Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Watch out for the next 30-60 minutes
Nuclear weapons are not everything, I'm sure Iran has nuclear warheads anyway, if not I'm sure it has some sort of chemical or biological weapons that can be just as dangerous and destructive

Iran has them. You don't walk into a fight empty handed.
Only empty words. We have seen how US/NATO and its entire bandwagon couldn't defeat the Taliban for 20 straight years. They had everything in Afghanistan. Their weapons, logistics, soldiers, fast food restaurants etc. At the end of the day, US/NATO left without any meaningful progress.

You are day dreaming. If Israel and the US started to act like cowboys there will be consequences from more powerful quarters. You think China and Russia are your friend? LOL Saudi Arabia, UAE and the likes are garbage. Absolute garbage. They don't know how to fight. They buy security from abroad. They don't have an army of soldiers that can actually fight. Even pilots have to be flown from outside to fly their expensive jets.

You call it empty words
They destroyed 99% of irans best missles and drones on day one...

Get serious what is Iran going to do against Israel air strikes and USA tomahawk cruise missiles or french and UK rafale air strikes .
Iran has no air defense
You said china and Russia

China will not lift a finger they never do just paper tiger
Some of the posters make some of the dumbest arguments

Iran is a major power, unlike Iraq it has OFFENSIVE POWER
Sure it has limitations but it has a large army, a it's offensive and defensive plans are centered around it's missile program and lately it's drone program

So it's plowed money into these programmes and made tens of thousands of missiles at a minimum, maybe even more

No country, can invade Iran because their is no base for the enemy to build up a sufficient force,
ALL regional countries know what Iran can do, and none what to be targeted, so none will allow the U.S to use them as a base, even if they did, Iran would annihilate them with a shower of missiles


They could fire missiles or launch missiles and munitions from jets, but then where do you base the jets,
You COULD use air craft carriers, but they would be a target for thousands of missiles

They could use Israel as a base but then they would have to violate multiple countries airspace to launch any attacks,

Neither of these options will cause enough damage to Iran that would take it out of the game AND IN THE MEANTIME, Iran would justifiably, start firing thousands of missiles at any ship, base, target and Israel itself

So how are you protecting U.S bases, ships or Israel from thousands of missiles

The straights of hormuz would be closed, oil and gas from the entire middle east could be effected, effecting multiple countries and the world economy

Houthis would forever even more into the red sea

Other proxies would join in

All the while, Russia and China will safeguard Iran at the U.N because Iran was responding to a Israeli attack on its consulate

Iran may take punishment,
Iran may lose some important people
or get important sites hit

BUT it will also hit back and be standing at the end, more angry then ever, with Russia, China and others

Great post.

There is not going to be any coalition to fight Iran as the weaklings like Saudi, UAE and Jordan will be taken out first and then the US and the Zionist entity will absorb thousands of Iranian, Hezbollah, Syrian Resistance, Iraqi Resistance and Houthi missiles within days of the start of the war.

I doubt whether the entity will dare try anything as Iran has shown the usurpers that they can hit any part of the occupied territories with pinpoint precision and there is no strategic depth for the Zionist warmongers to hide.
I will tell you who he is. One of those Persian Shah baghora's. You know what the most ironic thing is about these Shah types? America backstabbed and screwed their Shah a 100 times over. Today they are angry at Islamists ruling over Iran.

You can spot them a mile away, they normally have fake blonde hair tattoos and when you ask them where they are from or what's their background, they give strange odd answers and are obsessed with ethnicity

The Iranian islamic republic, literally broke theze people and made them psychologically mad
Israel was expecting not a single missile or drone would reach Israel and would be shot down outside Israel. We saw reports of a bunch of being shot down in Syria/Jordan. I called out bs on reports in Syria as I checked many local sources and found nothing. 20 minute later a non-stop of wave , which is the first wave Iran fired, arrived into Israel and hit the whole Negev region for 30 minutes straight. Despite having advanced warning.

Israel did not want to deplete its missile defense stocks or use its Arrow/Sling missile systems. That means they are close to vulnerable now. As they cannot afford so many of those expensive interceptor missiles. Not only that, many interceptions outright failed and dozens of strikes were recorded.

They were hoping US/UK and others would shoot most down as they can't afford to deplete their inventories. They're more prepared for a war with Hezbollah than with Iran. As they have not prepared for a war with Iran, contrary to reports they leak. They simply can't do it and count on US to implement red lines on Iranian nuclear program and do the war if it comes to it.

I show my frustration with Iran a lot in the past and that's no secret to anyone but what Iran did this time, which I'm glad, was significant. Imo, Israelis will now try challenging new equations/dynamics in Syria. They may do a strike on Syria tonight out of frustration but I expect no more.
"Pakistan is a western slave saaar!! Why won't it start a conflict in the middle east which it is not a party to against states it has no war with and nothing to gain saar!!!"

View attachment 33959

Pakjeets when western slavery: 😡😡😡😡

Pakjeets when fighting a conflict for Arabs that it's not even a party to: 😻😻😻😻
I remember getting criticized when I said that Pakistan made the right decision not joining the Yemen war.

