Indonesian Air Force

1951 Air Force Day Celebration. Jakarta.

Wow, there's some nostalgia there, ey. Love that 40s/50s typical big band music that was prevalent at that time, all over Europe, Great Brittain & the US and apparently all over the world. Fun stuff.

Seeing those bombers (what were they B-17s?) and P-51 Mustangs and the year 1951 is that ever so shifting period from piston-driven jet engines to the game-changing evolution of the jet engine. Definitely a critical period in the history of military even civilian aviation. Only 2 years after this we saw the first introduction of the jet engine in aerial combat over Korea with the MiG-15.
The cost for 24 F-15EX is equal that of a year TNI military budget.

I really like the F-15 but with that money, maybe later
The first F-15EX were just delivered to the Portland Air national guard a few days ago. The first unit in the USAF/USANG to receive this model of eagle.

$95 million each; can carry 12 missiles instead of the 8 on older eagles.

The first F-15EX were just delivered to the Portland Air national guard a few days ago. The first unit in the USAF/USANG to receive this model of eagle.

$95 million each; can carry 12 missiles instead of the 8 on older eagles.

Too expensive and not good for our KF21/ IFX program. I am happy with current Air Force Commander who understand our financial constrain.

Latest report shows that Air Force will reduce its AEW acquisition plan from 4 into just 1, it is despite he said about AEW as next acquisition for Air Force along with MRTT, F16 upgrade and refurbished program, and some transport plane( Britain second hand Superhercules 12 planes) while never mention anything about F15 EX since he becomes our New Air Force Commander.

The reduce of AEW acquisition plan and not mentioning about F15 EX at all is a hint that he is reasonable person. I beleive he will concentrate more on other necessary thing like Rafale ammunitions, Network Centric development, Air Field improvement like adding second runway for two Air Force based for Rafale, etc.
2025 defense budget will be 155 trillion Rupiah ( 9.5 billion USD with one USD at 16,300 Rupiah).
The first F-15EX were just delivered to the Portland Air national guard a few days ago. The first unit in the USAF/USANG to receive this model of eagle.

$95 million each; can carry 12 missiles instead of the 8 on older eagles.

The USAF already has many of the infrastructure ready. For us, it's going to be all new, everything must be prepared from Zero. Cost to induct will be a lot more than the USAF.

Anyway, If it is up to me, I prefer more Rafale and F-16 and cancel KF-21. But the air force is adamant and the decision is already fixed. The F-15EX will enter TNI-AU service as the F-15ID.
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Anyway, If it is up to me, I prefer more Rafale and F-16 and cancel KF-21. But the air force is adamant and the decision is already fixed. The F-15EX will enter TNI-AU service as the F-15ID.

Wait, what are you saying, the F-15EX is a done deal with Indonesia, as in it's coming? Despite what @Indos is saying?
Wait, what are you saying, the F-15EX is a done deal with Indonesia, as in it's coming? Despite what @Indos is saying?
Nothing is done deal yet, for example even previous 6 FREEM ship contract is scrapped despite it has reached contract level. F15 EX is still in MOU stage. I dont think it will be followed, Israel genocide in Gaza with US made weapon will make Indo gov will face political risk if they buy F15 EX.

It is pushed by previous Air Force Commander, current Air Force Commander never mentioned F15 EX since he becomes our Air Force Commander in the beginning of 2024.
Wait, what are you saying, the F-15EX is a done deal with Indonesia, as in it's coming? Despite what @Indos is saying?

There's more chance that we will operate F-15ID than KF-21 at this point.

I'm mistaken when I say the air force is adamant and the decision is already fixed. The F-15EX will enter TNI-AU service as the F-15ID.
The air force has no say in procurement. But the Ministry of Defence has. So it doesn't matter if the air force chief of staff wants or does not want F-15.

Prabowo has a stake in the F-15 procurement, and because he won the election, this procurement will likely go through.

Here's the latest update on F-15ID

Boeing : Procurement process for the 24 F-15 still ongoing

Anyway, as impressive as the F-15 in Indonesian service, in the grand scheme of things this is nothing.

24x F-15EX
42x Rafale F4
33x F-16 AM/BM/C/D

and secondary combat jets of

23x Hawk
13x T-50i

is simply too small for a country our size


The ideal number should be twice that. But we won't be able to afford those.

