Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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I see many Arab users on social media and state commentators making fun of the latest attack or dismiss it as a conspiracy or something.

Your lucky you have the Islamic Republic

You could have dickless cockroaches like the shah or the arabs
the establishment agents in Pakistan media has been trying to downplay what Iran did and similarly their agents here are trying to showcase the missile attacks here as useless. PAkistan simply lacks the willpower and is ruled by cowards who would sit idle while women and children are being killed everyday in Palestine !
Neither could actually get troops to the other, let alone sustain them so would make for am interesting war. A War of words perhaps.
Remember Beirut Explosion?

IDF can do preemptive strikes on their ammunition depots and whole Lebanon will be shocked with Explosions.

I still don't think this will escalate further.
Grow up for love of GOD. IF that was this easy trust me they would have done it long go. Israel is still not even close to defeating HAMAS in GAZA and you think they can take on Hezbollah which has way bigger area in their control in Lebanon and Syria to hide their weapons than Israel. Secondly Hezbollah is one front. If we count all Iranian proxies, I am pretty sure they are at least half a million in size. If not more.
I see many Arab users on social media and state commentators making fun of the latest attack or dismiss it as a conspiracy or something.
They're state agents. Seemingly trying to narrative build for Israel. Before they say why isn't Iran helping save Gaza and Hamas. Now they say Iran is distracting from the crisis Gaza(what they mean is the attempt to destroy Hamas and replace Gaza with PA or Israeli rule).
Secondly Hezbollah is one front. If we count all Iranian proxies, I am pretty sure they are at least half a million in size. If not more
In previous Arab-Israel wars,Israel managed to defeat them all on battle field.
Israeli Air Power can do some serious damage to any party involved.
When you start firing heavy Ballistic Missiles or Rockets you move them out for launches,You time to time displace positions .Israeli intelligence will simply keep an eye on these movements and will probably map their locations out to get their target destroyed.
You mobilize,You come under the enemy's eyes and now they can hit you.
Now they say Iran is distracting from the crisis Gaza(what they mean is the attempt to destroy Hamas and replace Gaza with PA or Israeli rule).
Israel Iran war is in the best of gazan interests.
Just pray it stretchs out for weeks.I read a news that rafah invasion is delayed.
That's first positive.
I beleive they are going into Iran nuclear site. It is what they are hoping for years to be striked. They will surely use Iran attack for justification to do so.

What Iran will do next ? Israel is pretty much protected by their air defense system where US will help them with additional missiles

Except sadly, Iran doesn't have an Iron Dome or any other missile defense system and everything would hit. We'd be having protests about the thousands of defenceless Iranian deaths by August.
Hope Pakistan Generals are aware alert and focused .
Can't trust these homeless squatters misdirecting a missile or two on purpose towards Pakistan.
Let me tell you a fun fact or rather not so fun fact, the current President of Pakistan was the one who told the americans keep striking in Pakistan and let me worry about collateral. Dont expect anyone to be alert and focused in today's Pakistan Generals included.
Israel would only attack Iran if the United States fully commits to it with full force. There is no way on earth Israel will attack all alone. Reason is that Israel's knows exactly that it will invite death & destruction of Israel if it goes to war.

The Iranian attack was designed to minimize any damage but at the same time deliver a message to Israel. All those cheap / loud drones were sent to tell Israel what we are coming, we are starting the attack, those were meant not just as distraction for their air-defense but also as an advance warning to get prepared and start shooting these with your expensive SAMs. Iran already win if we see the costs involved, For every 10K USD drone, a million dollar missile was fired by Israel. In the process Iran also easily penetrated through the air-defense and attacked the airbase which was it's intended target. BMs so accurate at such long ranges despite GPS / EW jammings is feat in its own sense. But also tells that those missiles were either without a payload or very light explosive material. Those BMs can carry very explosive & heavy warheads. If Iran intends destruction in their next waves, it will definitely cause some heavy destruction. For any next attack, Iran will not give advance warnings as it gave in its last demo to the US and to the neighboring countries. Iran gave many hours earlier warning, basically to tell Israelis / US to get ready.

I can only laugh at those fools who are revolving around 'interception rate'. Even credible western analysts are acknowledging that those drones were sent at first place to be intercepted. It was all by design. I mean where's your IQ when you say oh interception rate is so high? Do you really think Iran intended those 300+ projectiles to make an impact and cause wide scale destruction across Israel ?? Do you think Iran wanted a full scale war?? Even a kid can understand that Iran wanted to avoid full scale war. The whole operation was designed to minimize the damage but only show the capabilities that Israel is well in range and those GPS / EW jamings won't do a shit. Iran only established that their cheap drones can overwhelm & exhaust Israeli AD which can't keep up logistally and in the process Iranians can even break through their defenses at their higest level of alertness / prior warnings and full allied support. I don't think Israel is foolish enough to attack Iran all alone, when US already has said they are not interested to be dragged in this war.
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