Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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This is exactly what Iran has to do. As soon as there is activity on the radars and signs of an incoming threat of any kind, immediately start launching whatever it is Iran has in store for these child-murdering scum-sucking demons. Flatten the living hell out of that cancerous tumor once and for all. Definitely don't wait till the attack is over and allow them to have the initiative. Grab the bull by the horns and seize control of the battle dynamics and watch those criminals cower and cry like the filthy women-raping, child-killing jackboot thug demons that they are. Glad they're thinking along those lines. (y)
There is another theory being circulated.

Iran gave advanced notice to all the enemies to prepare for the best possible defense. It even gave notice 24-48 hours prior to the attack. It also released the footage of firing the rockets/ missiles and sending drones right after they were sent. There was nothing hidden. It was done so that Israel/ The US/ The UK and other forces in the region use all their available assets to intercept them.
  • The first batch was consisting of decoys. These included the rockets fired by Houthis and Hizbollah.
  • The second batch consisted of the drones and many useless ballistic missiles with no evasive maneuvering capabilities.
  • The real deal of that day was the mid range ballistic missiles with multiple warheads that can perform evasive maneuvers on approach. They were very few (may be a couple of them). These were not their best ones among Iran's arsenal, but the objective of the exercise was something else i.e. to observe and collect valuable data.
The data was collected by Iran and its allies in the region (Russia included) on the working of the air defenses against various different assets. Iran is now more than confident, and Israel is completely aware of this, that Iran and its allies have gathered some valuable information and the invincibility of the air defense system has been completely debunked. If an airbase that stations F-35s can be hit with not-so-good missiles, the locations of air defense systems can also be hit with precision.

Had Iran not informed them about the timing and the assets involved, many would have hit the target and the data might not have been collected.

Another miscalculation from Israel will result in an attack without notice and without footages of the assets being sent, with the MRBMs of a better quality that may result in a higher success rate. If that happens, Israelis will start leaving the promised land.

That's not my theory.. reading many many accounts on different social media platforms.

Yes, absolutely. Makes all the sense in the world and corresponds with the ground realities. Even CNN had some former general on yacking about military details and this was the timestamp for the 3 types of weapons Iran used which is very telling and supports that entire theory.

Travel time from Iran to Israhell:
- Shahed drones = 9 hours
- Cruise missiles = 2 hours
- Ballistic missiles = 20 minutes

There's a most certain reason for the use of those particularly different types of weapons with their varying respective travel times. And like what was mentioned, the slower speeds of the first two was obviously a purposeful tactic to allow the enemy's ADS time to intercept which then gave up critical intel as to a lot of info on those defensive system and were also meant to overwhelm the ADS to create an opening for the 3rd which would create the greater damage and all of that data is compiled and put together to make a viable assessment for the next pounding. It makes all the sense in the world.

For the US and its allies, if something like the below doesn't happen, any operation is a failure.

Is there any word that can define this filthy animal? Is there anything that can come close to describing what a lowlife, piece of filthy ^@&%@%@^*&@#(*)!($&*(@^%@# this cretin vermin scumbag and his likes are? Oooff!

That's it. That's the best way to hit them hard immediately as soon as Iranian radars & intel signals come in and throw the demons for a loop. They won't know what to do with themselves as they won't have open skies and full terrain to do as they please. It will catch them by surprise and baffle their defenses and could really screw them up. Glad to see Iranian brass thinking offensively instead of just defensively.

So basically want to creata another syria, iraq, libya and yemen. These people are insane

That's been the plan for the US (thanks to George W. Bush administration) since post 09/11 - 2001. Dick Cheney & Donald Rumsfeld came up with a plan to destroy 7 Middle East countries at the behest of the Jews:


Thanks to General Wesley Clark who let the cat out of the bag. Minute 4:35 - 5:30

Zero credibility of what Pentagon says.. The US is full of pathological liars as well as the supporters of baby killers.. It has been proved time and again.

It was WMDs of Iraq when I first found out that the US government is extremely unreliable. After that every time I see them defend the genocide while portraying the perpetrators as some kind of angels, my assessment gets one more validation.

Last time I saw your higher ups lying in front of congress that the US had no role in sending the message to topple the government in Pakistan, while our ex PM is facing a trial on supposed leakage of the cypher that contained that message, I got another validation that even the US congress is full of liars. You guys are only second to none other than your ally, Israel.

