Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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I posted this few days ago in other thread before Iran attacked on Israel so in all honesty I have to put same here.

I thought the name of the operation was “His faithful promise”? Anyways, “truthful promise” doesn’t sound as badass
If Israel makes any briefs or press statements even suggesting a response or asserting new rules of engagement, then it has US backing and US will actually be doing the attacks. Israeli Jews can't do anything whatsoever. Iran will mop the floor with them. Russia maybes senses Israel is trying to drag US into a war:

Russians are the biggest closet backers of Zionist baby killers. They've been playing the shia/iranian nexus for fools for a long time....
Of course 😀

'Lions of Judah' begging US to do the strike

@Get Ya Wig Split is not to be seen. Only if US participates he'll come in this thread saying don't f with the US ever. As if the US is Israel. 🤣

Coordination doesn’t mean America participating in an attack it means basically what iran did to be honest tell Americans when and where it’s going to happen and for America to tell neighboring countries so those countries will tell iran that there is an unspecified attack coming on a certain day
Russians are the biggest closet backers of Zionist baby killers. They've been playing the shia/iranian nexus for fools for a long time....
Israel has a very large Russian settler colony. Pretty much most of Israel is from Eastern Europe or Slavic countries
80% of american jews are zionists.

Naturei Karta, it's a small group.

But most of American Jews are middle-class leftists who vote democrats.

Popeye Turbo Submarine Launched Cruise Missile[edit]​

Main articles: submarine-launched cruise missile, Nuclear triad, and Second strike
The Popeye Turbo SLCM is a reportedly stretched version of the Popeye Turbo developed for use as a submarine-launched cruise missile (SLCM), which was widely reported – in a US Navy-observed 2002 test in the Indian Ocean – to have hit a target 1,500 km (930 mi) away. It is reasonable to assume that the weapon's range has been extended to the point where it can launch against Tehran and even more Iranian cities from a relatively safe location.[7] It can allegedly carry a 200 kiloton nuclear warhead.[7] It is believed that the stretched Popeye Turbo is the primary strategic second strike nuclear deterrent weapon that can be fired from the 650 mm (26 in) secondary torpedo tubes of the Israeli Dolphin-class submarines.[1] It is believed that the SLCM version of the Popeye was developed by Israel after the US Clinton administration refused an Israeli request in 2000 to purchase Tomahawk long range SLCM because of international MTCR proliferation rules.[8] While the standard Popeye is 533 mm (21.0 in) the Dolphin class submarines have four 650 mm (26 in) torpedo tubes in addition to the six standard 533 mm (21.0 in) tubes allowing for the possibility that a SLCM Popeye derivative may be a larger diameter.[9]
That is a valid question, that is what the new equation is in new middle East.

Iran does not have the capacity to engage F35s which will spearhead any kinetic strike over Iran but what will be the consequence after that another 5 hour strike on Israel cost upwards of 10billion US$ and if strait of hormuz gets blocked.

in new equation Israel cannot do kinetic strike on Iran - stakes are too high and cost is unbearable.

i am starting to think that whole Iran Embassy attack was to lure the Hizbullah that was the calculation by israel. Iran did what they did not thought. now Hizbullah is intact, Iran can produce atleast 2-3 waves of 5 hours missile strikes.

economically unbearable in any scenrio. its a chess game and unfotunately or fortunately - Iran has checkmated Israel.

There is a reason that Iran did not take precautions after the missile offensive. no rationing of fuel - no closure of airspace - no open order to High alert, no combat flying of airforce - nothing!

Very well calculated move!

F-35s will have nowhere to land as Hezbollah + Iran destroy their bases before they even get back.

Also Iran would literally destroy all critical Saudi infrastructure and probably decapitate its leadership with precision cruise and ballistic missile strikes if they help out at all.

Also here is what the Zionists are now admitting to and they know that Iran can do terminal damage to them if they, even without Hezbollah, let loose on them:


"But at least five ballistic missiles were not intercepted, hitting the Nevatim air base in the Negev desert in the south of Israel, damaging a C-130 cargo plane, an out-of-use runway and empty storage facilities, an unnamed US official told ABC News. Four other missiles appeared to have hit another airbase in the Negev, causing significant damage."

The fact the missiles hit a runway, damaged a C-130 and storage facilities means that Iranian missiles have pinpoint accuracy. Next time Iran could land a missile on Netanyahu's head.

"Significant damage" means that base is all but destroyed and out of action for a long time.
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Yar aik do F-35 eder bej k kam khatam kro.Kion bacha logon ki Raaton ki neenden haram ki howi hain 😁
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