Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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"Pakistan is a western slave saaar!! Why won't it start a conflict in the middle east which it is not a party to against states it has no war with and nothing to gain saar!!!"

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Pakjeets when western slavery: 😡😡😡😡

Pakjeets when fighting a conflict for Arabs that it's not even a party to: 😻😻😻😻

Irans attack on Israel was a massive failure. 50% of Irans ballistic missiles failure on launch and flight. The rest only 10% getting through hitting open areas at the airbase, the rest intercepted. All drones and cruise missiles intercepted.

It was a failure and embarrassment for Iran. Now Iran faces retaliation

We will see American. We will see.

You said the same sort of things when you entered Afghanistan.
So those of us who missed the arab isreal 6 day war can now see a remake but with iran this time..
This is why you don't start wars you can not finish. You wait, prepare, make yourself strong and then destroy enemies.
As I much as I want Iran to be dominant against Israel in this conflict, looking at it holistically, it will be Israel dominating Iran (obviously with US assistance) so let us not delude ourself too early like the thousand times before about how "Israel is about to make the biggest mistake".

Let's hope we have a pleasant surprise but I'm not hopeful.
The IAF only really has the option of air strikes which is fraught with danger to them and could cause significant losses.
Iranian air defense is probably exceptionally strong and might engage IAF jets outside Iranian air space.
As they come in they will be targeted by multiple systems and there will be powerful electronic jamming out to confuse their radars.
Once their planes, who will be far out need to pull back and refuel, they could see ballistic missiles hitting their bases on a return.
bet you anything, it'll take a single phone call from America, and our bases will be lined up like candies for the Yankees.
islamic touch walla coas is prayering to satan for that call!
I think Israel will attack right at Tehran, the F-35 has the range to reach it if refueled from Saudi or Emirati airspace.

Then Iran will retaliate by another missile campaign against Tel Aviv. The good thing about this is the settlers would likely leave en masse from the embattled country.

We could also see their proxies in Iraq going all out against American installations. And Hezbollah resuming mass attacks against Israeli settlements in the North.
It's not just Pakistan so called Muslim nuclear power
But the rich powerful.arabs despite obscene wealth not a word
Even Turkey who you people big up as a power ful military have been frozen speechless just devoid of heart or simply human feelings
And worse still you all caught china as our superpower brother nation
Again not a murmur..

In contrast look how they all pour arms into white catholic Ukraine ...

Against Israel ....not a chance
Look, my friend. The matter is simple.

Every nation on the planet is first focused on its own national security & interests related to it.

While the people of Pakistan, Saudi and Turkey undoubtedly stand with the Palestinians and feel sorrow, it is not feasible to throw their (struggling) nations into a prolonged war with an uncertain outcome. They are not a party to the conflict.

Pakistan is situated in South Asia with an economy on the brink of collapse, you want it to engage in suicidal superhero behaviour just to satisfy you in front of your mobile phone for a couple days? Their own security and stability comes first.
As I much as I want Iran to be dominant against Israel in this conflict, looking at it holistically, it will be Israel dominating Iran (obviously with US assistance) so let us not delude ourself too early like the thousand times before about how "Israel is about to make the biggest mistake".

Let's hope we have a pleasant surprise but I'm not hopeful.

Don't forget that China has the potential of becoming a party on the sidelines. China won't sit idle and watch how the US, Europeans aid Israel shamelessly. If Israel is important to US/Europe Iran is also very important to China. China and Iran have a multi billion pact that goes far beyond economics. It is safe to say that it also encompasses security aspects.
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Many members here have deluded themselves. The attack on Israel was a huge failure.

Up to 50% of Iranian ballistic missiles failed on launch or flight. The rest were intercepted, with a small percentage getting through hitting open areas of the airbase that can be repaired in hours. All drones and cruise missiles intercepted.

It was a failure, and I’d say the same if that were the results of a US attack. Members have lost touch with reality
Look, my friend. The matter is simple.

Every nation on the planet is first focused on its own national security & interests related to it.

While the people of Pakistan, Saudi and Turkey undoubtedly stand with the Palestinians and feel sorrow, it is not feasible to throw their (struggling) nations into a prolonged war with an uncertain outcome. They are not a party to the conflict.

Pakistan is situated in South Asia with an economy on the brink of collapse, you want it to engage in suicidal superhero behaviour just to satisfy you in front of your mobile phone for a couple days? Their own security and stability comes first.

One of the biggest mistake when it comes to Palestine is Muslims seeing the Palestine issue from the lenses of nationalism, meanwhile their enemies supported Israeli aggression mainly from an ideological perspective.

Put Islam first above nation
Anyone knows what kind of SAM systems Iran operates? I.e. locally produced or Russians?
The IAF only really has the option of air strikes which is fraught with danger to them and could cause significant losses.
Iranian air defense is probably exceptionally strong and might engage IAF jets outside Iranian air space.
As they come in they will be targeted by multiple systems and there will be powerful electronic jamming out to confuse their radars.
Once their planes, who will be far out need to pull back and refuel, they could see ballistic missiles hitting their bases on a return.

I have to say you’ve a very optimistic view of the Iranian AD systems than even the Iranians.

In all likelihood, the Israelis might use missile strikes of their own, unless they fly through Syria/Iraq and refuel on the way before attacking Iran.

Anyways, an Israeli attack buried the hilarious claim the Iranians were just sending a message and intentionally foiling their own missile strikes.
Also, I don’t where members are getting the “Israel has depleted their air defense missiles” narrative from. That’s highly unlikely, and there’s no evidence to support that.
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