India's Glide bomb Gaurav ready for production

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Tell me about it.
Instead of concentrating about Pakistani products, you should worry about your own Frankiestan. You been blabbering for several hours here trying to demean Pakistani products, well suggest instead of trying to be an expert of Pakistani cat, you should be worried about the breed of your own 35 year old mouse. Here grasp this for knowledge. I can show you more to get you enlightened.

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View attachment 60264

It's even more

Indian Agni Origin.gif

When you go through Indian weapons you see endless russian copies or weapons where Russia just sold they system like Brahmos or Dhanush
Pakistani Fatah MBRL

Chinese WS series of MBRLs

Tell me about it.
Instead of concentrating about Pakistani products, you should worry about your own Frankiestan. You been blabbering for several hours here trying to demean Pakistani products, well suggest instead of trying to be an expert of Pakistani cat, you should be worried about the breed of your own 35 year old mouse. Here grasp this for knowledge. I can show you more to get you enlightened.

View attachment 60263

View attachment 60264
If Indian Tejas were in reality SAAB viggen with an indian paint scheme. It would been inducted 40 years ago.
If Indian Tejas were in reality SAAB viggen with an indian paint scheme. It would be inducted 40 years ago.

For some reason you managed to screw up Tejas for decades
Ya, because we didn't have Chinese JF17 to label and paint as our own.

No you just had endless support from multiple countries and still screwed Tejas up


Clearly more Indian copies
PAF package failed to put a scratch on outnumber Mirage 2000 or Su-30.
Wasn't the "Raptor of the East" supposed to not even let PAF jets fly, according to you bakhts since many years due to it's massive radar?
Wait- Su30s scurried back with "tail between legs".
Only thing it managed to target was 35 year old rusty MiG-21.
Then a question arises, was the IAF leadership retarded to send those tincans in an actual skirmish? Or are y'all's pilot's not just professional enough to venture with tin cans into our airspace.

Another thing, how does it feel when the entire strike package get's jammed 😭? Indians are quite experienced in getting blinded
( DA-20 says hello 👋🏻 )
Most Pakistani members here realize, what I am showing them is actually the truth.

But they are not able to accept it, because of years their Army's and government's propaganda,

"That Pakistan does like not advertise it, but some how they are able to develop weapons out of thin air and surprise their enemies".

Nothing comes out thin air, one needs a lot of effors, funding, research and testing to develop weapon system. That is something which can not be hidden from media.

One would know years in advance if a weapon system was actually being worked on.
Mistake was "that REK is based on Turkish guidance kit."

I rembered it wrong. Do you think these kinds of discussion happening for the first time.

PGM stands for precision guidance munition.

Laser Guided Paveway in not a PGM, that's news to me.

Pray tell us what js a PGM.
You're just troll,prove it REK is Turkish
Didn't I repeatedly say that was my mistake. I rembered it wrong.
Only first time you REPEATEDLY said you're wrong about REK and you don't have any proofs or backup that REK is either Chinese or Turkish, so that's shows you you're just pathetic Indian troll who knows nothing about Pakistan 's indigenous weapons r&d and production/manufacturing capabilities
Only first time you REPEATEDLY said you're wrong about REK and you don't have any proofs or backup that REK is either Chinese or Turkish, so that's shows you you're just pathetic Indian troll who knows nothing about Pakistan 's indigenous weapons r&d and production/manufacturing capabilities
Don't get pissed off at me..I just showed you the reality of your indigenous weapons.

It is up to you..keep believing in the fairytale, you have been fed so far.
Don't get pissed off at me..I just showed you the reality of your indigenous weapons.

It is up to you..keep believing in the fairytale, you have been fed so far.
I want solid proofs backup your claim not your words
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