Indonesian Aerospace N219 plane


Jul 25, 2013
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Featuring N219 Amphibi, PT Dirgantara Indonesia Supports Inter-island Connectivity Needs​


INILAHKORAN, Bandung - PT Dirgantara Indonesia assesses that Indonesia as an archipelagic country certainly needs an inter-island mode of transportation that is able to reach remote areas. For this reason, the N219 Amphibi was created to answer this need.

Corporate Communication & Promotion Manager of PT Dirgantara Indonesia Adi Prastowo said that the innovation in the development of the N219 aircraft into the N219 Amphibi is one of the efforts to realize Indonesia as the world's maritime axis country.

According to him, the N219 Amphibi made by PT Dirgantara Indonesia can support connectivity between Indonesian islands, which incidentally 60% of the area is water. This condition also has great potential to develop the concept of water tourism using seaplanes that are able to accommodate connectivity needs in tourist destination locations.

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"PT Dirgantara Indonesia is currently entering a new chapter to answer the needs of seaplanes in Indonesia. The N219 Amphibi aircraft developed will be equipped with float components or floats made of composite materials instead of wheels for landing in open waters," said Adi, Friday, June 28, 2024.

He said, the development of the N219 Amphibi aircraft is also one of PT Dirgantara Indonesia's efforts in creating a growth/spin-over impact on the domestic industrial ecosystem. Including, industries in the region, one of which is in terms of developing domestic floater production and its operation, as well as aircraft maintenance/maintenance activities.

The N219 Amphibi aircraft development program is part of the main initiative of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas and is one of the flagships of Indonesia's economic transformation through the domestic industrial development strategy. The program is also encouraged to become a symbol of the development of defense industry independence in line with national priorities in the defense sector in the 2020-2024 RPJMN.

In its development, the basic version of the N219 aircraft will be increased in performance for the maximum take off weight (MTOW) from the previous 6,700 kg to 7,030 kg and for the payload from the previous 1,550 kg to 1,900 kg, where the addition of a floater weighing about 600 kg will then leave the aircraft with the power to transport a load of up to 1,300 kg or equivalent to the load of 17 passengers.

The N219 Amphibi aircraft is designed to achieve a speed capability of up to 296 km/h at an operational altitude of 10,000 feet and a range capability of up to 231 km, as well as take-off calculations at a distance of 1,400 m in waters and landing at a distance of 760 m.

Based on these capability specifications, the N219 Amphibi aircraft is very suitable to serve the needs of the archipelago that only needs a water-based port, especially to support military operations in remote and border areas which are strategic areas to maintain state sovereignty.

Not Applicable
2017 news when the plane undergo its first flight

PT DI Flight Test Aircraft N219​

Thursday, 17 August 2017, 07:59 WIB


President Director of PTDI, Budi Santoso revealed that the success of the N219 flight test is very important for PTDI and the Indonesian aerospace industry, because it is proof that the Indonesian nation is able to design, test, certify until production is the work of the nation's children.

"There is no technical assistance from foreign nations. All are the result of years of hard work or brain from Indonesian engineers to design and later produce N219," he said

According to Budi, N219 and N245 have their own philosophies. N219 is part of the spirit of 1945, N219 and what will later be continued with the N245 program is the embodiment of the spirit of the 1945 proclamation.

The N219 aircraft has carried out a series of tests starting from the wing static test, landing gear drop test, functional test engine off, medium speed taxi and on August 9, 2017. Hopping testing is a test that is likened to an aircraft like jumping by lifting the front wheels, then landing again. This test is to ensure that the avionics system, hydraulic system and machining system are ready and functioning properly to support the aircraft to fly.

"The N219 aircraft underwent high speed taxi and hopping testing, which is testing to run at high speed on the runway and lift the front wheels, then land again." He said This series of tests, analysis and improvement does not stop until the first flight alone. The N219 aircraft still has to go through the fatigue test, flight test development and flight test certification stages which require 3,000 cycle fatigue tests and 300 Flight Hours to get a Type Certificate in 2018.

