Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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I have a different view of the situation. Embassy attack by Israel was exactly to pull Iran into a direct conflict with Israel and by that way with the west. Israel has fought the proxies long enough to realize that, its mostly useless untill they deal with the source. they had been trying to get the US involved for some time and seems like its the time for them to go for the kill.

Israel is far superior economically, technologically and has significatnly much more western support than Iran could ever dream of. if they move ahead with their plan to attack Iran, west /US may not support them initially, but if they start having challenges with Iran, west will eventually move in. Afterall, Israel is their poster child.

And no matter what all the Iranian and their supporter wants to believe, but Iran is no match for a proper conventional kitenic conflict with Israel, leave apart the combined west.

My guess is that, its going to be Iran who will back down from a conflict with Israel, not the other way round
They didn't attack the Embassy.
It was an IRGC building next to embassy. I guess they thought they would be safe stationed next door to Iran's embassy... they thought wrong.
Russians have been dangling that lollipop for at least a couple of decades. Iranians will be the biggest fools to continue to rely on these closet zionist Russians.

As much as I respect Putin, there is no way he will supply any country with enough weapons to harm the child-murdering zionists. Inviting Satanyahu to sit next to him at several military victory parades in Moscow shows how tight that relationship is and should be a clear indication that it would never be betrayed.

As much as I respect Putin, there is no way he will supply any country with enough weapons to harm the child-murdering zionists. Inviting Satanyahu to sit next to him at several military victory parades in Moscow shows how tight that relationship is and should be a clear indication that it would never be betrayed.

Russia and Putin have their own problems. They want to wrap up their campaign and be quick about it:
Has it now? My eyes see the Iranian embassy standing and the building next to it destroyed. What do your eyes see?

You see things through your American eyes. American eyes often see things very differently as opposed to other peoples. It is a known issue.
Exclusive details on how ballistic missiles & attack drones were shot down by USAF, USN, Israeli AF & others. USAF & Israeli AF were very successful in shooting down a massive number of Iranian attack drones

This goes to show that in order to counter the Americans and its allies the likes of Russia and China will have to create their own bloc.
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So which is it a consulate or embassy? Iran embassy still stands and why is a "consulate" next to the embassy? See where I'm going? Some folks here have this delusion that an embassy is considered sovereign when it's not especially "consulates" that host high ranking military generals of their nations.
You see things through your American eyes. American eyes often see things very differently as opposed to other peoples. It is a known issue.
So you are telling me your human eyes don't see the Iranian embassy still standing because your eyes are not American? I'm pretty sure you don't need yankee eyes to see Iran embassy still standing I think you choose to close your eyes and hear what your itchy ears want to hear.
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