Indonesian Army/Marine/Police Paramilitary

@Indos Please tell us in detail about different Indonesian intelligence agencies. Which was done external intelligence which one does internal
@Indos Please tell us in detail about different Indonesian intelligence agencies. Which was done external intelligence which one does internal

The internal one is BIN, under President directly, and it has its own troops as well

The external one is BAIS under Armed Force. So you see Indonesia send weapons to Bosnian from its BAIS where during that time is lead by Soeripto

Soeripto in Bosnia

Brimob, Police Paramilitary, Real operation, Papua

@Indos Please tell us in detail about different Indonesian intelligence agencies. Which was done external intelligence which one does internal

But I need to inform you that BIN is not like FBI, for thing like FBI it is handled by our police as our police has its own intelligent unit, BIN is more like preventing and protecting the nation from foreign power (state level) who want to do something bad to our nation, BIN is also there to protect things like possible coup from internal power etc

Like for example our anti terrorist intelligent is under Police and it is quite successful to defense our country from ISIS, AQ.

Our anti terror unit from Police

BAIS from Armed Force is also doing intelligence for internal matter like to handle our separatist movement, but since it is under Armed Force that has big resources and equipment so it is also handled external operation if necessary like the operation to help Pakistan during 1965 Pak-Indo war, Afghan war, and Bosnian war as well. Like for example our military satellite will be handled by our Armed Force, including the one that we would like to buy, earth observation military satellite

Indonesian Peacekeeper to Receive 2023 United Nations Woman Police Officer of the Year Award​

13 November 2023 14:41 WIB


Police First Sergeant Renita Rismayanti, Criminal Database Officer at the UN Mission in the Central African Republic. (Photo: United Nations in Indonesia)

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The United Nations has announced that Police First Sergeant Renita Rismayanti, of Indonesia, will receive the 2023 United Nations Woman Police Officer of the Year Award on November 16, according to a press release received by Tempo on Monday, November 13, 2023.

The award will be presented during the annual United Nations Police Week, taking place at United Nations Headquarters from November 13 to 17.

Police First Sergeant Rismayanti serves as a Crime Database Officer with the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). In this role, she has helped conceptualize and develop a criminal database that enables UN Police to map and analyse crime and disorder hotspots which, in turn, helps the country’s security forces to better plan their operations in support of the local population.


Police First Sergeant Renita Rismayanti (wearing blue beret) while serving in the Central African Republic with a colleague. (Photo: United Nations in Indonesia)

“Police First Sergeant Rismayanti’s innovation and efforts to leverage data within United Nations peacekeeping and the Central African Republic police has made a significant contribution to enhancing security for vulnerable communities, including women and girls,” said Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix.

“She serves as a great example of how the participation and leadership of women in peacekeeping improve the effectiveness of our protection and peacebuilding work to better meet the challenges of today and tomorrow,” he added.

Police First Sergeant Rismayanti says she feels fortunate to be able to use her technological skills to improve security for people across the Central African Republic. “I hope the visibility that comes from winning this award will reinforce among women and girls that all fields of expertise in policing are open to us,” she said.

At 27 years of age, she is the youngest-ever United Nations Woman Police Officer of the Year.

She began her career with the Indonesian National Police as a public information officer in 2014 and has also worked in training, administration, and logistics.

“Having accomplished so much by embracing technology in a traditionally male-dominated field, Police First Sergeant Rismayanti represents the future of United Nations policing,” said United Nations Police Adviser Faisal Shahkar.

“She and her colleagues are helping to build trust and confidence between local authorities and communities, which makes the work of the United Nations Police more effective and people safer,” said Faisal.

The United Nations Woman Police Officer of the Year award was established in 2011 to recognize the exceptional contributions of women police officers to UN peace operations and to promote women’s empowerment.

Indonesian Police Paramilitary unit (Brimob)
Total personnel: 30.000 troops


Papua Security Operation





Formed in late 1945 as a special police corps named Pasukan Polisi Istimewa (Special Police Troops) with the task of disarming remnants of the Japanese Imperial Army and protecting the chief of state and the capital city. Under the Japanese, it was called Special Police Unit (特別警察隊, Tokubetsu Keisatsutai, not to be confused with the IJN Tokkeitai). It fought in the revolution and was the first military unit to engage in the Battle of Surabaya under the command of Police Inspector Moehammad Jasin.

On 14 November 1946, Prime Minister Sutan Sjahrir reorganised the Polisi Istimewa into the Mobile Brigade (Mobrig). This day is celebrated as the anniversary of this Blue Beret Corps. This Corps was reconstituted to suppress military and police conflicts and even coups d'etat.

On 1 December 1947 Mobrig was militarized and later deployed in various conflicts and confrontations like the PKI Rebellion in Madiun, DI Rebellion (1947), APRA Rebellion and RMS Proclamation (1950), PRRI People Rebellion (1953), and Permesta (1958).

As of 14 November 1961, the Mobrig changed its name to Korps Brigade Mobil (Brimob), and its troops took part in the military confrontation with Malaysia in the early 1960s and in the conflict in East Timor in the mid-1970s. After that, Brimob was placed under the command of the Indonesian National Police.

The Mobile Brigade, which began forming in late 1946 and was used during the anti-Dutch Revolution, started sending students for US Army SF training on Okinawa in January 1959. In April 1960 a second contingent arrived for two months of Ranger training. By the mid-1960s the three-battalion Mobile Brigade, commonly known as Brimob, had been converted into an elite shock force. A Brimob airborne training centre was established in Bandung.

Following the 1965 coup attempt, one Brimob battalion was used during anti-Communist operations in West Kalimantan. In December 1975 a Brimob battalion was used during the East Timor operation. During the late 1970s, Brimob assumed VIP security and urban anti-terrorist duties. In 1989, Brimob still contained airborne-qualified elements. Pelopor ('Ranger') and airborne training takes place in Bandung and at a training camp outside Jakarta.[4] Historically, Brimob wore the Indonesian spot camouflage pattern during the early 1960s as their uniform.[4]

Mobile Brigade Corps - Wikipedia

Garuda Shield, Indonesia-USA. Indonesian troops comes from Kostrad (40,000 troops)

General Soedirman, Armed Force Commander during the revolution war.


He is still fighting despite he is in serious sickness that lead to his death. He died just after Indonesia get formal independence in 1949


Jakarta Business District is named after him

SCBD (Soedirman Central Business District)

Soedirman statue in Sudirman Street, Jakarta Business Region


Soedirman Statue inside Japan Defense Ministry Office, Tokyo

Indonesia under Japanese

Indonesian get military training from Japanese to help them fight the allied nation. The Indonesian soldiers trained by Japanese during Japanese occupation is at 37.000 soldiers. The name of Indonesian soldiers are PETA (Defender of the Homeland). From this soldiers and later from surrendering Japanese soldiers Indonesian freedom fighter get the weapon. From the book I read, after Japanese surrender in August 1945, the troops strength is increasing into around 300.000 to prepare for war against Dutch and its allied. Troops from Java and Sumatera are dominating in term of number of personnel.

So Indonesian in general fight Dutch and British under one command. Indonesian Army has been established since 1945 after Japan surrendered to allied nation in 1945. The main backbone of Indonesian Armed Force during the revolution is soldiers from PETA. Indonesian Armed Force General during that time, Soedirman, also comes from PETA.

In conclution, the road to liberation has been prepared by Allah SWT. From Japanese beating the Dutch in Indonesia, Japanese trained Indonesian militarily, and the surrender of Japan in 1945.

Indonesian Marine


M416 design by local rifle manufacturer

This is Pindad version


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