Furthermore, the serial production stage begins, so that in 2019, the N219 aircraft is ready and fit to enter market, with the priority of meeting domestic needs at competitive prices.

Type certificate is the airworthiness certification of aircraft manufacturing design. This certificate is issued by the regulatory body in this case the authorized in the territory of Indonesia is the Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations, Ministry of Transportation.

Budi added that the N219 aircraft is designed according to the needs of the community, especially pioneer areas, so that it has the ability to short take of landing and is easy to operate in remote areas, it can be self-starting without the help of a ground support unit.

As for, the advantages of the N219 Aircraft.

The N219 aircraft is a passenger aircraft with a capacity of 19 people with two turboprop engines referring to the CASR Part 23 regulations. The idea and design of the aircraft was developed by PTDI with the development of the program carried out by PTDI and LAPAN.

"By using technology that has been widely found in the market or using, common technology so that aircraft prices can be cheaper with low operating and maintenance costs," he concluded.

Visit to the Polymer Technology Research Center for Research on the Development of the N219 Floater

The Hydrodynamics Laboratory welcomed the visit of the Head of the Polymer Technology Research Center and polymer technology researchers on Wednesday (19/10) in the main meeting room of BRIN Surabaya

The Struggle Behind PTDI's N219 Aircraft

Wisma Putra - detikJabar
Monday, 22 May 2023 07:00 WIB


Senior Flight Test Engineer PTDI Hindawan Hariowibowo (Foto: Anzala Ajra)

Bandung -
Flight test of the N219 aircraft produced by PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) was completed in 2020. Thus, the Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operation (DKPPU) of the Ministry of Transportation also gave a Type Certificate for the aircraft named Nurtanio by President Joko Widodo.

In addition to the pilot and co-pilot, the success of the N219 aircraft flight test is inseparable from a flight test technician. He is Hindawan Hariowibowo, the man who was born in Jakarta 61 years ago is a witness to the history of the journey of the N219 aircraft.

detikJabar had the opportunity to visit Hindawan's work desk at PTDI, Jalan Padjajaran, Bandung City, Tuesday, May 16, 2023. In the conversation, the man who graduated from master's degree at Cranfield Institute of Technology in England said, it takes a long time to test the N219 aircraft.

"For N219 flight test development and certification of 500 hours, we completed almost 2 years," said Hindawan opening the conversation.

Hindawan, who has pursued a career at PTDI since he was 24 years old, revealed that there were two prototypes of the N219 aircraft that were carried out flight tests. This is done so that the testing process that must reach 500 hours can be completed quickly.

The first prototype, the flight test includes physical flight, including how the climbing ability, how the cruising speed for example, then includes flight tests of control stability. For the second prototype, namely for flight tests the system includes its avionics, radio, then radar and navigation systems.

"The test journey was actually from the first flight, we were in 2017, at the end of August, and we got the certification at the end of 2020 in December. So during that period we were a long time in the first prototype, so the iteration time, especially in flight control, we found some problem, then we have to modify it, we strengthened what the flight control mounts are, for example, like that, now after it feels better, it will be submitted for certification, "he said.

Senior Flight Test Engineer N219 PTDI Hindawan Hariowibowo

Senior Flight Test Engineer N219 PTDI Hindawan Hariowibowo Photo: Anzala Ajra

Hindawan said, every test flight of the N219 aircraft he participated with the pilot and other crew. Hindawan also flew and felt the shortcomings of the aircraft and recorded them for later refinement.

"Yes, so if I do the job, it will be as a fligh test engineer, the term is to be a flight test engineer. For example, if for the climb test we test at what altitude, then at what weight the aircraft, then at what temperature we arrange the flight test plan. Now from there we will discuss with the pilot this can be done or not, if the danger is done or the risk is anything, well like we discuss with the pilot test, well after that we will participate on board again, "he explained.

"When conducting flight tests, engineers record the data even though we are backed up whether instrumentation is also right, but we record, if there is something that needs to be repeated, we discuss again with the pilot," he added.

