Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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It began on October 7th and will end in Tehran. This is the beginning of the end of the Islamic Republic and before this long night is through, there will be a larger Republic of Azerbaijan, an Emirate of Khuzestan, a Free Balochistan, a Republic of Rojhelat and a rump Persian state. There is coalition being built right now to finish off Iran as a nation.

It pains me to know that Tehran will be a giant pool of molten flesh and asphalt in a few weeks. The Iranian people do not deserve this. But then again, they do. For the world runs on might and might alone. They had 40 years to overthrow this government.
No it didn’t begin on Oct 7th.
It started 75 years ago - the rape - the stealing of land - creating an apartheid state - imprisoned 1000s without a trial - yet you want to pretend it started on the 7th? No it didn’t.
Anymore insults spouted with a sprinkle of sarcasm and I will take action
Can't wait to see the OIL PRICE and DOW JONES or LSE U.K. on this week ...thank Mr. MILIEKOWSKI (Netanyahu's REAL NAME) for HIGHER INFLATION. This Zionist is going to effect millions Europeans and American's living cost if zionists are not reined in let see how long public opinion remains silent in the west?
Indeed man! **** this ****! He (Net-a-ton-yahoooo) is going to ensure we will have a massive recession in coming months.
Can't wait to see the OIL PRICE and DOW JONES or LSE U.K. on this week ...thank Mr. MILIEKOWSKI (Netanyahu's REAL NAME) for HIGHER INFLATION. This Zionist is going to effect millions Europeans and American's living cost if zionists are not reined in let see how long public opinion remains silent in the west?
I didn't know this Jew had changed his name! I knew was Polish but my god these lot will go to any extent to fool people....I guess they're not known as masters in manipulation for no reason lol
People bringing up interception rates. Iran's response served as a warning and established deterrence, first of all. If it didn't establish deterrence then Israel wouldn't be wanting to respond or calling on the US to attack Iran with it.

Secondly, it's already known a big part of any first wave of drones/missiles would get shot down by the multi -billion dollar anti missile defense systems US funded and developed for Israel. Israel do not have many interceptors for those. And even in the first wave, a ton of drones got into Israel. Anyone saying otherwise is denying reality. The Israeli air raid sirens were going off for 40 minutes straight. Each few alerts representing trajectory of a drone/missile.

My estimate is Israel's inventory of these Patriots/Arrow/Sling will be over whelmed heavily in a second wave and depleted after several. Which means Israel will try invoking NATO intervention within a few weeks of war at most. And that's if Iran is using the same older and simple drones/cruise missiles. They have much more potent weapons they could deploy if they sought to. It will not be hard for Iran to pummel Israel and thus I doubt Israel will do any attack on Iran without a guarantee of NATO/US intervention if so requested by Israel.
"Half-Breeds" are unfortunately a necessity to increase the Iranian genetic potential. More Iranian women should marry and procreate with Germans and Scandinavians. If we hope to win back all of our territory after this war. Having Germanic ancestry is an upgrade.
I warned you - now go and take a break and watch the thread from the outside
Israel and USA is building a coalition to support an attack on Iran to finish off their nuclear and missle programme and the islamic proxies in syria and Iraq ..
What is surprising is this coalition includes France and UK but rather surprisingly Saudi UAE and Jordan l

They are coming after Iran and I don't think Iran has any one to support them . Irans friend including china and turkey will not get involved

The 300 Iranian missiles and drones that where intercepted and destroyed was combined effort of air defense from
Israel. Iron done
USA french and UK warships and Jordan as well...

I'm.not on any side contrary to your claims ...I just sit and watch how Iran was the only country that supported the Gaza people with direct action now the west will break Iran influence ...

You cannot win against USA Israel and the west...

Only empty words. We have seen how US/NATO and its entire bandwagon couldn't defeat the Taliban for 20 straight years. They had everything in Afghanistan. Their weapons, logistics, soldiers, fast food restaurants etc. At the end of the day, US/NATO left without any meaningful progress.

