Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Israel cannot do anything. It will get crushed a week into a war and beg NATO to intervene. It all depends on if US will fight a war on the Jewish Supremacist Colony's behalf. Otherwise Israel has to swallow the blow there is nothing they can do. We are probably underestimating Iran's missile defenses(maybe). But even without, it will crush Israel.

Israel lacks economy and logistical capability to fight a war with Iran. Even a short term one. It needed US massive funding and supply routes to be activated to do what it did in Gaza. It requested US to take on Hezbollah if Lebanese front was open.

It has cost the U.S and west 100 billion to supply and fund Israel over the last 6 months against trapped Palestinians in Gaza

Israel is a relatively weak state and military, that has been funded heavily by the U.S and west and created a strong air force and air defence to protect it

It's manpower issues are stark and with 22% Arab population that doesn't get involved in the military and the Orthodox population that is fighting against a draft... About 60% of Israel is doing all the heavy lifting and at the same time they have to try and run the county and keep the economy going
Like I said yesterday, Iran deterred Israel. And Israel is now deterred from striking Iranians or Iranian infrastructure in Syria. They're asking the US to break this new equation. Because they themselves can't. That's why US said it will respond if Iran fires on Israel again. Because Israel can't do jack shit. So it will test this equation by attacking Iranian infrastructure in Syria in coming weeks or months if US gives greenlight and is actually going to attack Iran on behalf of Israel asserting its equation. It's the US trying to assert these rules of engagement for Israel. Israel by itself cannot do anything.

If Israel makes any briefs or press statements even suggesting a response or asserting new rules of engagement, then it has US backing and US will actually be doing the attacks. Israeli Jews can't do anything whatsoever. Iran will mop the floor with them. Russia maybes senses Israel is trying to drag US into a war:

India has co-produced Barak-8 ADS.Even Indians can supply them from their stocks.

So they have great replenishment capacity.
Bharatis fail to understand that,Iran unlike Bharat and Pakistan has not plethora of advance systems,it’s most advance weapons are UAV,CM’s and BM’s.
When you guys calculate you do that through Bharat-Pak lens which isn’t applicable.We have Airforce,Navy,Nukes and large ground force,they don’t have that sort of conventional power.Last two decades when Bharat-Pak have been busy raising new formations,inducting new platforms and Launching ships,Iranians are doing only one thing producing UAV’s,CM,s and BM’s.Iran started BM program in 1980 and have deployed BM’s in conventional role since 1985,and they have been churning BM’ since 1990’s.According to US intel Iran has one of the largest stock of BM’s in the whole world.Even US can supply Israel but can it supply at rate which Iranians would remove missiles from racks and fire them?
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It has cost the U.S and west 100 billion to supply and fund Israel over the last 6 months against trapped Palestinians in Gaza

Israel is a relatively weak state and military, that has been funded heavily by the U.S and west and created a strong air force and air defence to protect it

It's manpower issues are stark and with 22% Arab population that doesn't get involved in the military and the Orthodox population that is fighting against a draft... About 60% of Israel is doing all the heavy lifting and at the same time they have to try and run the county and keep the economy going
Israeli's can't and aren't doing anything. What he have to watch out for is if the Jewish-American community has coerced the US into directing a war on Iran on Israels behalf. Even war on Gaza is directed by the US and US took part in carpet bombing Gaza.
The Israeli defense minister dumba$$ is trying to appear independent saying this can't go without a response. He's directing that statement to NATO. Trying to coerce and persuade them into attacking Iran. Seems NATO is not interested. But Jewish-American community has massive influence in the US and can change this.

Gulfies need to be given a bloody nose, especially emiratis.. MBS along with his bastarx UAE cousins are the biggest traitors and enemies of Islam..

The ulema and many others have been saying since 1948 that Israel has been given on a plate to the zionist by the Alsauds, AlSheikhs, Al Sherifs, MBZs to be recognised and protected as kingdoms. Remember the Ottomans said "Absolutely Not" to the allies regarding selling Palestine and after they were defeated during WW1 all these Arab nationalist Kingdoms came about, since then they always have been allies of the Usa/Britain and then Israel.
The Jewish-American community is pushing for a final solution of Palestinians and a war on Iran. What happens from now depends on the non-Jewish American majority. If they can push back against Jewish-American community efforts to complete their Holocaust and trigger a regional war.
Israel cannot do anything but wait for the US to change its mind and strike Iran on its behalf. They cannot do anything alone.
I think they might strike iran but how and when is two different things will it be a large sabotage attack, or some kind of attack from submarines or airborne attack right now it’s iran to play on the defense whatever comes it will be Israel to do it and the more these Arab “leaders” to see if it is worth unrest in their countries for involvement in protecting Israel it really is almost laughable they can be called leaders, agree with Iranian policies in the past or present whatever I don’t care but these cowards are turning a blind eye to killings in Palestine but protecting Israel who if it was the other way around wouldn’t give to two 💩s this country’s “leaders” need to put to rest I’m sorry to say. 🤦‍♂️ how far these countries have fallen. I think I am on the opposite spectrum here I don’t think Moroccan people to people from Indonesia are any better end of the day we should want the betterment of our people we were united at one time smh 1500 years of so ago now we fight over the smallest of differences. We are lead by “leaders” in most of our countries that are drinking bottles of champagnes and having orgies behind closed doors, yes sorry truth is all of these so called leaders in all of these countries are doing the same thing don’t think anyone of them don’t, even if it’s 1 of 10 or 10 of 10 it’s starting to get sickening
Israeli's can't and aren't doing anything. What he have to watch out for is if the Jewish-American community has coerced the US into directing a war on Iran on Israels behalf. Even war on Gaza is directed by the US and US took part in carpet bombing Gaza.

Yep, it's the Jew tentacles you have to watch out for

You can see it in the discourse, they are desperate for the U.S to do the heavy lifting

Iraq was attacked for that EXACT reason, with the U.Sand allies doing all the work for Israel

The U.S or biden at least and even probably the U.S military has understood and have told Israel this is EXACTLY why you attacked the Iranian embassy to try and get a response so you can drag us all into fighting a war for the Jews

A truly parasite people
The Jewish-American community is pushing for a final solution of Palestinians and a war on Iran. What happens from now depends on the non-Jewish American majority. If they can push back against Jewish-American community efforts to complete their Holocaust and trigger a regional war.
Eeehh you have to be more specific most Jewish Americans do not support Netanyahu, yes there is a hardcore minority who controls a monopoly on influence in dc
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