Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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They didn't attack the Embassy.
It was an IRGC building next to embassy. I guess they thought they would be safe stationed next door to Iran's embassy... they thought wrong.
I think it's even worst target the next building than the embassy directly.

Because that means it was a provocation to do a escalation.

It was not a accurate operation to do some thing. Israel doesnt care about the high-ranking dead, that was not the target, the target was provocate and escalate using high-ranking Iranian as excuse.

It was a provocation to do escalation to be in this precise point now, with whole Israel state and people asking for a response.

It's what USA always wanted since more than one decade. Since first Hormuz strait tensions in 2011/2012.

Israel is just the useful idiot of USA to start a large war in Middle East. The Gavrilo Princip of next war.
So you are telling me your human eyes don't see the Iranian embassy still standing because your eyes are not American? I'm pretty sure you don't need yankee eyes to see Iran embassy still standing I think you choose to close your eyes and hear what your itchy ears want to hear.

Why don't your eyes work when Israeli soldiers kill, rape and loot the Palestinians?
So you are telling me your human eyes don't see the Iranian embassy still standing because your eyes are not American? I'm pretty sure you don't need yankee eyes to see Iran embassy still standing I think you choose to close your eyes and hear what your itchy ears want to hear.
it is diplomatic facility, move on and go support child killing in palestine.
after 2 days of lying and "99% intercept" bull****,

atleast part of truth is coming forward

military bases were hit with "Significant damage" specially the second Negev base which they refuse to even release a single aftermath picture.

but in reality it was 3 military bases (the 3 most important ones)


"Israel admits Iranian ballistic missiles struck two military bases"

for now they claim "C-130 cargo plane got damaged" but im pretty sure they were more planes in those hangars that not made it into air on time lo l

israeli journalists suspect several aircraft got destroyed.

the Israelis tried to lie like the ukrainians about "all missiles shot down"

but all those videos,satellite pictures revealed the true story.

Iran hit their most important military in that "final warning".

the next attack will destroy Israels military infrastructure for good.

remember first they lied and made fake pics claiming nothing got damaged and "they landed outside the air bases"


now it changed to "The military bases endured SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE"

Keep in mind the Nevatim airbase is considered the most important airbase in the Zionist entity. So if the Iranian ballistic missiles ran through the Western & Zionist entity's air defenses and hit that base, their claims of 99% success rate are nonsense.

I am old enough to remember during the 1991 Gulf War 1 war, Iraqi missiles were hitting the Zionist entity and back then they used to claim almost 99% success rate. Later on, we learned that the success rate of Patriot batteries were not more than 17%. The false bravado is designed to hide the Zionist entity's weaknesses.

The Zionist entity is also not discussing where in Eilat was hit. There were also reports of some of the Zionist entity's illegal settlements got hit. The attacks from Iran & Yemen gave the child-killing Zionist entity a bloody nose. They can make false 99% of interception rate, but the truth is they got hit.

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Firstly, the Israelis and allies do not care if anyone believe the interception claims, or not.

Here is why...And I will simplify a bit...

1- Parking lot
2- Hospital
3- Electrical station
4- Army HQ
5- Bank building

Which is most important? 2- Hospital, of course.

Army HQ is more an administrative/bureaucracy structure than an actual war planning office.

Next important is 3- Electrical station.

If five missiles launched, each against the five targets listed, and only items 2 and 3 were intercepted, that would be %100 successful interception. Because items 1, 4, and 5 are tactically irrelevant. Go ahead and destroy them. The post war records will show that the hospital and the power station were successfully defended despite repeated attacks, and that is what matters in terms of technical aspects and combat tactics.

So, drawing from Desert Storm experience, air defense for the hospital is more from accident than from deliberate attack, whereas, the power station would be the deliberate attack. We would deploy air defense for the hospital for humanitarian reason, whereas, air defense for the power station is for genuine combat tactics. Would Iran launch a missile against an Israeli hospital? We do not know and basically, we do not care. The hospital must be defended anyway, if at least from an errant missile intended for somewhere else. In the end, as long as the hospital was successfully defended, the defense method was a success.

