Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Did GCC countries do the same? To give the diplomatic support to Palestine? Palestine is not our problem, and we give damn for Palestinian cause, you and all GCC countries are not supports us on kashmir issue so why we do care about Palestine issue, GCC countries are currently lapdogs of Israel and India, we don't care about Palestine issue
What does GCC have anything to do with Palestinians?

The colonial sepoys coalition of Pakistan and aspiring baby killers are the biggest ignoramuses of all.
Hindutva, you do realise that Israel will be struck much harder second time around?
thats what iranian mullahs want you to believe. with a bigger economy, much technologically advanced military, and significantly higher western support, my bet is always going to be on Israel, and they have demonstrated that time and again that ME arab states are few degenration behind them in military capabilities. other than all the missils that Iran has, what eles they have to defend themselves ? and dont tell me Houthis and Hezbollah and all.. these proxies can create nuisance at best, and thats it. its not going to win Iran a war
That is a valid question, that is what the new equation is in new middle East.

Iran does not have the capacity to engage F35s which will spearhead any kinetic strike over Iran but what will be the consequence after that another 5 hour strike on Israel cost upwards of 10billion US$ and if strait of hormuz gets blocked.

in new equation Israel cannot do kinetic strike on Iran - stakes are too high and cost is unbearable.

i am starting to think that whole Iran Embassy attack was to lure the Hizbullah that was the calculation by israel. Iran did what they did not thought. now Hizbullah is intact, Iran can produce atleast 2-3 waves of 5 hours missile strikes.

economically unbearable in any scenrio. its a chess game and unfotunately or fortunately - Iran has checkmated Israel.

There is a reason that Iran did not take precautions after the missile offensive. no rationing of fuel - no closure of airspace - no open order to High alert, no combat flying of airforce - nothing!

Very well calculated move!
I have a different view of the situation. Embassy attack by Israel was exactly to pull Iran into a direct conflict with Israel and by that way with the west. Israel has fought the proxies long enough to realize that, its mostly useless untill they deal with the source. they had been trying to get the US involved for some time and seems like its the time for them to go for the kill.

Israel is far superior economically, technologically and has significatnly much more western support than Iran could ever dream of. if they move ahead with their plan to attack Iran, west /US may not support them initially, but if they start having challenges with Iran, west will eventually move in. Afterall, Israel is their poster child.

And no matter what all the Iranian and their supporter wants to believe, but Iran is no match for a proper conventional kitenic conflict with Israel, leave apart the combined west.

My guess is that, its going to be Iran who will back down from a conflict with Israel, not the other way round
What are they celebrating about? The Iranians didn't do it to defend Palestine, they did it because their consulate was attacked and they now consider the matter closed.

Not a single Pakistani was involved, why fly Pakistani flags? Why fly Palestinian flags when this has nothing to do with them?

Pakistanis are dumb as bricks.
How do you know?
If the ship is not Israeli-owned, then why hasn't the Portuguese govt spoken up again Iran about the matter of the seized ship?
Because it's privately owned and incorporated in another country? It may be flying the protuguese flag, but it was not owned or operated from Protugal.
We share a lot of intel and weapons technology, we helped them with their reprocessing etc.
Occasionally, it seems your brain has a malfunction and you type out your own fantasies on this forum. I'm not sure if it's a form of trolling or genuine but please think before typing. Bipolar much?
Pakistan does not share weapon tech with Iran, this is blatantly false.

Pakistan also doesn't share much intel with Iran due to Iran's close ties with India.
You don't even know Iran, pakistan and China have a war pact , shows how much people know on this forum.
It is nonsensical to apply the perfection standard. If the response is 9 out of 10, and if that ratio is repeatable, you should be worry.
90% of success is not acceptable if Iran someday decides to attack Dimona (Israel nuclear reactor).
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