You are day dreaming. If Israel and the US started to act like cowboys there will be consequences from more powerful quarters. You think China and Russia are your friend? LOL Saudi Arabia, UAE and the likes are garbage. Absolute garbage. They don't know how to fight. They buy security from abroad. They don't have an army of soldiers that can actually fight. Even pilots have to be flown from outside to fly their expensive jets.
Some of the posters make some of the dumbest arguments

Iran is a major power, unlike Iraq it has OFFENSIVE POWER
Sure it has limitations but it has a large army, a it's offensive and defensive plans are centered around it's missile program and lately it's drone program

So it's plowed money into these programmes and made tens of thousands of missiles at a minimum, maybe even more

No country, can invade Iran because their is no base for the enemy to build up a sufficient force,
ALL regional countries know what Iran can do, and none what to be targeted, so none will allow the U.S to use them as a base, even if they did, Iran would annihilate them with a shower of missiles


They could fire missiles or launch missiles and munitions from jets, but then where do you base the jets,
You COULD use air craft carriers, but they would be a target for thousands of missiles

They could use Israel as a base but then they would have to violate multiple countries airspace to launch any attacks,

Neither of these options will cause enough damage to Iran that would take it out of the game AND IN THE MEANTIME, Iran would justifiably, start firing thousands of missiles at any ship, base, target and Israel itself

So how are you protecting U.S bases, ships or Israel from thousands of missiles

The straights of hormuz would be closed, oil and gas from the entire middle east could be effected, effecting multiple countries and the world economy

Houthis would forever even more into the red sea

Other proxies would join in

All the while, Russia and China will safeguard Iran at the U.N because Iran was responding to a Israeli attack on its consulate

Iran may take punishment,
Iran may lose some important people
or get important sites hit

BUT it will also hit back and be standing at the end, more angry then ever, with Russia, China and others
No it didn’t begin on Oct 7th.
It started 75 years ago - the rape - the stealing of land - creating an apartheid state - imprisoned 1000s without a trial - yet you want to pretend it started on the 7th? No it didn’t.
Anymore insults spouted with a sprinkle of sarcasm and I will take action
You guys realize who is to really blame? They are much closer home!
It began on October 7th and will end in Tehran. This is the beginning of the end of the Islamic Republic and before this long night is through, there will be a larger Republic of Azerbaijan, an Emirate of Khuzestan, a Free Balochistan, a Republic of Rojhelat and a rump Persian state. There is coalition being built right now to finish off Iran as a nation.

It pains me to know that Tehran will be a giant pool of molten flesh and asphalt in a few weeks. The Iranian people do not deserve this. But then again, they do. For the world runs on might and might alone. They had 40 years to overthrow this government.
You're probably zionist scumbag, reported again
"Half-Breeds" are unfortunately a necessity to increase the Iranian genetic potential. More Iranian women should marry and procreate with Germans and Scandinavians. If we hope to win back all of our territory after this war. Having Germanic ancestry is an upgrade.

Whores buddy, whores
You're probably zionist scumbag, reported again

I will tell you who he is. One of those Persian Shah baghora's. You know what the most ironic thing is about these Shah types? America backstabbed and screwed their Shah a 100 times over. Today they are angry at Islamists ruling over Iran.
People bringing up interception rates. Iran's response served as a warning and established deterrence, first of all. If it didn't establish deterrence then Israel wouldn't be wanting to respond or calling on the US to attack Iran with it.

Secondly, it's already known a big part of any first wave of drones/missiles would get shot down by the multi -billion dollar anti missile defense systems US funded and developed for Israel. Israel do not have many interceptors for those. And even in the first wave, a ton of drones got into Israel. Anyone saying otherwise is denying reality. The Israeli air raid sirens were going off for 40 minutes straight. Each few alerts representing trajectory of a drone/missile.

My estimate is Israel's inventory of these Patriots/Arrow/Sling will be over whelmed heavily in a second wave and depleted after several. Which means Israel will try invoking NATO intervention within a few weeks of war at most. And that's if Iran is using the same older and simple drones/cruise missiles. They have much more potent weapons they could deploy if they sought to. It will not be hard for Iran to pummel Israel and thus I doubt Israel will do any attack on Iran without a guarantee of NATO/US intervention if so requested by Israel.
World average iq is around 82
No offense, but Iran should have tested the bomb what they had a chance.

Nuclear weapons are not everything, I'm sure Iran has nuclear warheads anyway, if not I'm sure it has some sort of chemical or biological weapons that can be just as dangerous and destructive
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