I personally believe that Indonesia must adopt a Missile missile-centric army like Iran or NorKo. Those jets are just imported weapons, even if we manage to assemble the KF-21, there's clearly limitations. Those limitations are a liability if let's say France or the USA decide to pull the plug on after-sales support and spare parts.

If Indonesia can spend $5 billion a year (and adjusted for inflation after) on missile research and finding technical know-how through cooperation and espionage. Then I believe in 20 years Indonesia could have achieved self-sufficiency in producing missiles that could reach China and Australia, our two principal threat.

As well as obtaining the capability to close the Malacca, Sunda, and Karimata strait like the Houthis are doing now.
There's more chance that we will operate F-15ID than KF-21 at this point.

I'm mistaken when I say the air force is adamant and the decision is already fixed. The F-15EX will enter TNI-AU service as the F-15ID.
The air force has no say in procurement. But the Ministry of Defence has. So it doesn't matter if the air force chief of staff wants or does not want F-15.

Prabowo has a stake in the F-15 procurement, and because he won the election, this procurement will likely go through.

Here's the latest update on F-15ID

Boeing : Procurement process for the 24 F-15 still ongoing

Sejenis F15 is not saying we are to buy F15. Sejenis in Indonesia means " as like" so possible for SU 35 as well as for SU 35 it has reached contract level and the Finance Ministry has aggreed. Both F15 and Su 30 families are heavy weight and long rage fighter.

Just like " sejenis FREEM" in previous document while in reality it is 2 PPA frigates being bought and not 6 FREEM frigates
Sejenis F15 is not saying we are to buy F15. Sejenis in Indonesia means " as like" so possible for SU 35 as well as for SU 35 it has reached contract level and the Finance Ministry has aggreed. Both F15 and Su 30 families are heavy weight and long rage fighter.

Just like " sejenis FREEM" in previous document while in reality it is 2 PPA frigates being bought and not 6 FREEM frigates
Sejenis F15 is not saying we are to buy F15. Sejenis in Indonesia means " as like" so possible for SU 35 as well as for SU 35 it has reached contract level and the Finance Ministry has aggreed. Both F15 and Su 30 families are heavy weight and long rage fighter.

Just like " sejenis FREEM" in previous document while in reality it is 2 PPA frigates being bought and not 6 FREEM frigates
There's only a few F-15 equivalent out there namely :


We're not buying Su-35, CAATSA is waiting around the corner. Neither will we buy equipment from out chief opponent in the South China Sea.

So it's in the end F-15. Prabowo himself declare it, why even bother with mind games.
Anyway, as impressive as the F-15 in Indonesian service, in the grand scheme of things this is nothing.

24x F-15EX
42x Rafale F4
33x F-16 AM/BM/C/D

and secondary combat jets of

23x Hawk
13x T-50i

is simply too small for a country our size

You forgot, 16 of these deadly beauties.


This is why adding the 24 Su-35SIs for a 50-count of heavy fighters would've been the best way to go IMO, considering logistical commonality, quality of aircraft and what you alluded to, size of patrol range of the largest island country in the world.

But believe me, if anyone understands CAATSA, it's this kid. And who could underestimate US ally-ship as compared to Russia's? The former is somewhat better than the latter.
Anyway, as impressive as the F-15 in Indonesian service, in the grand scheme of things this is nothing.

24x F-15EX
42x Rafale F4
33x F-16 AM/BM/C/D

and secondary combat jets of

23x Hawk
13x T-50i

is simply too small for a country our size


The ideal number should be twice that. But we won't be able to afford those.

I personally believe that Indonesia must adopt a Missile missile-centric army like Iran or NorKo. Those jets are just imported weapons, even if we manage to assemble the KF-21, there's clearly limitations. Those limitations are a liability if let's say France or the USA decide to pull the plug on after-sales support and spare parts.

If Indonesia can spend $5 billion a year (and adjusted for inflation after) on missile research and finding technical know-how through cooperation and espionage. Then I believe in 20 years Indonesia could have achieved self-sufficiency in producing missiles that could reach China and Australia, our two principal threat.

As well as obtaining the capability to close the Malacca, Sunda, and Karimata strait like the Houthis are doing now.
Can't you already deny access to malacca, sunda and karimata strait because they pass within Indonesia island group and hence it naturally becomes Indonesia internal water passage where Indonesia can deny the entry to any nation?

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