Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Look, my friend. The matter is simple.

Every nation on the planet is first focused on its own national security & interests related to it.

While the people of Pakistan, Saudi and Turkey undoubtedly stand with the Palestinians and feel sorrow, it is not feasible to throw their (struggling) nations into a prolonged war with an uncertain outcome. They are not a party to the conflict.

Pakistan is situated in South Asia with an economy on the brink of collapse, you want it to engage in suicidal superhero behaviour just to satisfy you in front of your mobile phone for a couple days? Their own security and stability comes first.

This guy is an Indian.
Also, I don’t where members are getting the “Israel has depleted their air defense missiles” narrative from. That’s highly unlikely, and there’s no evidence to support that.

Of course with a loyal supplier like yourself we are not under any illusion.

Nevertheless, your side started this with the bombing of a diplomatic building/area. If you expected Iran to sit idle you were obviously mistaken.
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The attack on the Iran embassy is considered an attack on Iran's soil, so in return Iran attacks Israeli soil.

Pretty equal tbh
One of the biggest mistake when it comes to Palestine is Muslims seeing the Palestine issue from the lenses of nationalism, meanwhile their enemies supported Israeli aggression mainly from an ideological perspective.

Put Islam first above nation
This isn't true. Their enemies did not support Israel due to any ideological alignment.

Muslims need to stop fooling themselves. Israeli lobbies active in foreign countries are just that powerful and their economic influence within is strong. You failed to match that.

US sees strategic depth in Israel plus has significant Israeli lobby strength. Apart from that there is no ideological attachment, they are pragmatists.
This isn't true. Their enemies did not support Israel due to any ideological alignment.

Muslims need to stop fooling themselves. Israeli lobbies active in foreign countries are just that powerful and their economic influence within is strong. You failed to match that.

US sees strategic depth in Israel plus has significant Israeli lobby strength. Apart from that there is no ideological attachment, they are pragmatists.

Umm no, they support the Israelis out of ideological motivation. It's Islam vs the judeo Christian West, if you look at that video where Brazilians asked on why they supported Israel (despite all the flagrant violations of human rights) you'll find the answer is because they (Israelis) are like us.

In Indonesia Christians are going all out supporting Israel because they feel Israelis Victory is their victory against Islam.

So it's in the end an ideological battle. In fact the entire issue about Palestine is about faith. The very reason why jews chose Palestine instead of Rwanda to settle and built their country is out of ideological reason (the Messiah).

So no, Muslims should stop seeing Palestine issue from the perspective of nation states, when their enemies are ganging up on them purely from an ideological crusade
For the first time in combat, guided-missile destroyers fired missiles developed to intercept ballistic missiles during the U.S. response to the Iranian attack on Israel, USNI News has learned.

USS Arleigh Burke (DDG-51) and USS Carney(DDG-64), in the Eastern Mediterranean, fired four to seven Standard Missile 3s to intercept Iranian ballistic missiles headed toward Israeli targets over the weekend, two defense officials confirmed to USNI News on Monday.

Carney and Arleigh Burke have versions of the Aegis combat system that were modified to track and target ballistic missiles. The SPY-1D radar on the destroyers cues the SM-3 to attack the ballistic missile. The SM-3 transports a kill vehicle outside the atmosphere to intercept a ballistic missile near the height of its path from its launch point before it reenters the atmosphere to hit its target.

Both the destroyers were placed off the coast of Israel as part of the defensive measures against a Iranian strike in retaliation for an Israeli attack on an Iranian embassy in Syria.

US Navy confirms the first use of SM-3 ballistic missile interceptors
"Pakistan is a western slave saaar!! Why won't it start a conflict in the middle east which it is not a party to against states it has no war with and nothing to gain saar!!!"

View attachment 33959

Pakjeets when western slavery: 😡😡😡

Pakjeets when fighting a conflict for Arabs that it's not even a party to: 😻😻😻😻

It did not start this conflict
Your Muslim women and children are being murdered in the thousands
You suppose to be all powerful nuclear Pakistan with the entire Arab world and china with you...
Look, my friend. The matter is simple.

Every nation on the planet is first focused on its own national security & interests related to it.

While the people of Pakistan, Saudi and Turkey undoubtedly stand with the Palestinians and feel sorrow, it is not feasible to throw their (struggling) nations into a prolonged war with an uncertain outcome. They are not a party to the conflict.

Pakistan is situated in South Asia with an economy on the brink of collapse, you want it to engage in suicidal superhero behaviour just to satisfy you in front of your mobile phone for a couple days? Their own security and stability comes first.

I always said Israel is the most dangerous and powerful nation on earth
It's like the USA little sibling
Israel can take on the entire Arab world should it choose too
Nobody will say a word .

