitles in English if you are an angrej ki aulaad type congress voter etc

The Kanwar Yatra, which originates from Kumbhnagari Haridwar, stands as a beacon of Hindu traditions. The UP government's order to use name plate outside shops has gained widespread attention from various political figures and the opposition. How shall one see this step? Let's discuss in this video.

@vsdoc @Mrloveday
This is in Hindi, but turn on closed captions for subtitles in English if you are an angrej ki aulaad type congress voter etc

The Kanwar Yatra, which originates from Kumbhnagari Haridwar, stands as a beacon of Hindu traditions. The UP government's order to use name plate outside shops has gained widespread attention from various political figures and the opposition. How shall one see this step? Let's discuss in this video.

@vsdoc @Mrloveday

Yes. Why not. Perfectly normal for the double digit IQ sanghi brain.

This is in Hindi, but turn on closed captions for subtitles in English if you are an angrej ki aulaad type congress voter etc

The Kanwar Yatra, which originates from Kumbhnagari Haridwar, stands as a beacon of Hindu traditions. The UP government's order to use name plate outside shops has gained widespread attention from various political figures and the opposition. How shall one see this step? Let's discuss in this video.

@vsdoc @Mrloveday
Why is such a regulation needed?

What problem does it solve?
Why is such a regulation needed?

What problem does it solve?
The yatra people will all be Hindu. They will see the boards and the BJP hopes they will go to Hindu shopkeepers and not the Muslim ones.
The yatra people will all be Hindu. They will see the boards and the BJP hopes they will go to Hindu shopkeepers and not the Muslim ones.

Economic boycott. They have been doing it or trying to do it with strongarm tactics for years. All of us have seen the videos of goons grilling the poor shopkeepers about their "poora naam".

2024 was a nice slap.

More will come. Stay tuned.
Economic boycott. They have been doing it or trying to do it with strongarm tactics for years. All of us have seen the videos of goons grilling the poor shopkeepers about their "poora naam".

2024 was a nice slap.

More will come. Stay tuned.
super nice slap

3rd time losers, haha

be ready to lose till the la familia prince quits politics

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