Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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Can you list which exact BM's from Iranian arsenal were launched and from what ranges? Failure is a relative term, I am hoping Israel/US planners are a bit more realistic and circumspect in private corridors than the bluster you are displaying.

Have you for a second considered Iran may have held back their best BM systems and with this first salvo may have used it to assess Israeli/US and other child killer coalition's response profile and also to send a message to the child killers that the ABM batteries can be overwhelmed with a higher saturation attack?
Not his fault, I've noticed in the West, some people will take what their mainstream media and even government is saying as the 'ground truth' upon which they will create their analysis and views. As a Pakistani Im atleast proud of that: Im able to question the credibility of each and everything of this world.

@F-22Raptor, remember Collin Powel standing in the UN?
They want to be able strike IRGC in Syria/Lebanon without consequences. US made a threat yesterday that it will respond on behalf of Israel if Iran hits Israel again. That means if Israel kills a Iranian general again in Syria, and Iran responds, then the US will bomb Iran for Israel to assert the new equation for Israel. Truly is insane. Like saying if anyone tries stopping the genocide in Gaza, we will commit a genocide against them. It's gonna lead to a regional war that kicks out Western forces entirely and the Jewish squatters will get a taste of everything they did to the children of Gaza. If US really follows through with the Jewish-American community - drawn policies.
These people are delusional. You can check reddit out on worldnews and they think israel is somekind of superpower, when in reality it extremely weak and dependent on the entire G7 for it's defence. It's even more lunatic is that they hit the embassy and have been doing mental gymnastics saying it's justified. Imagine iran hitting UK or US embassy and calling we hit the counsulate which hosted general who have been planning against us. It's all zero sum equation for these baby killers, full of hypocrisy. Look at syria, after their fake democracy civil war. It's a country in ruins and same as iraq. Iran is 1000 better under mullahs than it'll ever be under the self perceived democracy.

If they end up invading iran, then you'll probably see the oil fields under US control lol. Its all about the oil and money. It's insanity out there.

Only military might is the actual strength. There are no international laws period.
Dude do you even read news that isn’t wsj which is Rupert Murdoch owned the real news is starting to trickle in from Israel media blackout footage is starting to pop up that is Israel military press coordinated Military Press says take videos at one small steam rollers with a tiny hole to emphasize that the attack was a joke. Real news is starting to say buildings were destroyed runway was damaged and a c 130 was damaged. I’m not a military man but I’m scratching my chin thinking why the f 35 weren’t damaged oh I forgot Iranians told everyone they were attacking said airbase so they kept all the planes in the sky for 3 hours amazing intelligence work Iranians have literally been telling everyone in a highly coordinated choreographed show.
Iranians pre informing 3 days or 5 days in advance, could be questioned. However what is without doubt is that they gave a few hours notice, and I personally know that. Do you know how? Because yesterday evening when I opened BBC, SKY etc it said 'Iran launches retaliatory strike' and below it said 'expected to reach Israel in two/ three hours. Lol, the whole world knows they had time to move their assets.
Iranians pre informing 3 days or 5 days in advance, could be questioned. However what is without doubt is that they gave a few hours notice, and I personally know that. Do you know how? Because yesterday evening when I opened BBC, SKY etc it said 'Iran launches retaliatory strike' and below it said 'expected to reach Israel in two/ three hours. Lol, the whole world knows they had time to move their assets.
the drones take 8 hours to reach Israel from Iran, so that's the notice

next time they can launch ballistic missiles first
These people are delusional. You can check reddit out on worldnews and they think israel is somekind of superpower, when in reality it extremely weak and dependent on the entire G7 for it's defence. It's even more lunatic is that they hit the embassy and have been doing mental gymnastics saying it's justified. Imagine iran hitting UK or US embassy and calling we hit the counsulate which hosted general who have been planning against us. It's all zero sum equation for these baby killers, full of hypocrisy. Look at syria, after their fake democracy civil war. It's a country in ruins and same as iraq. Iran is 1000 better under mullahs than it'll ever be under the self perceived democracy.