Hindawan admitted that he was proud to be involved in testing this N219 aircraft. As is known, almost half of this aircraft component is produced in Indonesia. "Finally succeeded, very relieved," he said.

Left, Indonesia Planning Ministry Economist, Right, Riau Islands Province Governor


Flight trial in Riau Islands region


Riau Islands Province Map

Developing N219 Aircraft with MSA Configuration, PTDI Signs MoU with Infoglobal​


2021-12-08 00:00


No. PTD/026/SP-HUMAS/XII/2021

Bandung, December 08, 2021 - PTDI Public Relations

PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero)/PTDI and PT Infoglobal Teknologi Semesta/Infoglobal signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the integration of Maritime Surveillance Aircraft (MSA) mission system on N219 aircraft. The MoU document was signed by PTDI's Director of Commerce, Technology & Development, Gita Amperiawan and Infoglobal's President Director, Adi Sasongko, at PTDI's Production Area II, Bandung.

With this cooperation, in the future the N219 aircraft will be developed with a special design as a maritime surveillance aircraft or MSA. Infoglobal's mission system that has previously been installed on the NC212 Maritime Patrol (Patmar) aircraft of the Indonesian Navy will then be further developed to be used on the N219 MSA aircraft produced by PTDI. Infoglobal is a company engaged in combat/military aircraft avionics, radar data processing, weapon control systems and defense application software.

"First, the big goal of this MoU is of course to collaborate two national industries, for competence in the field of aircraft in this case PTDI and competence in the field of mission systems in this case Infoglobal to produce an aircraft product with mission system surveillance capabilities that can be utilized by this nation. Secondly, this is part of how PTDI's product, the N219 aircraft can enter the market with various variants, which previously we all knew that N219 could be for passenger, medevac, cargo, with this collaboration N219 in the future can be for MSA missions, both for military and commercial as well. Later, of course, a Feasibility Study (FS) will be made based on the needs. We are optimistic that from the FS we are quite prospective," said PTDI's Director of Commerce, Technology & Development, Gita Amperiawan.

Mission system from Infoglobal is a product of the nation's work, which has various features to strengthen the ability of the N219 aircraft in conducting surveillance of maritime areas, including features of detection and identification of ship targets, the ability to calculate the position, speed and heading of dynamic targets which can then display SAR routes and send surveillance results to the nearest KRI or ground station, so that surveillance missions on N219 aircraft can be carried out effectively. The development of the MSA configuration on the N219 aircraft is expected to encourage PTDI in meeting the needs of the MSA market, especially for domestic needs.

"We hope that in the future the TKDN will also be higher, supported by domestic component industries. We believe that this cooperation will start a new, more realistic chapter to make aircraft with more domestic components. The first target market is domestic first, later after this much we can sell abroad," said Adi Sasongko, President Director of Infoglobal.

For more information, you can contact :

Adi Prastowo

Manager of Corporate Communication & Promotion

PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero)

Phone : +62 22 6055165

Email : [email protected]


PTDI and ITB Agree to Collaborate to Build a Competency Center in the Field of Aircraft Design​

By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana
Wednesday, 23 - November - 2022, 14:57:46 - ( update : 23-11-2022 )



BALI, Dirgantara Indonesia established a Joint Commitment collaboration with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) on Monday (21/11/2022) in Bali. The collaboration was held in a series of events at the Indonesia Development Forum (IDF) 2022.

President Director of PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), Gita Amperiawan and Rector of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., signed a Joint Commitment in building a competency center in the field of aircraft design, witnessed directly by the Minister of National Development Planning /Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa.

In order to build and realize the Republic of Indonesia as an aircraft design competency center, PTDI and ITB agreed to build a joint strategy to improve and maintain Indonesia's interests in involving and optimizing the utilization of its human resources in the aircraft development process by a global Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).

In addition, PTDI and ITB agreed to jointly develop sustainable aircraft design competencies, through domestic aircraft and aerospace development projects.

