Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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It wasnt a failure. Let me explain why its you who is deluded.

1) Iran warned its neighbours and the US was informed as well 72hrs before they carried out the attack. This means they wanted to limit damage and casualties as they knew Israel would have a number of countries rushing to defend it. Israel and allies had 72hrs prepare their defences.

2)The slow drones and some of the typed of missiles used were meant to be intercepted, per above point.

3) Irans objective was to hit the israeli bases which carried out the attack on their embassy. They succeeded, all the ABMs used failed in stopping those missiles regardless of how much damage they did, they showed they can hit the most defended airspace in the world.

4) Iran reestablished its minimum deterrence and redline. The size of this attack was more for optics and to show the capability to swarm. They could have used better/faster drones and missiles and given no notice, refer back to point 1.

So if you fail to realise the bigger picture geopolitically whats going on, one can not help you any more.
Put him on ignore list. Trust me.
It's just cope, to try and ensure Israel is not humiliated to such a extent that it's forced to try and attack Iran creating a escalation that may be to much to bare and might instigate a even greater Iranian response that U.S doesn't want to deal with

Zionist entity was told last Saturday/Sunday that Iran can take out ANY target in occupied Palestine.

They would be literally mad to try it on with Iran as Iran is a much larger nation and has more offensive capability.
Finally, someone with sense. These vaunted "accurate missiles" are trash.

If this is the state of the entire Iranian missile stockpile, then Iran has MAJOR issues, as this is designed to be its main deterrent.
This person is racist.
It is not racist to call Hamas brutes when the first thing they did when they got their hands on somewhat attractive captives was rape. They are no different than their Jewish counterparts in the IDF, brutal rapists- nothing justifies that.
However, it is racist to state that some countries have more intellectual and physical potential than others. Some cultures are creators, others are imitators. That is racist. And I believe it. Therefore, call me what you will.
Israel and USA is building a coalition to support an attack on Iran to finish off their nuclear and missle programme and the islamic proxies in syria and Iraq ..
What is surprising is this coalition includes France and UK but rather surprisingly Saudi UAE and Jordan l

They are coming after Iran and I don't think Iran has any one to support them . Irans friend including china and turkey will not get involved

The 300 Iranian missiles and drones that where intercepted and destroyed was combined effort of air defense from
Israel. Iron done
USA french and UK warships and Jordan as well...

I'm.not on any side contrary to your claims ...I just sit and watch how Iran was the only country that supported the Gaza people with direct action now the west will break Iran influence ...

You cannot win against USA Israel and the west...

Times are changing, the world is changing. The Arab world hates the Jews as much as anyone else

It's just the leadership, and even the pressure on them clowns will be immense after what's happened

Ukraine is losing, iran has punished Israel heavily over the last 6 months and now launched an unprecedented attack that took multiple nations to try and protect Israel

Israel itself is a pariah now and is more at risk now then at any time for decades
Iranian and Germans are brothers. Indo-European. But I do admit that Iranians have genetically degenerated since the Arab invasion. Therefore I identify more with my Germanic side.

Yeahhhhhh your a half breed

Brothers 😂 😂 😂 😂
Funny. Arab puppet states and Israel are so happy for shooting down a 100km per hour moving object that was 4 hours underway. More funnier is That they think the real Iranian response will be like this.

Only low IQ Twitter trolls consume such nonsense.
It may be targetted strike killing important few or blowing some critical things. I know Iranian nuclear facilities have been a thorn in many people's way.
I don't see the point. That can be done with intelligence too. At this point, it will only be symbolic to launch an open attack.
Yes. The missile program should have been concomitant to the nuclear weapons program. But for some dumb reason "muh Islam" the government decided to forego the nuclear weapons aim for missiles. This isn't Red Alert where an army of V-2s can incinerate an enemy. The blast radius on Iranian BM's is quite low.

Islam is great, the last bastion of faith, family and values

Look at the west, marriage collapsed, family system falling apart, birth rate falling and your women have become delusional whores worshipping at the alter of feminism
But here’s the funny thing I keep thinking about this so iran is preparing for a possible attack by Israel where is Russia coming to send billions of worth defensive weapons to iran, not offensive weapons im sure Russia needs all of that for Ukraine still , iran saves Russia Russia let’s iran down as usual

Who’s Russia? Iran stands independent as a power. Kill the ‘need someone’ mentality in your head.
Times are changing, the world is changing. The Arab world hates the Jews as much as anyone else

It's just the leadership, and even the pressure on them clowns will be immense after what's happened

Ukraine is losing, iran has punished Israel heavily over the last 6 months and now launched an unprecedented attack that took multiple nations to try and protect Israel

Israel itself is a pariah now and is more at risk now then at any time for decades

So far the only members that seem to think the Zionists will win against Iran are some Americans(strongly suspect one is a Zionist Jew and not white Christian), Indians, a German-Iranian atheist and some Muslims who did not even bother to find out that Iranian missiles landed with pinpoint precision on 2 Zionist airbases and pretty much destroying one of them.

It is a case of a combination of those that are anti-Muslim and the ignorant ones.
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