If they end up invading iran, then you'll probably see the oil fields under US control lol. Its all about the oil and money. It's insanity out there.

Only military might is the actual strength. There are no international laws period.
Reddit world News is mostly Zionist fanatics posturing and beating their chests. It's a propaganda channel. Mods ban anyone that doesn't narrative build for Israel. It's a ton of Israeli's and American Jews posting there too. Probably 80% of the comments and users there are Jews. It's better to just ignore it entirely. They silence the majority voice in their little reddit safe space but it's far from close to reality. Most Americans oppose Israel and any wars for Israel.
We will see. You are just ranting away like the Indian you are.

I have one piece of advice for you. Don't get too obsessed and carried away with Iran versus Israel. Focus on Pakistan. We still have scores to settle. Iran should be your least concern. Remember a two front war is coming against India.

Why are you Pakistanis wasting your bandwidth on him for it should be Iranians challenging this Indian ? For mocking them!!
Why are you Pakistanis wasting your bandwidth on him for it should be Iranians challenging this Indian ? For mocking them!!

It should be an eye opener for Iranians. We are simply doing the bare necessary.
You are over-hyping US supposed offence.
I think Ops Praying Mantis type operation will be enough to get the Iranians in line
Iranians don't want to be like Afghanistan after any major standoff with US.

What I am saying is , their is GOOD reason why the U.S or any other state hasn't openly attacked Iran

This is because the U.S being the preeminent power has run numerous in-house studies etc on conflict with multiple countries and it came to the conclusion that it may end up losing against Iran in any conflict in the middle east

Not because the U.S isn't a superpower
Nor because the U.S doesn't have the ability to strike Iran

But because Iran will strike back and in any conflict on Iran's home turf, sufficient power could not be built up to seriously harm Iran or take them out, thus even if attacked Iran would recover and it's response could be devastating to U.S bases and targets across the middle east

THATS WHY the U.S does not want to escalate
It's why the Jews have desperately tried to force the U.S or west to fight in their behalf, because Israel itself is worried and scared

The Arabs shamelessly, rather then stand with Iran are scared of it and would rather deal with the U.S and Jews to keep them in power
huge allocation of assets and focus on cost effective mass production over 25 years has some benefits

Yep Iran knew that due to sanctions and its own technological base it could not buy or build an effective air-force and so decided to invest hundreds of billions in that time in building mainly ballistic missiles.
What I am saying is , their is GOOD reason why the U.S or any other state hasn't openly attacked Iran

This is because the U.S being the preeminent power has run numerous in-house studies etc on conflict with multiple countries and it came to the conclusion that it may end up losing against Iran in any conflict in the middle east

Not because the U.S isn't a superpower
Nor because the U.S doesn't have the ability to strike Iran

But because Iran will strike back and in any conflict on Iran's home turf, sufficient power could not be built up to seriously harm Iran or take them out, thus even if attacked Iran would recover and it's response could be devastating to U.S bases and targets across the middle east

THATS WHY the U.S does not want to escalate
It's why the Jews have desperately tried to force the U.S or west to fight in their behalf, because Israel itself is worried and scared

The Arabs shamelessly, rather then stand with Iran are scared of it and would rather deal with the U.S and Jews to keep them in power

The Arabs are backstabbers. Plain and simple. They did it to the Turks. Now they are doing it against the Palestinians.
Are the Iranian MRBMs made of cardboard or something?

They seem to give an impression Iran has more MRBMs than rest of the world combined.
Every country has its strong points, it like in every video game, each civ/ faction will have a strength. US air power, Israel interceptor (Arrow 3 is unprecedented even by US standards), hell even Pakistan will have some faction strength if it were in a video game. Its like Pakistan makes its own small munitions, Iran makes large BMs.
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