So yes, ZERO credibility of what anyone in the US government says on this matter.
What Iran just did, was a playbook of how to overwhelm even the world's most complex AD systems (Pakistan and other countries that are facing adversaries that have good ABM/AD systems should take notice and develop their arsenals accordingly).

While the US & Israel could certainly claim that they intercepted so many projectiles that it was upwards of 90% and by that metric it was a success for them, the fact remains, that the objective of the Iranians of showing the Israelis that their assets can be targetted, and are not safe -- has successfully been established. In many ways, Iran wanted Israel to intercept its drones and CM's, and wanted that interception rate to be quite high so that its BM's could find their mark, having the Iron Dome and other AD systems focused on worthless kamikaze drones.

The question now is, with Israel announcing that it will retaliate, and Iran stating that any retaliation from Israel would be met with a reply that would be far more serious, what does Israel do? Can Israel neutralize the Iranian missile threat using their AF? What happens if the IDAF uses its F-35 against the Iranian airforce that is barely 4th generation... Let's not forget though that Iran does have a rather underated AD itself, having some S-300 systems etc.

Quite a lot remains to be seen, what is confirmed though, is that Netanyahu needs a war to remain in power, Biden needs to stay away from one in order to have a chance of remaning in power, Iran would have its hands tied if Israel does indeed respond and would be forced to give a response of its own escalating the matters further. This is currently a flash point, lets just hope things don't get out of control.
What Iran just did, was a playbook of how to overwhelm even the world's most complex AD systems (Pakistan and other countries that are facing adversaries that have good ABM/AD systems should take notice and develop their arsenals accordingly).

While the US & Israel could certainly claim that they intercepted so many projectiles that it was upwards of 90% and by that metric it was a success for them, the fact remains, that the objective of the Iranians of showing the Israelis that their assets can be targetted, and are not safe -- has successfully been established. In many ways, Iran wanted Israel to intercept its drones and CM's, and wanted that interception rate to be quite high so that its BM's could find their mark, having the Iron Dome and other AD systems focused on worthless kamikaze drones.

The question now is, with Israel announcing that it will retaliate, and Iran stating that any retaliation from Israel would be met with a reply that would be far more serious, what does Israel do? Can Israel neutralize the Iranian missile threat using their AF? What happens if the IDAF uses its F-35 against the Iranian airforce that is barely 4th generation... Let's not forget though that Iran does have a rather underated AD itself, having some S-300 systems etc.

Quite a lot remains to be seen, what is confirmed though, is that Netanyahu needs a war to remain in power, Biden needs to stay away from one in order to have a chance of remaning in power, Iran would have its hands tied if Israel does indeed respond and would be forced to give a response of its own escalating the matters further. This is currently a flash point, lets just hope things don't get out of control.

Iran didn't use its most sophisticated missiles. From what I understand, these were mostly older missiles.
There is another theory being circulated.

Iran gave advanced notice to all the enemies to prepare for the best possible defense. It even gave notice 24-48 hours prior to the attack. It also released the footage of firing the rockets/ missiles and sending drones right after they were sent. There was nothing hidden. It was done so that Israel/ The US/ The UK and other forces in the region use all their available assets to intercept them.
  • The first batch was consisting of decoys. These included the rockets fired by Houthis and Hizbollah.
  • The second batch consisted of the drones and many useless ballistic missiles with no evasive maneuvering capabilities.
  • The real deal of that day was the mid range ballistic missiles with multiple warheads that can perform evasive maneuvers on approach. They were very few (may be a couple of them). These were not their best ones among Iran's arsenal, but the objective of the exercise was something else i.e. to observe and collect valuable data.
The data was collected by Iran and its allies in the region (Russia included) on the working of the air defenses against various different assets. Iran is now more than confident, and Israel is completely aware of this, that Iran and its allies have gathered some valuable information and the invincibility of the air defense system has been completely debunked. If an airbase that stations F-35s can be hit with not-so-good missiles, the locations of air defense systems can also be hit with precision.

Had Iran not informed them about the timing and the assets involved, many would have hit the target and the data might not have been collected.

Another miscalculation from Israel will result in an attack without notice and without footages of the assets being sent, with the MRBMs of a better quality that may result in a higher success rate. If that happens, Israelis will start leaving the promised land.

That's not my theory.. reading many many accounts on different social media platforms.
Decoys are pointless. If the interceptor failed, then you just missed an opportunity to score a hit because you launched a decoy. If the interceptor was successful on the decoy, then what is the probability of a successful intercept of the real thing? You have to assume -- good.