Criticize Israeli sources all you want, but you would be missing the point.
I believe it then boils down to whether the defending side knows in advance that the munitions that do get through in the end will not constitute a tactical loss. If the answer is yes, then the defender in reality has had 100% successful interception rate against what they tried to intercept. If the answer is no, then the defender looses, because next time the attacker knows to achieve, say a 90% chance, to hit a target requires, 'x' tapping the target. However for that the attacker will need to know what the defender was trying to achieve. It's all very game theoretic.
this guy is sensationalist and distributor of fake news mostly.

But Scott Ritter is not sensationalist, bro. This is his analysis on the Iranian missile attack on the Nevatim and Ramon air bases.

"The U.S. has an advanced AN/TPY-2 X-band radar stationed at Har Qeren, in the Negev desert.

Its mission is to detect Iranian missile launches, and pass targeting data to Israeli Arrow and David’s Sling and U.S. THAAD ABM batteries deployed to protect sensitive Israeli sites, including Dimona and the Nevatim and Ramon air bases.

Iranian missiles struck both Nevatim and Ramon air bases.

The best surveillance radar in the world, working in concert with the most sophisticated anti-missile defenses in the world, were impotent in the face of the Iranian attack.

For all those trying to spin yesterday’s events as an Israeli victory, chew on that fact:

The best missile defense system in the world could not protect the sites they were tasked with protecting from attacks by Iranian missiles.

Who has deterrence supremacy?

It ain’t Israel."

The most evil entity on earth got owned on April 14.
If Israeli embassy bombing target was to kill Zahedi, they would have killed him elsewhere, e.g: in the way from airport to IRGC HQ in Damascus.

But that was not the target.

The target was do a provocation to Iran and give them a legal excuse for a escalation.

Order from twisted USA to corrupt Israel deep state.

GCC should wake up before it will be too late, they are the real target of current twisted USA plans in Middle East.
But Scott Ritter is not sensationalist, bro. This is his analysis on the Iranian missile attack on the Nevatim and Ramon air bases.

"The U.S. has an advanced AN/TPY-2 X-band radar stationed at Har Qeren, in the Negev desert.

Its mission is to detect Iranian missile launches, and pass targeting data to Israeli Arrow and David’s Sling and U.S. THAAD ABM batteries deployed to protect sensitive Israeli sites, including Dimona and the Nevatim and Ramon air bases.

Iranian missiles struck both Nevatim and Ramon air bases.

The best surveillance radar in the world, working in concert with the most sophisticated anti-missile defenses in the world, were impotent in the face of the Iranian attack.

For all those trying to spin yesterday’s events as an Israeli victory, chew on that fact:

The best missile defense system in the world could not protect the sites they were tasked with protecting from attacks by Iranian missiles.

Who has deterrence supremacy?

It ain’t Israel."

The most evil entity on earth got owned on April 14.
i was referring on claims about what kind of missiles were used.
As much as I respect Putin, there is no way he will supply any country with enough weapons to harm the child-murdering zionists. Inviting Satanyahu to sit next to him at several military victory parades in Moscow shows how tight that relationship is and should be a clear indication that it would never be betrayed.

russia is on eof the founding nations of israel. they will never go against them
Exclusive details on how ballistic missiles & attack drones were shot down by USAF, USN, Israeli AF & others. USAF & Israeli AF were very successful in shooting down a massive number of Iranian attack drones

Let this simple fact sink in. 👇

We're waiting for the day that the child-killing Zionist entity is ready to discuss the extent of the damage and the number of casualties they suffered in that intelligence base in the Golan Heights.
you know i used to say the same. But then i understood what it means to be a Muslim, we are duty bound to help fellow Muslims, sure we are not in a comfortable position, but if you look at it, we are certainly batter than those suffering souls who are at the mercy of those jewish subhumans!
So what should we do?
At first I thought this story in the Israeli press was true because there's indeed a website called with a story that says "a source from the Saudi royal family acknowledges Saudi Arabia’s supposed involvement in thwarting Iranian attack drones" (…).

But upon closer inspection, contrary to what the Jerusalem Post says, this website is not the "royal family’s website". It seems it has in fact zero affiliation with the royal family. So this is essentially a fake news, or a psyop.

@The SC @Persian Gulf

Israelis and their moles in US are trying to divide Muslims...

Another example...

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