Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Iran has gathered alot of data on the recent launches from Houthis and Hezbolah and even Hamas

they also got a alot of data from their own recent attack

surely they are fully calibrated to hit Israel like no tomorrow if things go hot!
Never understood this concept of ballistic missiles as a big defense need in such large numbers
It's pointless as proven in the Iran raid of three hundred drones x
That investment should be on air power and air defense...

This notion that Iran did serious damage is myth ...This air strike gives Israel and USA and allies excuse to finish off Irans military capability and the proxies it supports as a legitimate defensive need to keep peace in the middle east

Echos of Iraq and weapons of mass destruction and Libya gadaffi
This is unfortunately how Iranians are. All bark, pathetic bite (that they are often way too afraid of to do). Then they go around beating their chests as if what they did was mighty. Khomeini would talk of "slapping the great powers in their faces" while intelligent Iranians fled abroad for a decent life in shock of how the nincompoops now run the show.

It's on some level a cultural characteristic. Iranians unfortunately hark back to the Persian Empire of millennia ago because they have lost relevance and are constantly selling themselves out to bigger countries.
Peter Zeihan quipped on the horrendous state of Iranian air defense. They have no air defense. The Bavar-373 hasn't even begun mass production. They have a handful of medium and short range systems from the 1970's and a couple S-300 PMU-2 that Russia gave them by the time they were already obsolete. Iran is running headlong into a sword battle completely naked.

I have never brought this hype over Iranian missile technology
Like wise Chinese military technology next super power hype
The only super power is USA and their technology works as does Europeans .
Israel is their child
The west will protect Israel at all.costs
Those claiming Iran will do this that and the other are about to see another desert storm.type defeat for Iran...
I am an Iranian-German mix living in England. My skin is fair, eyes green, and hair medium-brown. I have chiseled features and a masculine jawline, and I effortlessly keep myself fit with an ectomorphic build designed for sleekness and maximum potency. I am virile, healthy, don't smoke, don't drink, and make over six figures. Try again.
How’s this related to the topic? This is not a dating site - I’d appreciate keeping your fantasy on what you want to look like to yourself or a dating site.
Iran telegraphed and fired wide on the last attack

even then they hit Israel hard and Israel is not showing any of the damage in case it loses its fake aura of invincibility which it relies on so heavily

they cant beat Hamas and even recuse hostages

they are begging Hamas to surrender and release the hostages and they think they can take Iran?

they should try and find out
Israel and USA is building a coalition to support an attack on Iran to finish off their nuclear and missle programme and the islamic proxies in syria and Iraq ..
What is surprising is this coalition includes France and UK but rather surprisingly Saudi UAE and Jordan l

They are coming after Iran and I don't think Iran has any one to support them . Irans friend including china and turkey will not get involved

The 300 Iranian missiles and drones that where intercepted and destroyed was combined effort of air defense from
Israel. Iron done
USA french and UK warships and Jordan as well...

I'm.not on any side contrary to your claims ...I just sit and watch how Iran was the only country that supported the Gaza people with direct action now the west will break Iran influence ...

You cannot win against USA Israel and the west...
It began on October 7th and will end in Tehran. This is the beginning of the end of the Islamic Republic and before this long night is through, there will be a larger Republic of Azerbaijan, an Emirate of Khuzestan, a Free Balochistan, a Republic of Rojhelat and a rump Persian state. There is coalition being built right now to finish off Iran as a nation.

It pains me to know that Tehran will be a giant pool of molten flesh and asphalt in a few weeks. The Iranian people do not deserve this. But then again, they do. For the world runs on might and might alone. They had 40 years to overthrow this government.
How’s this related to the topic? This is not a dating site - I’d appreciate keeping your fantasy on what you want to look like to yourself or a dating site.
Consider the context- he asked me, I answered him. Now stop laying traps for me.
Can't wait to see the OIL PRICE and DOW JONES or LSE U.K. on this week ...thank Mr. MILIEKOWSKI (Netanyahu's REAL NAME) for HIGHER INFLATION. This Zionist is going to effect millions Europeans and American's living cost if zionists are not reined in let see how long public opinion remains silent in the west?
Half of Iran's government are Mossad double agents. This is why Iran has constantly come up short.

I think the problem with Iran is that t is nosing into problems that are none of its business. I can understand Egypt and Palestine and all the neighboring countries having issues with Israel because there is actual land involved.

But iran screwing with Israel will be like Indonesia screwing with India because we have a land dispute with China. They should just chill.
That's why I said, Israel can achieve all it wants with intelligence actions alone. I don't think there anything more than sybmolic to be achieved with this.
Blowing up an enrichment plant requires bombing. Great if it shows what Israel can do.
Yeahhhhhh your a half breed

Brothers 😂 😂 😂 😂
"Half-Breeds" are unfortunately a necessity to increase the Iranian genetic potential. More Iranian women should marry and procreate with Germans and Scandinavians. If we hope to win back all of our territory after this war. Having Germanic ancestry is an upgrade.
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