Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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This is how deterrence comes in an election year

Abqaiq refinery massacre
Lets turn the chess board otherway...

What will Iran do if US and Israel launch a similar barrage targetting its storage facilities of missiles, its command structure, its launchers etc?

Nothing! It will be defanged quite quickly.
Well to be fair iran is staying away from attacking America at this time and hopefully altogether in the future, right now Iranians seem to want the Israelis to respond with hey know they will and are preparing for it hopefully their AD systems are prepared for the EW systems that are going to attempt to jam them but if iaf strikes hopefully they do respond with in seconds and hopefully impact is seconds or moments later ie Hezbollah seconds iran minutes
Heartfelt congratulations to Iran on conducting successful strikes in response to unprovoked aggression by Israel where it attacked Iranian consulate in Damascus! The attack was carefully orchestrated, using multiple types of munitions. It overwhelmed Israeli Iron Dome ADS and exposed its limitations while attaining all its targets. Iran also showed restraint by keeping the attack very limited, showing its capability and deterrence while not pushing the region towards a greater conflict! Smart and calculated moves by Iran, worthy of praise!

I hope Israel doesn't try to be smart in return and doesn't take any action that can destabilize the region. After all, everybody knows now, Israel can be easily targeted and one small nuke would erase it forever!
If one knows that what will be coming is a massive wave of missiles, the obvious thing to do is to destroy the source. It’s less mobile, it’s large and it is easily targeted.
Yes most of Irans missile forces are underground similar to Hamas but far more advanced not as simple as that and the mobile missiles are very large numbers America is doing that with the Houthi who’s missile are minuscule versus iran you would have to send half a million troops if not more to secure them 😂 honestly people here are not as smart as they pretend to be again I’m just a fanboy
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Ganbit suffers from Hollywood syndrome. He thinks that when the USA wins in movies it's real. He really thinks that the US is capable of defeating even much more technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. He must often rewatch Independence Day films, believing that everything is true.View attachment 34007

His analysis is usually spot on. He knows what he is talking about.

Ask yourselves why is he here?

It's a form of information warfare. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets paid to post. On this occasion however, he is being deceitful.

He is a very faithful goyem. I'll give him that.
Both Saudi and UAE are becoming global countries, attracting tourism and investment from everyone, they will play with everyone and will preserve their interests, whether its Israel or Iran
Yes. Everyone except for Palestinians!
If one knows that what will be coming is a massive wave of missiles, the obvious thing to do is to destroy the source. Its less mobile, its large and it is easily targeted.
so your plan is for Israel to destroy underground missile cities buried under mountains 1500km away when they can't destroy Hamas rockets in tiny Gaza after 6 months of genocide and flattening every building in the entire Gaza Strip ?

let us know when you wake up from your dreams
so your plan is for Israel to destroy underground missile cities buried under mountains 1500km away when they can't destroy Hamas rockets in tiny Gaza after 6 months of genocide and flattening every building in the entire Gaza Strip ?

let us know when you wake up from your dreams
not going to lie I made fun of him first I should have gotten the likes first for making the same points 🙄
I never saw the picture with the pile of sand posted anywhere outside PDF. What is the original source?
so your plan is for Israel to destroy underground missile cities buried under mountains 1500km away when they can't destroy Hamas rockets in tiny Gaza after 6 months of genocide and flattening every building in the entire Gaza Strip ?

let us know when you wake up from your dreams
There is a difference between Iran and Gaza. Gaza had tunnels drilled in the middle of population center and was under hospitals, not to mention, they were holding Israeli captives.

Iran has no such hinderances.
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