India's Nuclear Arsenal Surpasses Pakistan's After 15-20 Years: SIPRI

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Can I show what's your military leaders blabbering against Pakistan, forget the speeches of BJP/RSS / shiv sena and other extremist hindu terrorists organizations that always spiting venom against Pakistan, why your govt control these goons?
its your perception how you see it

here if a military oficer answers back ifsome journalist asks him a questionon indian media i do not understand why is it a news in pakistani media in the first place ???

Indian military officers cannot even work post retirement without clearence inside india in defnce related counseltancy services forget outside india but aal of your EX COAS are doing it and almost all make silly comments but we never make a issue out of it ... you know why .....mazzarre choudhrion ki batten sun ker un per taffsrre kertte hain choudhrion ko to patta bhi nahi hota ki mazzarre zinda bhi hai ke nahi ;) :p
Oct 29, 2020
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its your perception how you see it

here if a military oficer answers back ifsome journalist asks him a questionon indian media i do not understand why is it a news in pakistani media in the first place ???

Indian military officers cannot even work post retirement without clearence inside india in defnce related counseltancy services forget outside india but aal of your EX COAS are doing it and almost all make silly comments but we never make a issue out of it ... you know why .....mazzarre choudhrion ki batten sun ker un per taffsrre kertte hain choudhrion ko to patta bhi nahi hota ki mazzarre zinda bhi hai ke nahi ;) :p
Can I show your military leaders rants against Pakistan if you allow me?

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Can I show your military leaders rants against Pakistan if you allow me?
well please then let me put youtube links of Genral Aziz then ISI chief about his verssion on Kargil or what your past chiefs had to say about all wars that were started by pakistan or how your clowns in cabinet mintry makes claims about boming india



Full Member
May 24, 2022
The whole numbers game is a load of mirrors and smoke used to hide Indias massive nuclear arsenal. The myth of Pak having more nukes than India was propagated to make Pak look irresponsible and justify Indian acquisition of increased numbers of strategic weapons and delivery platforms..

Pak never ever had more nukes than India who had 10 year head start in acquiring nukes. India has always had magnitudes more weapons grade material and delivery platforms..


Full Member
Dec 17, 2023

World nuclear forces, January 2024​

Table with 9 columns and 10 rows.
Deployed warheadsaStored warheadsbMilitary stockpilecRetired warheadsdTotal inventorye
United States1 7701 9383 7083 7081 5361 3365 2445 044
Russia1 7102 6704 489f4 3801 4001 2005 889f5 580
United Kingdom120105225225g225225g
North Korea503050i3050i
Total3 9045 6819 576f9 5852 9362 53612 512f12 121
What about Chinese?


Elite Member
Feb 21, 2015
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sirji you had so called ATOM BOMBs in 1998 also but still dint use them during kargil or after balakot strikes when all your cabinet was threatning... yaad hai shiekh rashid ke wo pav pav ke bumb or massla .... ki hoya udda ;) :p

View attachment 49508
Oh my god look at the bharti maturity level, education level and room temperature IQ.
Atom bomb isn't a joke. It's used when the existence of a country is at stake or when you other side use it.
Kargil and balakot strike wasn't an all out war that threatened the existence of pakistan.
Jan 2, 2024
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India has a LOT more to loose. Pakistan is a barely viable state - so the impact will be what??
Hi @Oscar
And that has led some folks like Dr. Vipin Narang and Gen B.S. Nagal and others to hypothesize that India will tweak its posture vis-a-vis Pakistan. The differential between India and Pak has grown so much that India doesnt want to be held hostage to the Pakistani first strike or wait for Pakistan to empty their arsenal on India.

And thats a departure from India's NFU policy. I strongly believe that such tweakings or changes in posture are rarely done in silos and are often followed by a "capability-roadmap". And these capabilities are clear reflection of what the possible posture could be in the situation of crisis. Till probably 5-10 years ago, I was of the opinion that India will hold NFU, no matter what may come. But the technological developments such as improved rocket designs, cannisterization, compact motor, dedicated mil. satellites do lend credence to a change in posture.

