Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Arab spring 2.0 incoming
This attack has totally diminished Israeli mighty hegemony in the region, which exposes massive air defense breaches, where a country without an air force and proper air defence system, can harm the rival with a better strategy.
No Arab spring against Usa/Israel allies, Arab spring destroyed Libya, Syria and others.
For a brief moment the Egyptian Arab spring was great because of Muslim brotherhood coming into power, but then it got toppled soon after by the Zionists

Naturei Karta, it's a small group.

But most of American Jews are middle-class leftists who vote democrats.
I keep on saying that 😂 no one believes me this is costing Biden a lot of votes. South Florida and New York are basically the exception hardcore Zionist’s honestly I live in south Florida and liberal Jews hate zionists that’s why I can’t lump all people together like how others do. I can’t defend every Palestinian either I have met many that disgust as much as any Zionist but I’m Palestinian support Palestinians 💯, my boss asked me a few weeks ago about everything 😂 he’s not really on either side he was curious I’m like I don’t have to support Hamas and the actions of a few to support the right of Palestinians to fight back, in a perfect world we should live in peace everyone respects each others religion and people treat each other humanely.
@UKBengali you know Russians have failed to completely destroy the UkrAF with literally thousands of Missiles & Huge Air Force.
And you think Iranians are capable enough to destroy those F-35 bases with missiles alone and that too from 1000+ km away?

Missiles are called Miss-iles b/c they miss more than they actually hit

Had these things been 100% accurate
We would call them Hit-iles.
Yar aik do F-35 eder bej k kam khatam kro.Kion bacha logon ki Raaton ki neenden haram ki howi hain 😁

Doubt F-35 have any role due to its very small combat range. Unless they want to hit just the border areas maybe.

Secondly, Iran's whole defensive doctrines are built in last 3-4 decades with such things in mind. They can absorb a ton load of bombings as if nothing happened, they got most of their military assets hidden / tunnels / under ground bunkers. Yemenis took a severe bombing campaign for over 5 years and came only stronger. US / UK hit many yemenis positions but next day they were firing Anti-ship missiles again. Iran is just Yemen x 1000.

You can't win from Iran until US with all its might come, which is not happening. Any small attempt by Israel to restore its honor or status-quo will be responded with another waves of Iranian missiles, this time without warning and this time with intent to do damage. Israel is caught with its pants down. Nothing it can do really.
@UKBengali you know Russians have failed to completely destroy the UkrAF with literally thousands of Missiles & Huge Air Force.
And you think Iranians are capable enough to destroy those F-35 bases with missiles alone and that too from 1000+ km away?

Missiles are called Miss-iles b/c they miss more than they actually hit

Had these things been 100% accurate
We would call them Hit-iles.

Russian missiles are garbage compared to the Iranian ones.

Even the Zionists admitted pinpoint accuracy of Iranian missiles in that article. Now they admit 9 ballistic missiles got through with pinpoint precision.

Also F-35s are "hangar queens" as they need specialised hangars to function. Iran just needs to damage those hangars to put F-35 out of action, and they showed the capability to do so over the weekend, where the Zionists simply could not intercept a relatively small attack with less advanced ballistic missiles in Iranian arsenal.
Honestly you I love Ben gvir at least he says out loud instead of behind close doors. Yes a tiny tiny country believes they are rightful masters truth is with these Arab “governments" following American and Israeli command they are right

Naturei Karta, it's a small group.

But most of American Jews are middle-class leftists who vote democrats.
This is but a tiny marginalized minority.

Whereas most powerful amongst the US jewry who head and dominate every major US institution and entity from politics to judiciary to finance/wall street, tech, media and hollywood and even academia are all ardent baby killing zionists.
What is Pakistans stance on a Iran v Israel war
You supporting Iran with aid or staying out of trouble
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