Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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You don't even know Iran, pakistan and China have a war pact , shows how much people know on this forum.

Well in that case are you not suppose to be rushing military and diplomatic support to Iran right now

Your completely hush ..
Just watching Israel and the west massacre Gaza People and now eradicate Iran's military capability for daring to oppose Gaza genocide
Well in that case are you not suppose to be rushing military and diplomatic support to Iran right now

Your completely hush ..
Just watching Israel and the west massacre Gaza People and now eradicate Iran's military capability for daring to oppose Gaza genocide
Where's china
Well in that case are you not suppose to be rushing military and diplomatic support to Iran right now

Your completely hush ..
Just watching Israel and the west massacre Gaza People and now eradicate Iran's military capability for daring to oppose Gaza genocide
Not sure what you mean by "your compeletely hush"?
I have been quite vociferous for the Palestinians for a long time.

They couldn't even eradicate the Afghan goat herder insurgents and you think they can eradicate Iranian military? Be realistic and stay out of the Fox News/Bollywood domain, you sound very much like an Indian before Feb 27th.

Saudi, Chinese FMs discuss over phone Gaza situation​

April 15, 2024

Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan received on Monday a phone call from the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi.

During the call, they discussed developments in the Gaza Strip and the recent escalation in the region. They also discussed the importance of coordination and efforts aimed at ensuring not to aggravate the situation


It's no wonder China FM has to call KSA FM, because GCC (and even China) is always very quiet about Iran / Israel tensions. They never say publicly what they are really thinking: When they will be the main affected.
This is but a tiny marginalized minority.

Whereas most powerful amongst the US jewry who head and dominate every major US institution and entity from politics to judiciary to finance/wall street, tech, media and hollywood and even academia are all ardent baby killing zionists.
Yeah, USA real ruling elite is mainly Jew, but that people is too a (privileged) minority among the total of American Jewish people.

The average American Jew is middle-class who vote democrats (like the average middle-class American non-Jew who live in main cities), it's not zionist.

There is a lot more zionists between American protestants churches than among Jewish people, they think current Israel is the biblical Israel, they know nothing about Israel but they support Israel.
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That is true. But then, observers can contrast on what is said vs what they know.

Iran have yet to fatigue Israeli air defense.

The real fatigue is when there are human casualties and other damages on the ground. Why else would you want to intercept weapons BEFORE they land? Why else, back in Desert Storm, did the F-15 guys cleared Iraqi sky so our F-16s can do our jobs, which was to create real fatigue for the Iraqi Army?

A %90 interception rate is unprecedented and you have to give credits to the Israelis for that. Even %60 would be hailed as exceptional.

A %90 interception rate is morale boosting, especially among civilians because the firefighters and other emergency workers can focus on something else other than pulling out bodies from rubble.

A %90 interception rate allows crew rotations.

Then, if munition runs low, a %90 interception rate allows better prioritization of defensible areas and husbandry of whatever munition left.

We learned all this all the way back to WW II. Where have you guys been?

I do. I know some pretty smart fellers out at Nellis.

And are you saying that there are real experts in this discussion?

I see this more like how US FIM-92 stingers were used against USSR aerial targets to devastating effect. A small, man-portable, cheap shoulder fired missile to take out a more expensive and capable machinery. I think Iran has taken a page or two out of that and seems to have build strategic forces around it and then some more....a lot more.

The issue here is that this attack a single incident and probably a one-off. To truly understand what is likely to happen is the see the Ukraine-Russia war where fatigue has definitely set in along with a sense of defeat that the war is unwinnable. All of that on the back of drones and missiles (with artillery keeping its presence known).

Here is how I see the attack:

1- Technical interception and actual interception has proven to be closely aligned but the system seems to have been under stress (hence the reason it is not a 100%)
2- Other supporting factors i.e. airforces from other countries who had enough missiles to take action. This definitely aided Israel though I would argue it was a more decisive component in tackling the attack from Iran. Had this been absent, I am confident, mathematically speaking, the 90% interception success rate would have dwindled to a less than ideal number.
3- As seen in Ukraine, the need to use expensive operations and anti-missile components against far cheaper attack weapons and very simple and slow weapons is an interesting take. I think learnings from this is that you need a sort of point defence system to take out such cheap weapons to be economically feasible.

Now, Israel plans to respond but I am strongly wondering, if the following questions are being asked and answered:
1. How many drones and missiles can the air defence (air planes and ground defences) can take out before the interception rate drastically falls? Does Iran know about that?
2. What options are there to make air defence feasible i.e. determining whether a likely target of the weapon system is worth saving against more high value targets? What is the calculation with respect to what is deemed a high cost to air defence?
3. What is the capacity and capability of air defence in the absence of advance warnings and little time to prepare?
4. What does a multiple sets of attacks look like where the missiles are 1000+, across a range of waves, across different vectors, and with much more lethality and capability?

I am a simple man, but I believe the questions above dont make a strong case to retaliate against Iran and so it should be that Israel should just take the win. The truth is, from this attack and from the Ukraine war, we have entered an era where the drone is most likely the kind of air warfare and a decisive factor. The high cost weapon systems touted for their precision is beginning to look like a negative versus low cost attack platforms that are likely to severely challenge the defender.

A billboard depicting named Iranian ballistic missiles in service, with text in Arabic reading "the honest [person's] promise" and in Persian "Israel is weaker than a spider's web" in Valiasr Square in central Tehran, April 15, 2024.

Moskowitz, Kean Introduce Resolution Condemning Iran’s Drone and Missile Attack on Israel

Apr 15, 202

Moskowitz, Kean Introduce Resolution Condemning Iran’s Drone and Missile Attack on Israel​

Apr 15, 2024

Foreign Affairs



Washington, DC
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Jared Moskowitz (D-Florida) and Congressman Tom Kean, Jr. (R-New Jersey) introduced a bipartisan House Resolution condemning Iran’s unprecedented drone and missile attack on Israel. The resolution is expected to pass the House of Representatives later this week.
The resolution reaffirms the House of Representatives’ support for Israel’s right to self-defense, supports Israel’s right to respond to this aggression through means it deems necessary, and calls on all countries to condemn Iran’s attack.
“What the world witnessed this weekend was a Declaration of War by the Iranian regime against an American ally,” said Congressman Moskowitz. “Seeing missiles being intercepted right above the Temple Mount emphasizes Iran’s disregard for Muslim, Jewish, and Christian holy sites and innocent civilian life. America must make it clear through this resolution that this escalatory and disproportional attack is intolerable and that we stand with Israel against state sponsors of terrorism like Iran.”

(Read it in full to understand why we in America now call it the District of Criminals)
So what should we do? Its not our war did GCC countries help Palestinians? and do GCC countries support us on kashmir issue

And last with crippling economy Pakistan should be not involved into this egoistic war, Palestine is not our problem, Arabs are not helping Palestinians so what can we do
you know i used to say the same. But then i understood what it means to be a Muslim, we are duty bound to help fellow Muslims, sure we are not in a comfortable position, but if you look at it, we are certainly batter than those suffering souls who are at the mercy of those jewish subhumans!
For a brief moment the Egyptian Arab spring was great because of Muslim brotherhood coming into power, but then it got toppled soon after by the Zionists
Yeah. This is the paradox of Israel. A "Democracy" (It is, but not under the Rule of Law), that cannot let neighboring countries becoming democracies (because their populations would push to war their respective countries).
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