Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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War will expand:

Israel,Saudia and may be even US will join in
Iranians missile inventory will get empty in days lol if this happens.
Hope the Iranians don't bomb Pakistan during this. They will make us look evil for defending ourselves during this.
Yes it's all BS. The Iranians are still musliman to them, hence the support to Israel. That's with the Jews hating them and their faith.

It is laughable how these Hindutva pa-jeets like to use terms as Persian though. As if that makes Iran more digestible.
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Irans attack on Israel was a massive failure. 50% of Irans ballistic missiles failure on launch and flight. The rest only 10% getting through hitting open areas at the airbase, the rest intercepted. All drones and cruise missiles intercepted.

It was a failure and embarrassment for Iran. Now Iran faces retaliation
But wasn't it 99% interception?
These dumb Hindutvatis are cheerleading for their Zionist brothers. That is all. They know that when push comes to shove things will get very nasty and out of control.
That's the baby killers and mutilators coalition
Many members here have deluded themselves. The attack on Israel was a huge failure.

Up to 50% of Iranian ballistic missiles failed on launch or flight. The rest were intercepted, with a small percentage getting through hitting open areas of the airbase that can be repaired in hours. All drones and cruise missiles intercepted.

It was a failure, and I’d say the same if that were the results of a US attack. Members have lost touch with reality
You are a real fool if you think the Iranian regime really unleashed everything with full power. First strike was a test and warning. If Iran itself is struck I doubt you want to know what will happen to Israel.
Then Iran will take some hits, but it will also deliver hits and Israel is a small tiny state at the end of the day

It's already had 6 months of war
It's become a hated pariah in many parts of the world
It's had to Jew about a 100 billion out of the U.S tax payer and the west
It's destroyed its own reputation

All to do what, kill PALESTINIANS who still refuse to move and have the demographic advantage

And all Iran had to do was support and supply the resistance

The reason why the U.S and west doesn't want a war with Iran is because Iran has offensive power, it has the ability to hit multiple target's

So their is nowhere for the U.S or west to base itself or build up forces, without those forces being hit
Could they hit Iran, kill Iranians and cause destruction, the answer is SURE
but in return Iran will hit ever base and target it get hit and wipe them out

even placing ships in range of drones and anti ship missiles is dangerous if they can deplete air defence missiles and go for the kill

so even if they attack Iran, they can only do so in a limited manner and in response Iran will wipe them out in the region and in the end the U.S and west will have to back off, leaving Iran

This doesn't even consider the consequences of oil and gas supply being effected for multiple countries from the entire middle east
Houthis and other proxies creating blockades and attacks
OR what Russia and China will do, say or supply

Anyway you look at it, Israel is forced into a position where the call for a Palestinian state will be stronger then ever, even amongst it's allies and the demographic advantage of the Palestinians IS MASSIVE
This is pure speculation and wishful thinking.

The problem is Iran is not prepared to carry through its task of ending the Zionist child-killing regime. Iran needed the ultimate deterrent- nuclear weaponry. An arsenal of 100, with high yield thermonuclear warheads. Iran already has MIRV technology and would not even need ICBMs, its hypersonic missiles and MRBMs will suffice. I avidly watched the attack footage and was unimpressed by the impacts. And the missiles themselves seemed inaccurate, with the exception of the hypersonic missiles. Iran bit off more than it could chew in October 7th, and this is the beginning of the end of the Islamic Republic.

Israel is about to commence on a major attack that could severely hamper IRGC capabilities for at least a decade. If Iran escalates, the U.S. will move from its "defensive" posture of intercepting missiles and refueling Israeli warplanes during their mission to an overt posture. The proverbial gloves would be taken off and Israel would engage in a mass attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, and begin massacring Iranian civilians. This was an ill-conceived plan from the start, and the Zionists have checkmated Iran. If only SUMKA had power.
Umm I don't know. Ask the Iranians.

But if I'm them. I'd do something about that

That is why precisely Saudi won't dare collaborate.

They can hardly deny a Zionist tanker aloft flying over their airspace was somehow undetected by them.
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