In all likelyhood, the current thinking points towards massive pre-emptive counter-force strike and then dealing with the remnants of Pakistani arsenal with BMD shield. The efficacy of such an arrangement could always be debated, but the direction of technological development is definitely in this area.
FYI - Canesterization of Pakistani systems has been long “tested” in but for reasons beyond capability and more so to do with leadership pressures and things that go beyond our eyes and into the dark corridors of power - these plans were delayed or shelved outright.
This is quite interesting because, till now we have not seen a test launch of Pakistani strategic systems from cannister using a cold launch mechanism. I have closely observed the development of Pakistani strategic systems since perhaps 2009 when I was still a student and used to follow the older thread. For reasons known to the SPD (ofcourse one can deduct why), Pakistani long range strategic systems (such as Shaheen-2/3 and Ababeel) are stuck with 1.4m dia and there have been no new designs that we have seen in past 10-15 years with increased motor dia such as ~2 or >2m. The only thing that has slightly changed is the length of the casing. This suggests their dependency on China's China Hexi Chemical & Mechanical Company for the basic design of their long range motors.

This also ties in with the question of cannisterization of these missiles as a lot would need to be changed, for instance the external control/stabilization surfaces need to be replaced with either vanes or thrust vectoring gimbaled nozzle arrangement. Further, inter-stage separation need to be changed. Its not so difficult to see how India had these in Agni-1 and 2 and how these became extinct in Agni-3, 4 and 5. My main point is, a lot would have to be changed in the current crop of Pakistani long range strategic missiles to enable cold launch from cannisters.
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Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Well Pakistan has only enough fissile material for about 300 nuclear weapons.

India has enough fissile material for about 2200 nuclear weapons.
Well it's good progress, once upon a time Indians used to say we didn't have nukes and were proven wrong.


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Dec 20, 2023
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Well it's good progress, once upon a time Indians used to say we didn't have nukes and were proven wrong.


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Seems like the Indians have got the bigger bumbs disease.


Dec 16, 2023
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The only competition worth winning was economic and global soft power...
India has utterly smashed Pakistan on this basis ..India important regional power house soon third largest gdp on the planet courted by the world in contrast Pakistan constantly unstable govt s financial breadline

In a conventional war India will never lose too big too powerful but Pakistan can lose potentially badly even a war in attritional basis down to shear resources

Nuclear is noaense no one will dare use them...they give India and Pakistan no advantages either side


Mar 28, 2009
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Hi @Oscar
And that has led some folks like Dr. Vipin Narang and Gen B.S. Nagal and others to hypothesize that India will tweak its posture vis-a-vis Pakistan. The differential between India and Pak has grown so much that India doesnt want to be held hostage to the Pakistani first strike or wait for Pakistan to empty their arsenal on India.

And thats a departure from India's NFU policy. I strongly believe that such tweakings or changes in posture are rarely done in silos and are often followed by a "capability-roadmap". And these capabilities are clear reflection of what the possible posture could be in the situation of crisis. Till probably 5-10 years ago, I was of the opinion that India will hold NFU, no matter what may come. But the technological developments such as improved rocket designs, cannisterization, compact motor, dedicated mil. satellites do lend credence to a change in posture.

In all likelyhood, the current thinking points towards massive pre-emptive counter-force strike and then dealing with the remnants of Pakistani arsenal with BMD shield. The efficacy of such an arrangement could always be debated, but the direction of technological development is definitely in this area.

This is quite interesting because, till now we have not seen a test launch of Pakistani strategic systems from cannister using a cold launch mechanism. I have closely observed the development of Pakistani strategic systems since perhaps 2009 when I was still a student and used to follow the older thread. For reasons known to the SPD (ofcourse one can deduct why), Pakistani long range strategic systems (such as Shaheen-2/3 and Ababeel) are stuck with 1.4m dia and there have been no new designs that we have seen in past 10-15 years with increased motor dia such as ~2 or >2m. The only thing that has slightly changed is the length of the casing. This suggests their dependency on China's China Hexi Chemical & Mechanical Company for the basic design of their long range motors.

This also ties in with the question of cannisterization of these missiles as a lot would need to be changed, for instance the external control/stabilization surfaces need to be replaced with either vanes or thrust vectoring gimbaled nozzle arrangement. Further, inter-stage separation need to be changed. Its not so difficult to see how India had these in Agni-1 and 2 and how these became extinct in Agni-3, 4 and 5. My main point is, a lot would have to be changed in the current crop of Pakistani long range strategic missiles to enable cold launch from cannisters.
Nothing from a brand new design but more than meets the eye - motors and ancillary systems were tested. The bold I saw with my own eyes - i wont say any further not so because of OPSEC since your side knows this and I have family - and I understand my word is not much.

I know the bold because I say across on the dev bench for a test system for this - there was a device that I assumed was a RLG or something but looked like a Cricket ball. And you could trace its movements in space which would cause actuators to trigger on an on screen simulator.

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