Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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But here’s the funny thing I keep thinking about this so iran is preparing for a possible attack by Israel where is Russia coming to send billions of worth defensive weapons to iran, not offensive weapons im sure Russia needs all of that for Ukraine still , iran saves Russia Russia let’s iran down as usual
They can send couple of batteries of AD and per defense agreement couple of squadrons of air fighters and it would be game over for west unless they want to start ww3



I do not like saudis but this is fake news.
This is all secondary. These nations are secular pragmatist that serve their own people first,
Nope, faith comes first nations second. Because when you have a nation without faith, there's every reason that you fought for the well being of others (infidels) that is your very enemy. Something that the Arabs like UAE is doing right now.

Without Islam, what is Pakistan ?
and consider ideological alignment after.

Historically this is how "Muslim" states fool their people to accept normalization with Israel. For example, Morocco's ruler justified their normalization with Israel as part of their effort to check the Algerians in the Polisario issue. They normalized, Israel got all the win and the Polisario issue still stays to this day without clear winner.

The same applies to Egypt. When they normalize, the rulers assure it for the betterment of their country because American dollars (as part of the Camp David accord) will flow to the country and make the country prosperous. In the end, many decades after the peace accords, Egypt is still a dirt poor country and Israel gets all the win.

Yes, maybe, they enjoy it on the sidelines - but if today Israel was small and weak and Palestine was hundreds of billions of dollars GDP military powerhouse - they would NOT favour Israel over Palestine.

Best example is relationships with Arab states.

Islam is not about this. Islam is staying to the truth in good or bad.

This idea that we should stick to whoever has the money and power is from the religion of the Jews and prostitutes.

I say this to Muslims reading this. it is COMPULSORY for YOU to help your brothers in faith until they get justice and not any amount of money justifies you leaving your brothers.
You talk about optimism but your post seems out of touch. Just which missiles are the Israelis going to use? The Jericho III? Weapons which have not been extensively tested or been fired in anger. They'll go with what they know best i.e. airstrikes and history, including very recent history shows that.
The last part of your post I'm not sure what you're going on about .

The Jericho III entered service in 2012, I don’t think they have any issues with the credibility of the weapon. Anyways, it seems the Israelis have made the decision to retaliate, so we won’t have to wait much long to see what route they go.

The second post of my comment had to do with the claims made since Sunday that the Iranians didn’t intend to do damage when it became clear, despite initial denials on this forum, that the Iranian strikes were a complete and unaltered dud.
Iran is going to hit hard by israel
and nobody can do a thing to help Iran
that's the truth
It wasnt a failure. Let me explain why its you who is deluded.

1) Iran warned its neighbours and the US was informed as well 72hrs before they carried out the attack. This means they wanted to limit damage and casualties as they knew Israel would have a number of countries rushing to defend it. Israel and allies had 72hrs prepare their defences.

2)The slow drones and some of the typed of missiles used were meant to be intercepted, per above point.

3) Irans objective was to hit the israeli bases which carried out the attack on their embassy. They succeeded, all the ABMs used failed in stopping those missiles regardless of how much damage they did, they showed they can hit the most defended airspace in the world.

4) Iran reestablished its minimum deterrence and redline. The size of this attack was more for optics and to show the capability to swarm. They could have used better/faster drones and missiles and given no notice, refer back to point 1.

So if you fail to realise the bigger picture geopolitically whats going on, one can not help you any more.

Zionists admitted "severe" damage to one airbase and a runway, C-130 and storage facilities was hit on the 2nd one.

In effect Iran can fire a ballistic missile 1500km away to any point on the Zionist entity to within a few metres. Entity has zero defence as they failed to intercept these missiles and Iran has even more advanced missiles in stock.
They can send couple of batteries of AD and per defense agreement couple of squadrons of air fighters and it would be game over for west unless they want to start ww3
I wouldn’t say that iran needs a lot more to defend against a huge hypothetical coalition there’s no one out there who wants to go to war west would win but unless you have a population who would welcome you with open arms they would lose, they saw that in Afghanistan and in Iraq unless you have leaders all of a population leaders will respect. Palestinian have marwan barghouti, one of the prisoners Israel will most likely release if a prisoner deal happens, problem is his popularity is far to high it would be a double edged sword for Hamas and PA as long as he doesn’t fall into corruption like so many of our past Palestinian leaders he can bring Gaza and West Bank under control rapidly but again popular support and who has the “power” in each of their fiefdoms would they think twice about killing him if he deems to put the groups under one unified command.
Sorry I know kind of strayed from the post
Nope, faith comes first nations second. Because when you have a nation without faith, there's every reason that you fought for the well being of others (infidels) that is your very enemy. Something that the Arabs like UAE is doing right now.

Without Islam, what is Pakistan ?

Historically this is how "Muslim" states fool their people to accept normalization with Israel. For example, Morocco's ruler justified their normalization with Israel as part of their effort to check the Algerians in the Polisario issue. They normalized, Israel got all the win and the Polisario issue still stays to this day without clear winner.

The same applies to Egypt. When they normalize, the rulers assure it for the betterment of their country because American dollars (as part of the Camp David accord) will flow to the country and make the country prosperous. In the end, many decades after the peace accords, Egypt is still a dirt poor country and Israel gets all the win.

Islam is not about this. Islam is staying to the truth in good or bad.

This idea that we should stick to whoever has the money and power is from the religion of the Jews and prostitutes.

I say this to Muslims reading this. it is COMPULSORY for YOU to help your brothers in faith until they get justice and not any amount of money justifies you leaving your brothers.
I am not talking about what you believe in, but what is facts. There is no strong ideological reason for their support.

It is political, economic, geostrategic and due to Israeli lobby groups.
Iran is going to hit hard by israel
and nobody can do a thing to help Iran
that's the truth
This Indian mushrik scum has been repeating this again and again almost orgasming at the thought of dead Iranians and Muslims. I advise Iranian mod to thread ban him. @Mehdipersian

His people are doing the same on X, 1 million views praying for Tehran to be flattened by these scum.

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