I do feel this conflict has shown how completely impotent the Arabs and muslim states are in their struggle both in palestine and dare I say Kashmir

No body can do a thing
US actually counted the missiles that were not launched and brought back as "failed launch"

There was no 110 BM fired, in 2020 footage of BM launch were proliferating

The Iranian launch on TV shows not even 5 BM launch

The probability is that 30-60 BMs were launched, and on both case if they failed, this mean Iran achieved direct impacts with 50 BM launched

Do not trust the WSJ, this is not their first time doing misinformation with those so called "anonymous sources"
Umm no, they support the Israelis out of ideological motivation. It's Islam vs the judeo Christian West, if you look at that video where Brazilians asked on why they supported Israel (despite all the flagrant violations of human rights) you'll find the answer is because they (Israelis) are like us.

In Indonesia Christians are going all out supporting Israel because they feel Israelis Victory is their victory against Islam.

So it's in the end an ideological battle. In fact the entire issue about Palestine is about faith. The very reason why jews chose Palestine instead of Rwanda to settle and built their country is out of ideological reason (the Messiah).

So no, Muslims should stop seeing Palestine issue from the perspective of nation states, when their enemies are ganging up on them purely from an ideological crusade
This is all secondary. These nations are secular pragmatist that serve their own people first, and consider ideological alignment after.

Yes, maybe, they enjoy it on the sidelines - but if today Israel was small and weak and Palestine was hundreds of billions of dollars GDP military powerhouse - they would NOT favour Israel over Palestine.

Best example is relationships with Arab states.
I have to say you’ve a very optimistic view of the Iranian AD systems than even the Iranians.

In all likelihood, the Israelis might use missile strikes of their own, unless they fly through Syria/Iraq and refuel on the way before attacking Iran.

Anyways, an Israeli attack buried the hilarious claim the Iranians were just sending a message and intentionally foiling their own missile strikes.

You talk about optimism but your post seems out of touch. Just which missiles are the Israelis going to use? The Jericho III? Weapons which have not been extensively tested or been fired in anger. They'll go with what they know best i.e. airstrikes and history, including very recent history shows that.
The last part of your post I'm not sure what you're going on about .
I understand now. This Pa-j-eet who's ancestors were slaves for centuries by Muslims is here to get some enjoyment through the actions of Israelis lol. Bored people who just ruin good threads.

Look at this post history on his profile.

One piece of advise to all newer members of this forum. Always check the post history of foreign members or false flaggers when you have any doubts. The post history always reveals everything.
Many members here have deluded themselves. The attack on Israel was a huge failure.

Up to 50% of Iranian ballistic missiles failed on launch or flight. The rest were intercepted, with a small percentage getting through hitting open areas of the airbase that can be repaired in hours. All drones and cruise missiles intercepted.

It was a failure, and I’d say the same if that were the results of a US attack. Members have lost touch with reality
It wasnt a failure. Let me explain why its you who is deluded.

1) Iran warned its neighbours and the US was informed as well 72hrs before they carried out the attack. This means they wanted to limit damage and casualties as they knew Israel would have a number of countries rushing to defend it. Israel and allies had 72hrs prepare their defences.

2)The slow drones and some of the typed of missiles used were meant to be intercepted, per above point.

3) Irans objective was to hit the israeli bases which carried out the attack on their embassy. They succeeded, all the ABMs used failed in stopping those missiles regardless of how much damage they did, they showed they can hit the most defended airspace in the world.

4) Iran reestablished its minimum deterrence and redline. The size of this attack was more for optics and to show the capability to swarm. They could have used better/faster drones and missiles and given no notice, refer back to point 1.

So if you fail to realise the bigger picture geopolitically whats going on, one can not help you any more.
Irans attack on Israel was a massive failure. 50% of Irans ballistic missiles failure on launch and flight. The rest only 10% getting through hitting open areas at the airbase, the rest intercepted. All drones and cruise missiles intercepted.

It was a failure and embarrassment for Iran. Now Iran faces retaliation


So how come the 99% claim of interception was made and now the Zionist entity claims 9 missiles got through.

9 out of 300 drones and missiles means 97% success rate right?

Basic maths is not the entity's strong point it seems.

I take "severe' damage admitted to an airbase as totally destroyed in effect and out of operation.

I repost my link below:

"But at least five ballistic missiles were not intercepted, hitting the Nevatim air base in the Negev desert in the south of Israel, damaging a C-130 cargo plane, an out-of-use runway and empty storage facilities, an unnamed US official told ABC News. Four other missiles appeared to have hit another airbase in the Negev, causing significant damage."

"Open areas"? LOL.
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