Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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At first I thought this story in the Israeli press was true because there's indeed a website called with a story that says "a source from the Saudi royal family acknowledges Saudi Arabia’s supposed involvement in thwarting Iranian attack drones" (…).

But upon closer inspection, contrary to what the Jerusalem Post says, this website is not the "royal family’s website". It seems it has in fact zero affiliation with the royal family. So this is essentially a fake news, or a psyop.

@The SC @Persian Gulf

Israelis and their moles in US are trying to divide Muslims...

Another example...

Only the ignorant will trust these sources..but indeed that is what they are targeting..
Has it now? My eyes see the Iranian embassy standing and the building next to it destroyed. What do your eyes see?
You just need to see the first page of this topic. The Iranian consulate building was destroyed by Jewish terrorists
If Israeli embassy bombing target was to kill Zahedi, they would have killed him elsewhere, e.g: in the way from airport to IRGC HQ in Damascus.

But that was not the target.

The target was do a provocation to Iran and give them a legal excuse for a escalation.

Order from twisted USA to corrupt Israel deep state.

GCC should wake up before it will be too late, they are the real target of current twisted USA plans in Middle East.
You are almost correct, the main target are China n Russia. Especially China. Iran is the only energy hub for china in case of war, n the weakest one.
Honestly I finally had to block this guy comparing things from 30 40 60 years ago to today, again fanboy but his knowledge of current events and comparing things what happened decades ago got annoying
Just read the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations document that explains everything, but he turned the argument around by relativizing Israel's action.

Consulates obtain the same degree of immunity as embassies, if he does not know the principle of extraterritoriality, he is only stating things he does not know. The fact that he says that the idea of immunity only applies in relation to the country in which he is based is too comical.
I am a simple man, but I believe the questions above dont make a strong case to retaliate against Iran and so it should be that Israel should just take the win. The truth is, from this attack and from the Ukraine war, we have entered an era where the drone is most likely the kind of air warfare and a decisive factor. The high cost weapon systems touted for their precision is beginning to look like a negative versus low cost attack platforms that are likely to severely challenge the defender.
I disagree. For yrs on this forum, I have remained largely silent on the idea that the F-35 will be the last manned fighter platform. This Iran to Israel attack using UAV pretty much reduced the strength, if not completely dispelled, that argument.

Technically speaking, a UAV is an airplane. Were the Iranian UAVs remotely piloted? That is important. For certain, a manned fighter is more sophisticated, but why? Most arguments centered around the fact that we need to keep the pilot alive, but that is not all. The manned airplane is more sophisticated because we want to give the pilot all the information he needs to make decisions. The airplane have the cockpit from which he can see outside, and various sensors to give him information beyond his human view. Current UAV do not have the same level of sophistication. At least not yet.

These Iranian UAVs were probably just 'dumb' models. Launch and forget. INS guidance would get them to where they were programmed to be, then dive to the ground. Were they aware that they were radar 'painted' by manned fighters before they were shot down? Probably not.

So, would we have a smarter UAV to go after other UAVs? Am sure we are heading in that direction. But then it begs the question of how smart do we want this UAV -- ON ITS OWN -- before we reach the point of putting a pilot on it. Now we are back to square one -- the manned fighter. For remotely piloted UAV, the communication link is the weakest part, so we are going to add AI to supplement the grounded human pilot. But then it begs the original question of how much AI before we are back to square one -- put the human pilot in.

Dumb UAVs would be the equivalent of 'human wave' tactic on the ground. So yes, if you can out-manufacture the enemy, you can drown his defenses. But financially, how many dumb UAV equals to one manned fighter? The cost calculus of one dumb UAV vs an F-16 is a misguided one based on this question: Where do you want the decision maker (pilot) to be, remote or on-scene?

F-15Es from the 494th and 335th Fighter Squadrons shot down more than 70 of the drones, along with participation by Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornets from the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower.​

We can be certain that these engagements were mano-a-uav, but the pilots, aided by AWACS, just simply moved from one dumb target to the next. I doubt that there were literally 70 fighters of F-15s and F-18s.
You are almost correct, the main target are China n Russia. Especially China. Iran is the only energy hub for china in case of war, n the weakest one.
We must remember now news of one decade ago when Israel Iran war was close, and how USA did one thing and say the opposite (with the Nobel peace prize as chief in command).

Remember this:

January 21st 2012

When USA aircraft carriers passed Hormuz strait by pairs in the middle of Iran threats.

January 22nd 2012

January 19th 2012
And Russia announcing a few later that they wont sell S300 to Iran.

The main feature of USA empire is LIES. Constant lies to the point of make real nonsense fantasies.
At first I thought this story in the Israeli press was true because there's indeed a website called with a story that says "a source from the Saudi royal family acknowledges Saudi Arabia’s supposed involvement in thwarting Iranian attack drones" (…).

But upon closer inspection, contrary to what the Jerusalem Post says, this website is not the "royal family’s website". It seems it has in fact zero affiliation with the royal family. So this is essentially a fake news, or a psyop.

@The SC @Persian Gulf

Israelis and their moles in US are trying to divide Muslims...

Another example...

That was quite confusing too.
If we zoom out from a tactical to a strategic perspective.

When was the last time one saw wave of UAVs, BMs rain down on the skies above Israel.

That is a very powerful image.

Keep in perspective, the Iranians gave a prior call to the Americans of the incoming UAVs, BMs. And The claim of 99% interception rate is a complete lie.

So whatever happened, this goes a long way in breaking the aura of Israel’s invincibility and maybe the Zionists will have second thoughts before they go on their genocidal ways.
It says almost all ballistic missile have hit the targets. From other sources, Iran fired approximately 110 BMs but only 7 hits. How do we then say almost all of the hit? @Persian Gulf
As per many verified accounts on different social media platforms, while majority of drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles without evasive maneuverability were intercepted, all of the hypersonic missiles with multiple warheads and course correction capabilities have hit the targets..

That's a massive win. I don't know why Iran didn't want to humiliate Israel. Maybe there was some sort of tactic to not show the world what Iranis are capable of without even using the most sophisticated weapons they have.
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