Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Let's focus on Israeli response now.
There is no need to discuss those minor scratches here and there.Acc. to Iranians, major damage was not even a purpose.
Main question is that how Israel get the Iranian airspace F35 and F-16 are not capable to reach Iran without air to air refueling, only their F15s are capable to reach Iran and what targets they are looking to destroy, member dude Iran is vast country, I assume they won't able go deep inside Iranian airspace because of integrated network of Iranian SAMs
Instead of challenging my points you deflect. Israel and its allies ABM shield failed, you are not coping that is clear.

Iran launched 115-130 ballistic missiles. Half failed, only 10% got through causing minor damage at best, the rest were intercepted. Thats a failure, and would be for any nation.
Main question is that how Israel get the Iranian airspace F35 and F-16 are not capable to reach Iran without air to air refueling, only their F15s are capable to reach Iran and what targets they are looking to destroy, member dude Iran is vast country, I assume they won't able go deep inside Iranian airspace because of integrated network of Iranian SAMs
Any USAF refuel tanker around this region??

So how come the 99% claim of interception was made and now the Zionist entity claims 9 missiles got through.

9 out of 300 drones and missiles means 97% success rate right?

Basic maths is not the entity's strong point it seems.

I take "severe' damage admitted to an airbase as totally destroyed in effect and out of operation.

I repost my link below:

"But at least five ballistic missiles were not intercepted, hitting the Nevatim air base in the Negev desert in the south of Israel, damaging a C-130 cargo plane, an out-of-use runway and empty storage facilities, an unnamed US official told ABC News. Four other missiles appeared to have hit another airbase in the Negev, causing significant damage."

"Open areas"? LOL.

That’s false, and only minor damage was sustained at the base.
Irans attack on Israel was a massive failure. 50% of Irans ballistic missiles failure on launch and flight. The rest only 10% getting through hitting open areas at the airbase, the rest intercepted. All drones and cruise missiles intercepted.

It was a failure and embarrassment for Iran. Now Iran faces retaliation
So what proof have you got of this “failure”? Were you sitting there counting at the launch sites? Are you citing American sources? The same ones that said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction?
You ought to be ashamed always flying the Stars and Stripes of the nation that’s created
And killed mankind in history. Nation that’s destroyed more civilians than rest of the world. Stop blurting out nonsense that you can’t cite or prove. Next speculative post
Will result in action
You have a very low bar for "impressive". Iran launched 300 missiles and drones at Israel. Most of the drones were shot down. Most of all of the projectiles were shot down before reaching Israel. The only ones that landed were some ballistic missiles. They inflicted minimal/moderate damage on a few structures and no loss of life. You can sit here and engage in mental gymnastics about how a bunch of sandal-wearing, once-a-week showering mullahs and their goons planned this exact outcome out with state of the art, hyper-accurate missiles because it was a "warning" or "demonstration of capabilities" or whatever all you want. The proof is in the pudding. Iran's attack was weak and laughable. A jetless, tankless, toothless paper tiger army that is laughable, as geopolitical analysts George Friedman and Peter Zeihan beautifully describe.

I don't understand what is with this Muslim obsession with dying. Why do Muslims want to die? Why do they poke the sleeping bear? It's almost as if dying is the ultimate orgasm for them. Must be some extreme form of sadomasochism.

The Israeli were running and scrambling all night, look at the videos of the the terror of the Israeli population running for bomb shelters

An entire country in lock down and in fear

Think about the last 6 months, who do you think has been supplying and guiding the resistance groups

Iran has been fine

Whilst Israel has lost a few thousand citizens and soldiers
Made itself into a hated pariah state
Become a monster whilst the Palestinians still won't move and hurt it's economy and will be hounded for years across the world with it's genocidal actions

Iran has seriously been punishing Israel

Muslims are 2 BILLION and growing and they have the lowest median age of all religions, they will increase the population. Muslims had some of the biggest and greatest empires of history,
Muslims don't give up, so against any enemy you keep fighting, never give them peace, you may suffer, die and take punishment, but you keep fighting until you can change the situation, get victory and then decimate the enemy
Iran launched 115-130 ballistic missiles. Half failed, only 10% got through causing minor damage at best, the rest were intercepted. Thats a failure, and would be for any nation.
Numbers don't define the objective, hitting your target successfully does. The objective was to hit the air bases, they succeeded. They did it by sending waves of useless drones and missiles, then sending in the MRBMs.
The Israeli were running and scrambling all night, look at the videos of the the terror of the Israeli population running for bomb shelters

An entire country in lock down and in fear

Think about the last 6 months, who do you think has been supplying and guiding the resistance groups

Iran has been fine

Whilst Israel has lost a few thousand citizens and soldiers
Made itself into a hated pariah state
Become a monster whilst the Palestinians still won't move and hurt it's economy and will be hounded for years across the world with it's genocidal actions

Iran has seriously been punishing Israel

Muslims are 2 BILLION and growing and they have the lowest median age of all religions, they will increase the population. Muslims had some of the biggest and greatest empires of history,
Muslims don't give up, so against any enemy you keep fighting, never give them peace, you may suffer, die and take punishment, but you keep fighting until you can change the situation, get victory and then decimate the enemy

Yes, they're scurrying about like roaches- what's new in this equation?

Did any of them die? No. Did any vital structures suffer irreparable damage? No. Did Israeli military capability decrease? No.
Hezbollah may be competent, and it's because most Lebanese have European Crusader ancestry and Levantines are of the same stock as Ashkenazi Jews, as such Hezbollah is strategically capable on the human capital level. Nonetheless, in a morass of apes like Ansarullah and brutes like Hamas, Hezbollah is but one faction and it has already been taking a major beating since October 8th. In fact, Hezbollah's performance in Syria, fighting a bunch of ISIS UK-Pakistani immigrant delinquents was sub-par enough for the organization to have a serious discussion about its attrition.
Apes and Brutes, lol....

Can someone tell me what his flag shows ?? Probably a guy in his 30's living with his mom 😂
I’m factoring in the 50% launch failure of BMs. If that’s the case 10% got through, still a very low amount.
Finally, someone with sense. These vaunted "accurate missiles" are trash.
The ravings of an East Pakistani jihadist like you have no bearing on me, just like your monstrous religion.

You are on a Muslim forum and attacking the Muslim religion?

Are you some ex-Muslim that now hates Muslims by any chance like those confused Iranian exiles?
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