Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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everyone can define their own parameters of success and this depends on the objectives.
That is true. But then, observers can contrast on what is said vs what they know.

and the point is 90% interception rate is not sustainable as attrition and fatigue sets in
Iran have yet to fatigue Israeli air defense.

The real fatigue is when there are human casualties and other damages on the ground. Why else would you want to intercept weapons BEFORE they land? Why else, back in Desert Storm, did the F-15 guys cleared Iraqi sky so our F-16s can do our jobs, which was to create real fatigue for the Iraqi Army?

A %90 interception rate is unprecedented and you have to give credits to the Israelis for that. Even %60 would be hailed as exceptional.

A %90 interception rate is morale boosting, especially among civilians because the firefighters and other emergency workers can focus on something else other than pulling out bodies from rubble.

A %90 interception rate allows crew rotations.

Then, if munition runs low, a %90 interception rate allows better prioritization of defensible areas and husbandry of whatever munition left.

We learned all this all the way back to WW II. Where have you guys been?

you should start to listen to some real American experts:
I do. I know some pretty smart fellers out at Nellis.

And are you saying that there are real experts in this discussion?
That's why propaganda is very important.
But its not as important as having real and really dependable potent weapons that work in real battlefield conditions. Iran's military doesnt need propaganda to survive or function effectively (For example - what did Western born, bred, fed, educated Iranophobia do to Iran's capabilities in the long run?), and its leadership said alot of truths that many on this forum and old PDF said were bogus, only to find out they were being honest.
I hope that Iran doesn't repeat the mistake of not showing the world its capabilities.
why should it do so and give away its military secrets and technologies, only to let its enemies ustudy them to find ways to neutralize them? Iran values the military element of surprise, it has helped Iran many times- boasting wont make anyone less afraid of you, lool.
At the moment, even we can't respond to the propaganda of the west..
You can respond, you just dont have the willpower to do it, so you blame it on your lack of competence to respond to the propaganda of the west..
There is nothing in our hands.
In your opinion! YOu have alot but dont see it as much, so offcourse you are seeing empty or nothing. Accept your actual blessings and use them judiciously and wisely, thats your best bet.
after 2 days of lying and "99% intercept" bull****,

atleast part of truth is coming forward

military bases were hit with "Significant damage" specially the second Negev base which they refuse to even release a single aftermath picture.

but in reality it was 3 military bases (the 3 most important ones)


"Israel admits Iranian ballistic missiles struck two military bases"

for now they claim "C-130 cargo plane got damaged" but im pretty sure they were more planes in those hangars that not made it into air on time lo l

israeli journalists suspect several aircraft got destroyed.

the Israelis tried to lie like the ukrainians about "all missiles shot down"

but all those videos,satellite pictures revealed the true story.

Iran hit their most important military in that "final warning".

the next attack will destroy Israels military infrastructure for good.

remember first they lied and made fake pics claiming nothing got damaged and "they landed outside the air bases"


now it changed to "The military bases endured SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE"
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Are you comparing a country who had its air defenses almost completely destroyed...
Nnnnoooo...The point was to illustrate weapons effectiveness in accordance to its design and intent. And how to assess them.

Also no, Iran doesn't rely or have contracts of defense with Russia,
are you sure about that? Iran and Russia have signed the 2nd of their strategic 25 year agreements recently, it most likely has a defense component, just like the strategic long term agreement Iran signed with China.
Iran never will rely on Russian help,
Iran will rely on Russia if Russia will deliver the military goodies that Iran needs at the right tech level, price, quantity and time of delivery.
did you saw what happened to Armenia?
how can you compare Armenia to Iran? Comparing Iran and Armenia here is comparing apples to oranges. that's where u f'd it up lol.
Missiles will land in Iran, have no doubt about it, unfortunately.
I have doubts actually-especially the Israeli govt has threatened to attack Iran within 48hrs and i've not seen the attack yet and time is passing, so i;m very very doubtful Israel can strike and pull it off, but if Israel is in a self-destructive mood, it can definitely go for that suicide mission.
Brother, please understand that once we get rid of western influence in our region, it will be better for all of our countries.
We dont declare Israel as our main enemy, and what should we do now? Attack Israel with nukes? You know what will happen if pakistan attack Israel with nukes + BMs, first west put a hard sanctions upon us like you or north Korea have and may be west attack us

