Iran launches Operation True Promise - massive missile/drone strikes across Israel, Israel allegedly responds with quadcopters

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You are on a Muslim forum and attacking the Muslim religion?

Are you some ex-Muslim that now hates Muslims by any chance like those confused Iranian exiles?
There are plenty Pakistani atheists, so you cannot make that assertion.
The only ones telling themselves lies are you and the rest who believe that attack was a success. On the night of the attack, I was slammed, mocked, laughed at, banned from the thread and speedlimited. You know who was proven right at the end of the day? Me, and I’m not patting myself on the back, it’s just the truth.
The only proof of this attack was the lie made by Israel claiming an interception rate of 99% and the USA constantly changing the interception numbers, going from four missiles to 6 missiles. How much is it today? Increased to eight?
I am an Iranian-German mix living in England. My skin is fair, eyes green, and hair medium-brown. I have chiseled features and a masculine jawline, and I effortlessly keep myself fit with an ectomorphic build designed for sleekness and maximum potency. I am virile, healthy, don't smoke, don't drink, and make over six figures. Try again.

Iranian- German

You mean your a half breed?
You have a very low bar for "impressive". Iran launched 300 missiles and drones at Israel. Most of the drones were shot down. Most of all of the projectiles were shot down before reaching Israel. The only ones that landed were some ballistic missiles. They inflicted minimal/moderate damage on a few structures and no loss of life. You can sit here and engage in mental gymnastics about how a bunch of sandal-wearing, once-a-week showering mullahs and their goons planned this exact outcome out with state of the art, hyper-accurate missiles because it was a "warning" or "demonstration of capabilities" or whatever all you want. The proof is in the pudding. Iran's attack was weak and laughable. A jetless, tankless, toothless paper tiger army that is laughable, as geopolitical analysts George Friedman and Peter Zeihan beautifully describe.

I don't understand what is with this Muslim obsession with dying. Why do Muslims want to die? Why do they poke the sleeping bear? It's almost as if dying is the ultimate orgasm for them. Must be some extreme form of sadomasochism.

Israels invincibility was completely shattered last night.

It showed how much they rely on the US to protect them. Other nations got involved to help defend them.

Iran sent slow kamakazi drones giving them plenty of time to mobilise and intercept them and they are now chest thumping on their successful defence. That was the purpose of those drones to be expendable and limit casulties.

The CMs and BMs, how many and what types is more serious to look at. A number of them got through to their target which means Iran achieved its objective with Israel being ready for more than 72hrs. Just let that sink in, with all their defenses and allies protecting them in position and ready for more than 24hrs their airbase was still hit.

To me this didn't seem like a sharp Iranian response. It was deliberately blunted, purpose was to show capability and shock and awe which was achieved.
This will be another round where many will be exposed. Thus far, China has diplomatically done the right thing.

Iran can help itself and Iran will help itself.

Israel will be most vulnerable going it alone. Remember that US and other poodles have claimed that they won't be assisting Israel.

Israel and USA is building a coalition to support an attack on Iran to finish off their nuclear and missle programme and the islamic proxies in syria and Iraq ..
What is surprising is this coalition includes France and UK but rather surprisingly Saudi UAE and Jordan l

They are coming after Iran and I don't think Iran has any one to support them . Irans friend including china and turkey will not get involved

The 300 Iranian missiles and drones that where intercepted and destroyed was combined effort of air defense from
Israel. Iron done
USA french and UK warships and Jordan as well...

I'm.not on any side contrary to your claims ...I just sit and watch how Iran was the only country that supported the Gaza people with direct action now the west will break Iran influence ...

You cannot win against USA Israel and the west...
So Israel is planning for a response to Iran's response in which will have another Iranian response to Israel's response to Iran's response?
I am an Iranian-German mix living in England. My skin is fair, eyes green, and hair medium-brown. I have chiseled features and a masculine jawline, and I effortlessly keep myself fit with an ectomorphic build designed for sleekness and maximum potency. I am virile, healthy, don't smoke, don't drink, and make over six figures. Try again.
You're weird 💀
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