Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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CIA analyst correctly describes Iran’s layered/logistical/depletion approach and how it compares distantly with the American approach against the Japanese in the battle of Midway.

Although interesting comparison, he correctly concludes Iran projected massive power while showing restraint which can only be done by a country that wields true depth of power:

Is there any word that can define this filthy animal? Is there anything that can come close to describing what a lowlife, piece of filthy ^@&%@%@^*&@#(*)!($&*(@^%@# this cretin vermin scumbag and his likes are? Oooff!
We have Israelis who visit India in Himachal Pradesh. From what I have seen, they are usually folks who have served in military and most of them are... "a bit unbalanced". All of them use some narcotic or other.

What they do in the military is quite messed up. It messes them to the point that they remain off-balance for the rest of their lives.
The attack on the Iran embassy is considered an attack on Iran's soil, so in return Iran attacks Israeli soil.

Pretty equal tbh
Not necessarily. The debate about embassy/consulate grounds being sacrosanct have been going on. Basically, it goes this way...

The US host Iran's embassy. Nothing unusual about that. However, the idea that the Iranian embassy is sacrosanct applies to the host country, meaning the US cannot trespass Iranian embassy ground.

Now, here is the controversy: Others can trespass.

If the UK attack the US Iranian embassy ground, that would be attacking US home soil because ultimately, the literal ground that the Iranian embassy sits on is still US territory.

Is the embassy territory a sovereign territory?​

Hopefully, by now, you have an idea of the answer, which is no.​

The idea of immunity is applied against the host. Whether applicable to third party view is a legal gray area.
They intercepted 100% of intercepted missiles. :ROFLMAO:

But they ate 11 whole ballistic missiles.

Arrow-3 didnt work right.

Maybe another selfsabotage to have excuse, like Oct 7.
It is nonsensical to apply the perfection standard. If the response is 9 out of 10, and if that ratio is repeatable, you should be worry.
Lets turn the chess board otherway...

What will Iran do if US and Israel launch a similar barrage targetting its storage facilities of missiles, its command structure, its launchers etc?

Nothing! It will be defanged quite quickly.
I don't think the US would get involved considering how the left is leaning towards not voting in the election for biden due to his support of Israel, I don't think this administration takes the risk of getting involved offensively against the Iranians.

However, you do have a point there.. the Israelis could do that, however, I'm not sure that the Iranians would wait for the missiles to make impact before thinking of doing anything about it. They have already indicated that they will be responding swiftly to any Israeli action. So IMO as soon as the Israelis pull something like this, the Iranians also unleash whatever they have and more.
Same argument applies to the idea that a 2nd wave will contain more sophisticated weapon. How do you know that the 2nd will not suffer the same fate? You do not.
if you know enemy has c. 300 ABMs deployed at one time and reload time is 1 hour and they fire 2 interceptor missiles per 1 incoming missile

.. you can figure the rest out
I don’t know how people check to see the airspace of countries have the emptied out again
NBC news seems like something might happen again I really hope it’s on like donkey Kong
Israel cannot do anything on its own. The Jewish-American community is dragging America into a war, yet again. The Jewish-American community is the biggest threat to humanity before Israel. If Israel falls, everyone must remain resilient and prevent regrouping of the Jewish-American community.

It is nonsensical to apply the perfection standard. If the response is 9 out of 10, and if that ratio is repeatable, you should be worry.
missile defence has to be perfect

missile attack does not

9 / 10 is probably repeatable for another 2-8 waves. then it's not. fatigue sets in and inventories run low and attacker improves. we see it in Ukraine. from 95%+ interception rates to now under 50%.
Israel cannot do anything on its own. The Jewish-American community is dragging America into a war, yet again. The Jewish-American community is the biggest threat to humanity before Israel. If Israel falls, everyone must remain resilient and prevent regrouping of the Jewish-American community.
Has there been an ... official declaration on this by Biden? Any news stories? It would be the biggest story right now.
Lets turn the chess board otherway...

What will Iran do if US and Israel launch a similar barrage targetting its storage facilities of missiles, its command structure, its launchers etc?

Nothing! It will be defanged quite quickly.
USA is still trying to achieve that in Yemen

don't troll
Has there been an ... official declaration on this by Biden? Any news stories? It would be the biggest story right now.
Yes we understand sarcasm, he may be overstating the entirety of the Jewish American community but he’s not wholly wrong a large segment of that community has way to much influence in American politics on both sides
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