And last why do you think that if we will attack Israel with nukes what happens to Palestinians in Palestine and in Gaza? Think about it
Bro, dont fall for this @PakSword 's like internalized gaslighting- Just the fact that the world saw 10s of Iranian projectiles flying over the Knesset, The Al Aqsa Mosque, etc and landing in at military locations, is already such a damage to Israel that boost's Iran's image and respct, so whether real pictures came out or not does not change the fact that the biggest damage Israel took in this strike was not material, it was identical- Israel's image and identity as the "strongest and most tech advanced Military in the Middle East" got shattered in 6 hrs, and it lived for over 50 years +, remember this was a modest attack, so the "where" and "how manys" type o questions should not distract from the main damage Israel took here and what caused that to happen.
I'm not sure what gaslighting you are referring to? PakSword was simply arguing we need to get better to documenting the resistance to gather more support from the Muslim population around the world.
If there is actually "no damage at all", then why does the Israeli govt feel the strong need to retaliate against Iran for the attack? Israel is telling us it took no damage, but it cant factually/evidenciarily confirm that really.
We are not denying there is damage. We are saying that we need to become better at documenting our efforts and capabilities so the muslim world wont fall for western propaganda. Right now they are saying we did 0 damage, and since there is very little proof, muslims are buying it. The average muslim guy does not lurk on PDF. They read mainstream media and they buy whatever they read.
Pakistan is over 3000 miles away they’re not sending their military over I think America would block them anyway. Let’s be honest and fair here as well iran attacked Israel because of Iranian interests were hurt not because of Palestine sorry end of the day Iranian leadership would write Gaza off if they were defeated 6 month ago. Only two groups are fighting and both are low intensity, respect them both hezbollah and the Houthi honestly truth be told if the Houthi had the capability and they were next the to Israel im sure they would have attempted to invade.
Point is stop attacking individual countries end of the day in our current times these countries have their own interests
Why was the Iranian consulate bombed in the first place?
Pakistan was founded on the base of Islam, so I think Palestine concerns us as long as masjid al-aqsa is there and under threat, and weak defenseless children are getting killed.
We are not policeman of Islam, so why GCC countries react when Israel killing defenseless children in Gaza, we have our own problems our main enemy is India not Israel

And Pakistan is far far away from Israel, we can only reach Israel by BMs and we have no unlimited numbers of ballistic missiles like Iran have, and these ballistic missiles are for India, think logically and use common sense, Islam also preaches to think logically not senseless
Why was the Iranian consulate bombed in the first place?
Honestly other than Israel knowing high value targets were there, in international law no matter how Israel twists it to their needs it was illegal and an act of war on another countries soil.
That is true. But then, observers can contrast on what is said vs what they know.

Iran have yet to fatigue Israeli air defense.

The real fatigue is when there are human casualties and other damages on the ground. Why else would you want to intercept weapons BEFORE they land? Why else, back in Desert Storm, did the F-15 guys cleared Iraqi sky so our F-16s can do our jobs, which was to create real fatigue for the Iraqi Army?

A %90 interception rate is unprecedented and you have to give credits to the Israelis for that. Even %60 would be hailed as exceptional.

A %90 interception rate is morale boosting, especially among civilians because the firefighters and other emergency workers can focus on something else other than pulling out bodies from rubble.

A %90 interception rate allows crew rotations.

Then, if munition runs low, a %90 interception rate allows better prioritization of defensible areas and husbandry of whatever munition left.

We learned all this all the way back to WW II. Where have you guys been?

I do. I know some pretty smart fellers out at Nellis.

And are you saying that there are real experts in this discussion?

The coping mechanism of Israel supporters is very intriguing and complex

Normal mechanism
- Denial
- Truth
- Cope with it

Israel supporters
- Denial
- Truth and proofs
- Denial
- More proofs
- Denial and send Israeli farms posts
- More denial and believes the IDF
- Continue denial besides sat and image proofs
- Post random bullshit from Israeli accounts such as the trunk of a missile

The difference is that the cope mechanism is not functional at the end for the second mechanism

This will likely take a year for the cope mechanism to finish
Honestly other than Israel knowing high value targets were there, in international law no matter how Israel twists it to their needs it was illegal and an act of war on another countries soil.
I was referring to your silly quote "Let’s be honest and fair here as well iran attacked Israel because of Iranian interests were hurt not because of Palestine sorry end of the day Iranian leadership would write Gaza off if they were defeated 6 month ago."
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