Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Yes it has entered service but it hasn't been a weapon of choice for them in any operation to date. They haven't seen use in any conflict, and you do need to clock up missile tests to be sure of their use. Of course they more than likely are effective, but it's not been an option for them.
As I stated before they'll go with what they know and for the most part do well.
The strikes weren't a dud and there's lots of experts out there stating why they were not. However it does depend on what angle you view them from. This has been debated to death on the official thread.

Fair enough.

Let’s wait and see.
whatever they need to say to create space for Israel to swallow Iranian ballistic missiles over Jerusalem and not declare war is fine by me, we saw Trump do the same with 'only a few headaches' in 2020

US intercepted 3 Iranian missiles, they are a non-factor
whatever they need to say to create space for Israel to swallow Iranian ballistic missiles over Jerusalem and not declare war is fine by me, we saw Trump do the same with 'only a few headaches' in 2020

US intercepted 3 Iranian missiles, they are a non-factor
Can you make a post or something regarding iran air defence capabilities?
Israel is not good at fighting wars. It's intelligence is not impressive too. Anyone can gather intelligence in the hottest region in the world with high levels of poverty. Israel is good at terrorism and colonizing land. The West had to then teach them about air dominance and then built their nuclear program for them. France and the US built Israel's nuclear program. And US provided the ballistic missiles (Jericho are US minutemen missiles with different name). Merkava is based off of Abrams platform. Israeli missile defense systems are literally developed by US companies or by US itself. Almost all of them. Israeli Spike missiles are copies of Western and especially US anti-tank missiles. Israeli jets are all US made. Helicopters. Etc ....

Israel thus needs US to lead a war for it and has to make calls with the US every week. And have persistent supply and military cooperation by the US. They will not be able to do any strike inside Iran, at all.

The delusional people have to accept Israel got bitch slapped and has to take it.
Yep Iran knew that due to sanctions and its own technological base it could not buy or build an effective air-force and so decided to invest hundreds of billions in that time in building mainly ballistic missiles.

Israel has finally had its pants pulled down.

Without USA - they are about as strong as a hive of bees.

They know they wouldn’t last a week against Iran without full military support from US.

US public no longer has stomach for long drawn out wars that they eventually lose.

EU knows that another oil price shock will cripple them.
Israel is not good at fighting wars. It's intelligence is not impressive too. Anyone can gather intelligence in the hottest region in the world with high levels of poverty. Israel is good at terrorism and colonizing land. The West had to then teach them about air dominance and then built their nuclear program for them. France and the US built Israel's nuclear program. And US provided the ballistic missiles (Jericho are US minutemen missiles with different name). Merkava is based off of Abrams platform. Israeli missile defense systems are literally developed by US companies or by US itself. Almost all of them. Israeli Spike missiles are copies of Western and especially US anti-tank missiles. Israeli jets are all US made. Helicopters. Etc ....

Israel thus needs US to lead a war for it and has to make calls with the US every week. And have persistent supply and military cooperation by the US. They will not be able to do any strike inside Iran, at all.

The delusional people have to accept Israel got bitch slapped and has to take it.

US now admits 5 Iranian missiles successfully impacted Nevatim airbase: runway, storage facilities and a C-130J Hercules plane were damaged.
How do you know that they haven't done it already?
Well, the whole point of testing the bomb is to ensure that your opponents you know have it.

Reminds me of Doomsday machine from Dr Strangelove...
Well, the whole point of testing the bomb is to ensure that your opponents you know have it.

Reminds me of Doomsday machine from Dr Strangelove...

Perhaps the Iranians want to announce it when the moment is right?
I have one piece of advice for you. Don't get too obsessed and carried away with Iran versus Israel. Focus on Pakistan. We still have scores to settle. Iran should be your least concern. Remember a two front war is coming against India.
Oh well. We have the perfect way to focus on Pakistan. By .... letting Pakistanis be at peace. Apparently, your army and your people don't really love peace. I guess being martial race cuts both way.
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