Same argument applies to the idea that a 2nd wave will contain more sophisticated weapon. How do you know that the 2nd will not suffer the same fate? You do not. Because the first wave was less sophisticated, of course the interceptors will respond accordingly. Why not just attack with the best you have? If the interceptors failed, then you have just depleted their stores. If the interceptors were successful, now you know better, if not true, the enemy's capabilities.

This is not ground combat where you have inexperience cannon fodders to spare and elite reserves to send to openings. Still, how do you know if there will be openings at all to send those reserves? US Army Rangers and Marines are shock troops. They are the ones who creates openings and/or weakens defenses, then regular troops take over. To simplify things a bit.

If you have the numbers, in other words out manufacture the enemy, then decoys are even more pointless.
Iran didn't use its most sophisticated missiles. From what I understand, these were mostly older missiles.
Another food for thought, can Iran preemptively strike Israeli airbases preventing the IDAF from attacking ? Somewhat replicating what the IDAF did in the six day war in the late 60's ?
Pounding the IDAF airbases to the point where they cannot launch an air strike?
Another food for thought, can Iran preemptively strike Israeli airbases preventing the IDAF from attacking ? Somewhat replicating what the IDAF did in the six day war in the late 60's ?
Pounding the IDAF airbases to the point where they cannot launch an air strike?

Am I correct to claim that Israelis had advanced Western weapons back in the day and the Arabs had very little to show for?
What Iran just did, was a playbook of how to overwhelm even the world's most complex AD systems (Pakistan and other countries that are facing adversaries that have good ABM/AD systems should take notice and develop their arsenals accordingly).

While the US & Israel could certainly claim that they intercepted so many projectiles that it was upwards of 90% and by that metric it was a success for them, the fact remains, that the objective of the Iranians of showing the Israelis that their assets can be targetted, and are not safe -- has successfully been established. In many ways, Iran wanted Israel to intercept its drones and CM's, and wanted that interception rate to be quite high so that its BM's could find their mark, having the Iron Dome and other AD systems focused on worthless kamikaze drones.

The question now is, with Israel announcing that it will retaliate, and Iran stating that any retaliation from Israel would be met with a reply that would be far more serious, what does Israel do? Can Israel neutralize the Iranian missile threat using their AF? What happens if the IDAF uses its F-35 against the Iranian airforce that is barely 4th generation... Let's not forget though that Iran does have a rather underated AD itself, having some S-300 systems etc.

Quite a lot remains to be seen, what is confirmed though, is that Netanyahu needs a war to remain in power, Biden needs to stay away from one in order to have a chance of remaning in power, Iran would have its hands tied if Israel does indeed respond and would be forced to give a response of its own escalating the matters further. This is currently a flash point, lets just hope things don't get out of control.
Lets turn the chess board otherway...

What will Iran do if US and Israel launch a similar barrage targetting its storage facilities of missiles, its command structure, its launchers etc?

Nothing! It will be defanged quite quickly.
Lets turn the chess board otherway...

What will Iran do if US and Israel launch a similar barrage targetting its storage facilities of missiles, its command structure, its launchers etc?

Nothing! It will be defanged quite quickly.

The moment the Americans become party in striking against Iran, you can expect a special weapon to be revealed.
Decoys are pointless. If the interceptor failed, then you just missed an opportunity to score a hit because you launched a decoy. If the interceptor was successful on the decoy, then what is the probability of a successful intercept of the real thing? You have to assume -- good.

Same argument applies to the idea that a 2nd wave will contain more sophisticated weapon. How do you know that the 2nd will not suffer the same fate? You do not. Because the first wave was less sophisticated, of course the interceptors will respond accordingly. Why not just attack with the best you have? If the interceptors failed, then you have just depleted their stores. If the interceptors were successful, now you know better, if not true, the enemy's capabilities.

This is not ground combat where you have inexperience cannon fodders to spare and elite reserves to send to openings. Still, how do you know if there will be openings at all to send those reserves? US Army Rangers and Marines are shock troops. They are the ones who creates openings and/or weakens defenses, then regular troops take over. To simplify things a bit.

If you have the numbers, in other words out manufacture the enemy, then decoys are even more pointless.
If one knows that what will be coming is a massive wave of missiles, the obvious thing to do is to destroy the source. Its less mobile, its large and it is easily targeted.
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