"Something that is very mandatory for the industry is development, in the current situation where development is very expensive, then collaboration is very important. The collaboration between PTDI and ITB in terms of R&D will certainly be business-oriented and how we are able to meet existing demands. The scope has no limits, but the most important and top priority is the N219 and N219 Amphibious programs, and one of them is also we want to build a collaborative design center," said Gita Amperiawan, as released by PTDI Public Relations.

This collaboration is a form of initiative from PTDI and ITB to provide space and opportunities, as well as a forum for the development of the design industry in Indonesia, so that then the ideal of mastering high technology of aircraft can be pursued in a faster, more precise and feasible time.

"From the ITB side, this is not only ordinary teaching and research, but also must be towards product down streaming, this is in line with the roadmap developed by the State. The link and match between universities and industry has actually been made before, but with this commitment, now the implementation has become more concrete," said Prof. Reini.

She continued, PTDI and ITB will work on joint projects carried out in the same physical facilities, as is the trend of business models that have occurred in developed countries, where universities and industries will work mutually.

Rector said the linkage between industry and universities requires a medium and long-term roadmap and planning. However, ITB believes that the Government, especially the Ministry of National Development Planning, can play a key role as a regulator, facilitator, and enabler. "We hope that the linkage between PTDI and ITB, facilitated by the government as an intermediary, can bring Indonesia's industrialization process to a new phase, which is accompanied by strengthening Indonesia's innovation ecosystem," she explained.

Mashallah good see Indonesia professing. @Indos I remember Turkey and Indonesia were jointly working on building a civilian aircraft. Do you have any updates on that ?
Mashallah good see Indonesia professing. @Indos I remember Turkey and Indonesia were jointly working on building a civilian aircraft. Do you have any updates on that ?
Yes, but just MOU and no follow up. Despite so Indonesian Aerospace is helping many Turkish TAI projects.

Indonesian aerospace is selling its engineering capability to several TAI project. Just google it.
Indonesian aerospace is not only selling planes, doing MRO, selling parts to other OEM (aerostructure), but also selling its engineering services (related to plane development/ design)
Why Indonesian Aerospace want to develop N219 ? It is to get Twin Otter market. How many Twin Otter that is currently flying ? Huge. Mostly already old.

But there is serius competitor from US company who develop Cessna Skycourier with first flight several years after N219 first flight.

Floating airports have potential to draw tourists: Ministry​

  • June 21, 2024 14:28 GMT+700

Floating airports have potential to draw tourists: Ministry
The trial of the seaplane operation in Mertasari Beach, Denpasar, Bali, on June 20, 2024. (ANTARA/Kemenhub).

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Transportation Ministry stated that floating airports, in addition to being an alternative transportation choice, can also attract foreign tourists to visit Indonesia.

"The operation of floating airports for seaplanes in archipelagic countries, such as Indonesia, can not only improve connectivity but can also be a new opportunity for regions in Indonesia in attracting tourists," Head of the ministry's Transportation Policy Agency Robby Kurniawan remarked here on Thursday.

According to the agency head, floating airports can enable the regions to develop tourist destinations.

Kurniawan noted that airports on water hold high potential for the country, as they can provide connectivity between provinces and cities.

In addition, it can connect travelers from hub airports to water-based tourist destinations, as well as serve as a pioneer transportation mode for island and archipelagic areas, especially in the frontier, outermost, and disadvantaged (3T) regions.

He explained that this year, his side has conducted policy analysis and a feasibility study related to the operation of a general-status floating airport, with a focus on proposing a pilot project in Bali's southern region.

Based on the study conducted by the agency in collaboration with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 2024, Bali being selected as the location for the pilot project is based on the highest number of tourist visits, both domestic and foreign, in Indonesia.

"Bali already has its own market share; the aviation industry in Bali is extraordinary; the helicopter rental service has been very developed; and there are many enthusiasts, so the seaplane can be an alternative," Kurniawan elaborated.

He affirmed that his side has conducted a trial of the seaplane at Bali's Mertasari Beach.

"The trial was carried out as an effort to encourage the area to become the first seaplane hub in Indonesia that will be connected to other potential locations," he explained.


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