India's Rise and The Weaponisation Of Rape

Should have stated this intention earlier.
You are labouring in a narrow pit of confusion. The unreasonable is your repeated and irrelevant interventions, through most of which it was sought to conflate my single, very pointed objection to historical concoctions with the general theme, in which I did not participate, of civilisational warfare. There was no connection, other than the defensive one contrived by you.

We see the thoroughly personalised nature of your counters to my own personal objection in the smokescreen about the roles of moderators. This should never have arisen, but clearly is wheeled in to defend your indefensible position. I have nothing to say to your repeated, flailing efforts to drag anger at an historic fabrication into the general discussion.

So far, through a multitude of posts, you have added nothing but a rancid note. It may not be impossible for you to lift yourself from the cesspool that you have created for yourself, so some lingering hope remains, but only a faint tendril.
I am loving it.

English. 😍
You are labouring in a narrow pit of confusion.
This may well be it, I genuinely am confused so you will have to soften your stance on me being a bad faith contributor.

In that case, I can only sheepishly hold my cyber forum hands up in embarrassment, for sprinting into a black hole of confusion and dragging you along with me, this for me is an appropriate drawing of the line.
I think there is nobody on the forum not aware that I am not a bhakt, nor a supporter of the vile campaign against Indian citizens who happen to be other than Hindu. Personally, without retaining any strong theist beliefs, culturally and socially, I am a secular Indian, who believes in the rule of law, and the absolute equality of all Indian citizens under that rule of law.

That being the case, it is not for me tolerable to read disguised slurs on the social and cultural norms that I owe loyalty to and consider myself affiliated with.

It does not mean that I am a Hindutvavadi. It means that I expect my base beliefs not to be falsely pilloried, whether through ignorance or through malice is irrelevant.
If you are real secular Indian, you must be supporting UCC?
One solution doesn't fit all. Ataturk's model probably wouldn't have worked for Pakistan. Also, South Asian Muslims is not exactly a collective identity. In the end, BD's social setting and its problems is different than that of Pakistan.

Each muslim nation needs to figure it out in their own way. Malaysia despite being a lot more conservative, both socially and legally compared to Türkiye, doing quite well in overall development.

I put in the context of each country. Some countries inherit natural and human resource development better than others regarding their circumstances at political independence.

Malaysia would be doing far better if it adopted its equivalent of Turkish secular system....and not burdened itself with its own majoritarian approach.

It wouldn't have kicked out Singapore to begin with....and all related issues internally it dropped the ball on from that forwards.....that it has been slow to pick up and squandered large part (but not wholly) due to entertaining islamism as part of this majoritarian-favourism to its degree yet again.

Same reason energy rich muslim countries have been poor regd economic viability after those energy resources deplete or are made less relevant, as they have not invested in human capital the way Turkey has over the decades that can only be done by having a secular system.

With contexts baked in, I hold Turkiye near the top of muslim world, it has made the most investment socially on this principle by far to large degrees, though lacking to completion obviously (given formation of parties like the AKP in the 90s and its predecessor movements).

It is obviously part of the solution to development, not an entirety....but a major one to getting right. There are also other parts to getting it wrong outside of religion as well....but breakfast is the first important meal of the day, large populations in muslim world just didnt have the breakfast that is the ataturk arc, but can still learn and catch up here if they apply to it, and be rewarded from it.

The countries that largely dont get it right and have the serious inertias baked in now to not learn from it at this late stage either.... have the negative consequences baked in to the degree they do.

Speaking with 10 Turks on matters just goes a lot differently w.r.t qualitative potential than it does on average with 10 from some other place in the "ummah". There are secular minded folks in rest of ummah (and I often make quick alliance with them on discussions of note), but they have largely not achieved the numbers and political prominence to matter to shaping their countries to better heading, and it shows drastically everywhere. Of course with every context baked in, as secularism in the state (rather than it being biased by something like religion) is simply a high alignment to reality and truth. Both in of itself morally and its impact on law and order and economic development downstream with the resources you have at hand in the starting snapshot and cultivated progress from that since.
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If you are real secular Indian, you must be supporting UCC?
In principle, yes.

In the present context, under the aegis of the present toxic bigoted regime, no. This present administration at the centre is using the UCC as a weapon to humiliate and single out for oppression the minority Muslim community. It is not being proposed in good faith.
How you scale good faith or bad faith?
Too difficult for you to swallow. Stick to Sanghivadi.

UCC is an act with many principles of equality for all. It has nothing to do with BJP or congress.
It has everything to do with the BJP, nothing to do with any other political segment. Your claim is purely hypocritical.

You can oppose some points in it but how can you oppose it whole when you claim you are secular.
It is to be opposed because of the malicious intent behind it.

That's why I have grudge with sickulars nowadays.
Your bias is showing.


Please DO NOT post outside the Indian sections; of course, you are at liberty to do whatever you wish, but in these foreign threads, supervised at a great height by those who have a million other issues to attend to, it is unlikely that there will be any posts from me, for or against any topic.

Up to you.
In principle, yes.

In the present context, under the aegis of the present toxic bigoted regime, no. This present administration at the centre is using the UCC as a weapon to humiliate and single out for oppression the minority Muslim community. It is not being proposed in good faith.


And I do not trust them for Parsi Law equally.
Too difficult for you to swallow. Stick to Sanghivadi.

It has everything to do with the BJP, nothing to do with any other political segment. Your claim is purely hypocritical.

It is to be opposed because of the malicious intent behind it.

Your bias is showing.


Please DO NOT post outside the Indian sections; of course, you are at liberty to do whatever you wish, but in these foreign threads, supervised at a great height by those who have a million other issues to attend to, it is unlikely that there will be any posts from me, for or against any topic.

Up to you.

I was just trying to be judicious in the choice of where the topic would fit. Never thought of the moderation or participants honestly. But I do see your point.

And I do not trust them for Parsi Law equally.
Even Pakistan has brought out a legal code for Sikhs.

What this hypocritical government in Delhi has done, is doing, and seems obstinately stuck to doing is harmful for the entire country and the effects will last for generations.
I was just trying to be judicious in the choice of where the topic would fit. Never thought of the moderation or participants honestly. But I do see your point.
'sOK. Just reference for future use. We are dealing with pretty awful people.
'sOK. Just reference for future use. We are dealing with pretty awful people.

If you know who had not pissed me off and returned to character, I would have returned to bashing sanghis pretty soon.

As things stand right now, my heart is elsewhere.
If you know who had not pissed me off and returned to character, I would have returned to bashing sanghis pretty soon.

As things stand right now, my heart is elsewhere.

This is one of the sites, one of very few sites, where the Sanghis are not in full retreat. Like the MAGA crowd, whom they resemble so amazingly closely, they are crestfallen and directionless, and have got down to doubling down on their old platitudes and plain insult. They know nothing else.

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