Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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There is a difference between Iran and Gaza. Gaza had tunnels drilled in the middle of population center and was under hospitals, not to mention, they were holding Israeli captives.

Iran has no such hinderances.
so because Gaza had tunnels under hospitals this stopped Israel from attacking those hospitals. right?

and we are still awaiting to see this massive Bond villain complex of luxury tunnels under al-Shifa hospital
the establishment agents in Pakistan media has been trying to downplay what Iran did and similarly their agents here are trying to showcase the missile attacks here as useless. PAkistan simply lacks the willpower and is ruled by cowards who would sit idle while women and children are being killed everyday in Palestine !
So what should we do? Its not our war did GCC countries help Palestinians? and do GCC countries support us on kashmir issue

And last with crippling economy Pakistan should be not involved into this egoistic war, Palestine is not our problem, Arabs are not helping Palestinians so what can we do
So what should we do? Its not our war did GCC countries help Palestinians? and do GCC countries support us on kashmir issue

And last with crippling economy Pakistan should be not involved into this egoistic war, Palestine is not our problem, Arabs are not helping Palestinians so what can we do
Brother, please understand that once we get rid of western influence in our region, it will be better for all of our countries.
That's not a convincing reason bro.

Israel is still getting ready to respond.
Then lets see Israel's response! "within 48hrs" right? where is it at??
I know that many more might have landed at the intended targets,
ok.........this is very important btw..
but not showing the real damage has taken the propaganda war out of our hands.
The world is adapting to the propaganda and getting more immune to it- its the same propaganda they tried to convince us about Yemen and Houthis ability to strike Israel- F-22 kept telling us US was intercepting all the Houthi missiles and drones fired at warships in red Sea and Israeli port of Eilat, but in the end, Eilat port became empty and several NATO warships left , sorry ran from the Red Sea area. Propaganda can only cover up so much, new is more decentralized now, probably because of the nature and involvement of social media (esp. in relation to news).
There is a difference between Iran and Gaza. Gaza had tunnels drilled in the middle of population center and was under hospitals, not to mention, they were holding Israeli captives.

Iran has no such hinderances.
sounds like you are giving israel a check of morality that they dont kill people if they are on top of tunnels. i can only laugh at you.. Israel does not care about Gentiles lives...
That's speculation. Also it means the largest stake holder, not necessarily 50%.

Still doesn't mean it's an Israeli company, even if it's 100% owned by an Israeli guy.

Like I said, he lives and operates in Monaco.
If the ship is not Israeli-owned, then why hasn't the Portuguese govt spoken up again Iran about the matter of the seized ship?
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So what should we do? Its not our war did GCC countries help Palestinians? and do GCC countries support us on kashmir issue

And last with crippling economy Pakistan should be not involved into this egoistic war, Palestine is not our problem, Arabs are not helping Palestinians so what can we do
Pakistan was founded on the base of Islam, so I think Palestine concerns us as long as masjid al-aqsa is there and under threat, and weak defenseless children are getting killed.
But the problem is, the western media are doing everything they can to portray Iran as weak and inferior and the attacks as a huge failure that did 0 damage. As you said, we have no proof we did any damage at all. Muslims are going to swallow this and a week later we are back to the same old infighting.
Bro, dont fall for this @PakSword 's like internalized gaslighting- Just the fact that the world saw 10s of Iranian projectiles flying over the Knesset, The Al Aqsa Mosque, etc and landing in at military locations, is already such a damage to Israel that boost's Iran's image and respct, so whether real pictures came out or not does not change the fact that the biggest damage Israel took in this strike was not material, it was identical- Israel's image and identity as the "strongest and most tech advanced Military in the Middle East" got shattered in 6 hrs, and it lived for over 50 years +, remember this was a modest attack, so the "where" and "how manys" type o questions should not distract from the main damage Israel took here and what caused that to happen.
But the problem is, the western media are doing everything they can to portray Iran as weak and inferior and the attacks as a huge failure that did 0 damage. As you said, we have no proof we did any damage at all. Muslims are going to swallow this and a week later we are back to the same old infighting.
If there is actually "no damage at all", then why does the Israeli govt feel the strong need to retaliate against Iran for the attack? Israel is telling us it took no damage, but it cant factually/evidenciarily confirm that really.
If the ship is not Israeli-owned, then why hasn't the Portuguese govt spoken up again Iran about the matter of the seized ship?
he admits it's owned by an israeli don't worry
sounds like you are giving israel a check of morality that they dont kill people if they are on top of tunnels. i can only laugh at you.. Israel does not care about Gentiles lives...
Not any check of morality but that of cunningness.
Pakistan was founded on the base of Islam, so I think Palestine concerns us as long as masjid al-aqsa is there and under threat, and weak defenseless children are getting killed.
Pakistan is over 3000 miles away they’re not sending their military over I think America would block them anyway. Let’s be honest and fair here as well iran attacked Israel because of Iranian interests were hurt not because of Palestine sorry end of the day Iranian leadership would write Gaza off if they were defeated 6 month ago. Only two groups are fighting and both are low intensity, respect them both hezbollah and the Houthi honestly truth be told if the Houthi had the capability and they were next the to Israel im sure they would have attempted to invade.
Point is stop attacking individual countries end of the day in our current times these countries have their own interests
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