Why are so many Pakistanis so adamant to lick the boots of Arabs?
You can spot them a mile away, they normally have fake blonde hair tattoos and when you ask them where they are from or what's their background, they give strange odd answers and are obsessed with ethnicity

The Iranian islamic republic, literally broke theze people and made them psychologically mad

Many of them are on asylum in The Netherlands. I used to have one Iranian classmate. He used to have a ponytail. He was actually a nice guy. Always confused about being pro or anti Mullah regime in Iran. We used to have discussions about Iran. He actually fled Iran through Pakistan to Europe. There was also a bigger group of Iranians studying at our University. These were viciously anti-Islam and anti-Ayatollah. They had their own Iranian student associations.
Some of the posters make some of the dumbest arguments

Iran is a major power, unlike Iraq it has OFFENSIVE POWER
Sure it has limitations but it has a large army, a it's offensive and defensive plans are centered around it's missile program and lately it's drone program

So it's plowed money into these programmes and made tens of thousands of missiles at a minimum, maybe even more

No country, can invade Iran because their is no base for the enemy to build up a sufficient force,
ALL regional countries know what Iran can do, and none what to be targeted, so none will allow the U.S to use them as a base, even if they did, Iran would annihilate them with a shower of missiles


They could fire missiles or launch missiles and munitions from jets, but then where do you base the jets,
You COULD use air craft carriers, but they would be a target for thousands of missiles

They could use Israel as a base but then they would have to violate multiple countries airspace to launch any attacks,

Neither of these options will cause enough damage to Iran that would take it out of the game AND IN THE MEANTIME, Iran would justifiably, start firing thousands of missiles at any ship, base, target and Israel itself

So how are you protecting U.S bases, ships or Israel from thousands of missiles

The straights of hormuz would be closed, oil and gas from the entire middle east could be effected, effecting multiple countries and the world economy

Houthis would forever even more into the red sea

Other proxies would join in

All the while, Russia and China will safeguard Iran at the U.N because Iran was responding to a Israeli attack on its consulate

Iran may take punishment,
Iran may lose some important people
or get important sites hit

BUT it will also hit back and be standing at the end, more angry then ever, with Russia, China and others
You are over-hyping US supposed offence.
I think Ops Praying Mantis type operation will be enough to get the Iranians in line
Iranians don't want to be like Afghanistan after any major standoff with US.
So basically want to creata another syria, iraq, libya and yemen. These people are insane
They want to be able strike IRGC in Syria/Lebanon without consequences. US made a threat yesterday that it will respond on behalf of Israel if Iran hits Israel again. That means if Israel kills a Iranian general again in Syria, and Iran responds, then the US will bomb Iran for Israel to assert the new equation for Israel. Truly is insane. Like saying if anyone tries stopping the genocide in Gaza, we will commit a genocide against them. It's gonna lead to a regional war that kicks out Western forces entirely and the Jewish squatters will get a taste of everything they did to the children of Gaza. If US really follows through with the Jewish-American community - drawn policies.
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But here’s the funny thing I keep thinking about this so iran is preparing for a possible attack by Israel where is Russia coming to send billions of worth defensive weapons to iran, not offensive weapons im sure Russia needs all of that for Ukraine still , iran saves Russia Russia let’s iran down as usual
A war between Iran and Israel means the media and the politicians will move their attention away from Ukraine, as well as NATO sending them less arms. This would be welcomed by Russia
You call it empty words
They destroyed 99% of irans best missles and drones on day one...

Get serious what is Iran going to do against Israel air strikes and USA tomahawk cruise missiles or french and UK rafale air strikes .
Iran has no air defense
You said china and Russia

China will not lift a finger they never do just paper tiger

You seriously need to stop posting as you are embarrassing yourself and Indians in general.

The missiles that got through were ballistic missiles and those are the ones we saw hitting those airbases. These are not even the most advanced weapons in the Iranian arsenal and only some dozens were fired. Iran literally has thousands that it could fire and some are more advanced than these ones.

Drones and cruise missiles were mainly intercepted by US/UK/France and Jordan before they flew into Zionist occupied territory. Those are the weapons that made up like 90% of all those fired.

Iran has dozens of batteries of Bavar-373 long-range SAM systems as it has been in service since 2019. Notice they have refused all offers of Russian SAMs including the S-400 as they claim the upgraded Bavar-373 surpasses S-400 capability.
You call it empty words
They destroyed 99% of irans best missles and drones on day one...

Get serious what is Iran going to do against Israel air strikes and USA tomahawk cruise missiles or french and UK rafale air strikes .
Iran has no air defense
You said china and Russia

China will not lift a finger they never do just paper tiger

We will see. You are just ranting away like the Indian you are.

I have one piece of advice for you. Don't get too obsessed and carried away with Iran versus Israel. Focus on Pakistan. We still have scores to settle. Iran should be your least concern. Remember a two front war is coming against India.

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