Iran launched Chamran Satellite on 3 solid fuel staged Ghaem-100 SLV

IRGC's space launch record: 6 successful launches since 2020 (out of 7 attempts)

Qaem-100 (3/4):

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 11.12.55.png

Qased SLV (3/3):

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 11.13.02.png
Congratulations. I
ran should try to increase the payload capacity of its SLVs.
Congratulations. I
ran should try to increase the payload capacity of its SLVs.
there is a plan... within a few years Zoljanah and Qaem-105 will likely be in operation.

Qaem-105, Qaem-110 and Qaem-120 is the roadmap for the IRGC. The IRGC has not let us down in space so far.

By the end of this decade we should see Qaem-120 (IRGC) and Sarir (ISA) in operation. Sarir SLV will be able to insert a 500kg payload into a 1000km orbit. Its first test launch is scheduled to take place by March 2027. No doubt this deadline will be missed, so I estimate end of decade instead.

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