Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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This support will not matter for either side.
Pak has no stakes in this conflict.
We will just churn out a toti phuti statement that no one will really understand.

That's true. at the same time, from now onwards we should avoid saying big titles for ourselves, like "only islamic nuclear state", "largest islamic military force" and blabla. As we so easily say that we have no business even when 30,000 children are murdered and a genocide is happening. We should find new names for ourselves. We should be atleast honest with ourselves.
I'm shocked no one uttered a word
Why is it that Saudi UAE Turkey and Pakistan along with its super power china ally have all sat looking helpless

I'm non Muslim non Arab even I can see the hypocrisy and double standards of USA and Israel it's plain genocide on the Palestine people
We saw the impact Videos
Missiles were falling on empty places.

The intent wasn't to cause wide scale destruction. Whole campaign was designed to minimize the destruction. You can see those missiles travelled 1000 kms but carry absolutely no warheads. 4 BMs with super explosive warheads would have caused lot of material + human loss. Would have paved the way for fullscale war. Which for now, Iran is avoiding.
Their pilots for the first time will be facing real opponents...Inshallah many will not make it back alive.
Israeli pilots faced a far far stronger airforce(s) throughout history than Iran's lmao
I'm shocked no one uttered a word
Why is it that Saudi UAE Turkey and Pakistan along with its super power china ally have all sat looking helpless

I'm non Muslim non Arab even I can see the hypocrisy and double standards of USA and Israel it's plain genocide on the Palestine people
Sorry mate...Pakistan's army is busy building DHAs daytime and sleeps at night time (well earned rest after a busy day at work) let's not disturb them.

Whereas Arabs are literally drowning in petrol money...just visit any of their cities. Its a disgrace overall
This support will not matter for either side.
Pak has no stakes in this conflict.
We will just churn out a toti phuti statement that no one will really understand.
That’s not what American news is saying and Israeli media can’t report about anything without government approval but they sure are reporting what the American news is saying and that’s only what they can verify
Pakistan is western slave and wont do shit... all they are good at is appeasing the west.
"Pakistan is a western slave saaar!! Why won't it start a conflict in the middle east which it is not a party to against states it has no war with and nothing to gain saar!!!"


Pakjeets when western slavery: 😡😡😡😡

Pakjeets when fighting a conflict for Arabs that it's not even a party to: 😻😻😻😻
Sorry mate...Pakistan's army is busy building DHAs daytime and sleeps at night time (well earned rest after a busy day at work) let's not disturb them.

Whereas Arabs are literally drowning in petrol money...just visit any of their cities. Its a disgrace overall

It's not just Pakistan so called Muslim nuclear power
But the rich powerful.arabs despite obscene wealth not a word
Even Turkey who you people big up as a power ful military have been frozen speechless just devoid of heart or simply human feelings
And worse still you all caught china as our superpower brother nation
Again not a murmur..

In contrast look how they all pour arms into white catholic Ukraine ...

Against Israel ....not a chance
Iranians should get their SAM batteries ready. Let's smoke some Zionists.

After the attack Iran should prepare for an even bigger retaliation.
Iranians should get their SAM batteries ready. Let's smoke some Zionists.

After the attack Iran should prepare for an even bigger retaliation.
Being realistic. Do Iranian SAMs have a chance against F-35 stealth jets.

Honestly it looks like Israel is gonna dominate
Russian missiles are garbage compared to the Iranian ones.

Even the Zionists admitted pinpoint accuracy of Iranian missiles in that article. Now they admit 9 ballistic missiles got through with pinpoint precision.

Also F-35s are "hangar queens" as they need specialised hangars to function. Iran just needs to damage those hangars to put F-35 out of action, and they showed the capability to do so over the weekend, where the Zionists simply could not intercept a relatively small attack with less advanced ballistic missiles in Iranian arsenal.

Irans attack on Israel was a massive failure. 50% of Irans ballistic missiles failure on launch and flight. The rest only 10% getting through hitting open areas at the airbase, the rest intercepted. All drones and cruise missiles intercepted.

It was a failure and embarrassment for Iran. Now Iran faces retaliation
Israeli pilots faced a far far stronger airforce(s) throughout history than Iran's lmao

Iran - strong Airforce?

Compared to the IAF, - Iranian air force is nowhere.

Iran's air force is significantly weaker, than follow by its navy.
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